Sitting in the back of a cab I was sobbing harder than I think I've ever in my entire life and that's saying something considering all the shit I've gone through. Hoshi had tried to stop me when he saw the condition I was but I really couldn't stay there any longer I had to go home to pack so I could take the first flight back home.

Hoshi luckily listened and called a cab to take me to the house. Nick didn't even try to stop me or tell me he was joking. He sat in Hoshi's kitchen drinking alcohol like nothing just happened.

The poor cab guy didn't even know what to do but to ask if I wanted tissues. I gladly took them.

When the car stopped in front of the house I've lived in for about two months now my heart broke once again.

I got out of the cab slowly making my way to the mansion. The helpers outside greeted me but all I could do was smile in return.

I knew I couldn't go inside looking like this so I went to the garden before just to calm down. My body shivers as the night air hit.

"I'll go back and everything will be okay." I told myself looking up at the stars.


Jaehyun's voice causes me to jump up in surprise. He stood by the entrance with a mug in his hands. I stood up knowing this encounter won't end well so it's best if I left.

"Good night."

He threw the mug before rushing to grab me by the wrist. "Tell me why do you always run away?"

"I don't!"

He scoffs. "You're such a damn liar Samantha!"

"Let go!"

Jaehyun shockingly presses his lips on mine as if I were a robot my stupid body reacted with default settings. I kissed him back.

Although it's been years since I felt his lips on mine I still felt a spark that I felt the first time we kissed. We slowly pull away eyes locked.

"We are both married." I whisper regret immediately replacing the spark I felt.

"…You know I loved you so much…why didn't you trust me?"

No. I made a huge mistake not walking away when I had the chance. "I'm tired. Goodnight." I quickly try to leave.


I freeze stopping dead in my tracks. That stupid name was chosen by Michael. He decided that I'd be better off without using my real name.

"I'm not-"

"You were in a car accident and killed someone."

His words knock the air out of my lungs.

"Your dad covered the whole thing up and you went free…the media was in a frenzy so you went to Korea until the buzz died down."

"…" My mouth opened and closed but nothing came out. Jaehyun knows so much…but how?

"I did my research when you disappeared…I still wanted to be with you."

"…Jaehyun. You don't understand anything."

"Yes I do. You're a murderer."

That word. That stupid word. Mom called me that word before and although I knew the truth it still hurt like hell to be seen as a monster by those you adore.

"…Murderer." I said feeling defeated.

Jaehyun rushes to me taking my hands into his. His actions confused me but I chose not to question him.

"I don't care. I love you either way." Jaehyun's eyes fill with tears. "I looked for you for so long. I tried to think of ways to get back to you but I still couldn't find a way…now I know I can protect you. Fate has brought us back together."

Do I admit to all of this or not?

"I'm really tired. Can we continue this talk later?"

"…Okay but you're not leaving…not tomorrow at least." He said letting go of my hands.

I thank him before turning to head back to the guest room.

2 years ago

I was exhaused from a day filled with curious students who were eager to learn and preparing them for exams. I was honestly so happy to be back home.

Walking in the air was filled with a garlicky scent and something meaty. My stomach growled as I threw my bag on the couch.

"Baby I'm home!" I ran to hug my boyfriend from behind. I could tell he was smiling. He didn't move away from the stake he was cooking though.

"My baby is back finally."

"Did you miss me?"

He turns off the stove turning to face me. I giggle seeing that he had worn my apron.

"Well obviously baby!" he hugs me tightly causing me to stumble into him.

"Baby you're not allowing me to breath. I can't die without eating this delicious meal."

He laughs as he lets go of me. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay…I love you so I don't mind." I smile at him and before I knew it he was kissing me deeply.

"You mean the world to me." He whispered making my heart flutter.

"I feel exactly the same."

"My darling Layla."

Layla. That damn name. The name that isn't mine. I'd love to hear him call me by my real name but I know that's impossible. What will he even think?

That he is with a huge con artist who faked her whole identity to hide?

Jaehyun can never ever find out the truth. I can't lose him.

Present day//


I turn to Kazuha who sat across from me drinking her green tea or something. She had invited me to a fancy cafè at breakfast.

Nick was surprisingly not at breakfast and I had to lie he was with Hoshi although I doubt that's the truth.

"Okay spill. Did you and Nick have a fight or something? I've never seem you look this distracted before."

"No. I was just deep in thought. I apologize."

"Look I didn't want to say anything before but I've noticed you sleep in the guest room…if you two aren't getting along I can't say I'm surprised."

"And why is that?"

"Nick is a playboy."

She laughs. "I almost thought he was serious about you but not every man can be loyal like my Jaehyun."

I smirk at that. She thinks Jaehyun is serious about her.

"…I guess you should file for divorce I actually know a good lawyer."

Kazuha needs to shut up for once. I'M NOT IN THE MOOD.

"I need to go rest. I have a massive hangover." I get up leaving before she can even respond.

I could take the train but I will definitely get lost if I do that. So I need a cab. Luckily I have the address written down.


I look up from my phone immediately regretting it. Nick runs over to me dressed in a suit. So he has extra clothes at Sana's house…

"Nick I-"

He suddenly pulls me close kissing me out of nowhere.