A few days after the news of my pregnancy came out I was still anxious as ever.

Not only did I know that Nick believed I was a murderer, I also knew he had bad intentions and nothing he said or did could be trusted.

What bothers me the most is that Nick can look into my eyes knowing I'm telling him complete lies and he can easily fool me into believing he believes me.

Our twisted relationship gives me so much anguish. I have no idea when we will both be honest with each other and lay all our cards on the table.

On the other hand my family was pleased with the news especially my mother and Shawn. Shawn said he'd come to Japan as soon as the baby is born and he'd spoil my kid rotten.

Mom had the same idea as my brother promising to make sure her first  grandchild was loved and given everything they'd want.

Naomi and Evan both want to be god parents and I don't have any objections. They were really happy for me and also promised to come see the baby.

"Here is some fruit." Miss Sakura was taking extra care of me now. She always made sure I was in good condition which made me admire her more.

"Thank you so much."

"Don't thank me, eat as much as possible to get energy."

"Okay." I pick up the plate of  nicely placed fruits. "This looks so pretty."

"Thank you." She smiles watching me eat.

Apart from keeping me well fed it seems like Miss Sakura had also become my personal bodygaurd. She would stay by my side until I went to bed. I didn't mind as she was like a repellant that kept both Michael who was insufferable at this point and Jaehyun away.

Jaehyun heard about the pregnancy last as he was in Korea for work. I had to look away when Kazuha happily told him Nick and I were expecting.

Jaehyun didn't say much only mumbling a "Congratulations" before going to his room to rest.

"Miss, do you need anything at all?"

"No. This is great." I look up at her. "Please sit. You can't just stand like that all day." I tell her as nicely as I could.

It was a nice summer day and all she was doing was standing around like a bodyguard. I wanted her to sit and enjoy the beautiful nature in this large garden.

"Yes ma'am."

She sits beside me giving me a strange look. It was like she wanted to say something but was afraid I would get upset.

Closing the book I could hardly focus on thanks to the lovely birds chirping so loudly here, I turn to her curious as to why she was behaving this way. Miss Sakura often spoke her mind so this was strange.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Well, I was curious about something." Now I was intrigued. "You do not need to answer if you wish not to." She quickly adds.

"Go ahead." I encouraged.

"Why did you almost marry Mr Haruto?" She looks down.

"You mean Michael?"


This is the first time Miss Sakura seemed flustered. She must've been thinking about this for a long time.

"For my family."


"Well, our family business suddenly went bankrupt and he promised to help us out so I agreed to the marriage."

She makes a hmmmm sound deep in thought.

"So this means, he wanted to marry you because he was interested in you." She seems to be talking to herself. She furrowed her brows.

"I didn't think he'd ever move on from Miss meisa." She mumbles.


She looks at me suprised I heard her. Miss Sakura laughs nervously. "I...didn't say anything."

"No, I heard you." I move closer to her. "Did Michael have feelings for my husband's mother?"

My question leaves her pale and shifting uncomfortably in her seat. Michael having feelings for Miss Meisa is not what I would have expected.

"Mrs Sammy promise you will not ever tell anyone this." She begs me desperately.

"Yes of course."

"Even your husband must not know."

"I understand."

"Mrs Sammy I am begging you, do not tell him."  She emphasizes on me keeping this from Nick.

I hold her hand to calm her. "I promise you. Please don't worry."

She takes a shaky breath before looking me in the eyes. "They actually had an affair."

A gasp escapes my mouth. I thought  Miss Meisa hated  Michael as much as Nick does. I could have never guessed this was possible.

Nick has no idea his mother did such a thing. It seems like everyone has a dirty secret around here.

"How is that even possible?" I ask in disbelief.

She looks around the empty garden to make sure no one was around.

"I caught them myself...in this very garden."

I wasn't sure if what she was saying was true but why would Miss Sakura lie to me? She has absolutely nothing to gain.


My blood ran cold upon hearing the voice of the very person we were just talking about.

"Master?" Miss Sakura gasps jumping to her feet instantly.

He walks over to us with his hands clasped behind his back. 

"Don't you have work to do?" He asked annoyance written on his face.

"She is keeping me company."

"If you nees company I am right here, go back to work."

Miss Sakura doesn't even spare me a glance before rushing back inside. I can't blame her for being this way around Michael, his presence can be overwhelming and over powering. I feared him for almost two years so I understood Miss Sakura's reaction.

"You have changed so much." He began.

I get up straightening my posture. "What do you mean?"

"The old Samantha wouldn't have stayed here with me all alone." He smiles as though this pleased him.

I don't say anything wondering what the hell he really wanted. Michael was not the small tall kind of person. He always had a goal of some sort.

"Samantha I want peace."

"Peace?" I doubt that he is being honest. Michael can never be trusted.

"I know that you won't believe me but, I am just looking for redemption."

What on earth was this man trying to do now?

"I don't believe a word you say." I  tell him bitterly.

He doesn't look suprised at this reaction and gives me a warm smile. "I want us to talk somehwere else."


"This place has eyes and ears even in the walls."

"I won't go." There was no way I'll go anywhere with him.

He pinches the bridge of his nose faustrated with my stubbornness.

"I don't trust you nor will I ever do so. So do me a favor and leave me alone."  "I love my husband and want nothing to do with his enemy."

Michael laughs menacingly pretending like I just told him the funniest joke ever.

"Stop it!" I yell for him to stop but he continues laughing like a maniac.

He takes a step closer to me. His laughter stops and is replaced by a psychotic stare.

"Oh my dear Sammy, when will you accept the fact that his only enemy is you?" He moves closer to my ear. "The person who killed his sister."