"Mr Sakurada?"

I pull away quickly in embarrassment as his Secretary caught us. She had a light blush on her face. 

"Yes?" He turns to her no shame in sight.

"Your meeting starts in 2 minutes." 

"Alright...go first I'll be there in a second."

She bows and excused herself. I avoided eye contact with her due to the shame building up within me.

Nicolas turns to me and half jokingly says, "Shall we continue?" 

I laugh. "Absolutely not."

Nick grins. "Well at least we enjoyed it."

"I won't deny that." 

He takes my Hands into his. "Samantha go on a date with me."

"Nick...that's abit...I don't think that's a good idea." 

"Sammy please. We don't have to rush anything between us. I just want you to learn to trust me."

I met his gaze. "Will you ever trust me fully?"

"I trust you with my life." He said sincerely. 

"That's abit much." I laugh.