
Angel or Man

For two weeks, he didn't set a foot inside the hospital. Correction, he didn't set a foot in her room. He still arrived at the place, but just asked the nurses to give her the usual basket of fruits he carried.

He was confused. Since that kiss, he had been feeling weird.

It wasn't that sweet and happy, as if he was in the clouds, feeling like when he first kissed with his ex-girlfriend. With Satchiko, it felt wrong. Was it because of her past, or because he just wanted to be seen as the protective angel she claimed she once saw him as?

Sincerely, he had no idea what to think. He didn't even know what to feel anymore.

He had been shocked when she confessed she liked him. His intention had never been to start that kind of relationship with her.

She was cute, yes, and also seemed like a nice person, very lively and with a strong will. She could get any man she wanted. Though, she shouldn't confess to the first man that showed some goodwill to her. It didn't feel right.

Maybe, even when she was in that drinking house, she had wanted something better for herself. He didn't think he was that 'something better' for her. And, to think she almost died for her hopes, refusing to give her body away.

It was admirable.

Even if she ended like that…

"Albert, Albert!" Someone shook his shoulder, and took him out of his thoughts. It was Hank. "The boss is calling you." He whispered. Albert quickly looked up. And there the demon boss was, sitting on his demon lord throne and staring back at him with a full glare.

Albert reacted and ran to the demon's lair.

"I've been calling you for a long time!" Albert was yelled at as soon as he entered his boss' office. "I want you to check this and do a summary." He ordered, throwing a folder on the desk with a loud smack that made Albert wince.

Albert quickly nodded and grabbed the folder with the documents. As he was leaving, he paused and turned back.

His boss might be descendant of demons and ogres from his attitude, but the main reason he kept working under him was because, despite his bad temper, he still taught others how to do a better job. Maybe he would give Albert good advice with his problem.

His boss was ancient anyway.

"Mr. Ho," the aged man looked up from the papers he was reading. "When you find a… a broken doll in the street, what do you do?"

"Depends," the sharp eyes of Michael Ho scanned Albert from head to toe, as if that would give him more information. "If the doll seems precious, I'd try to fix it. If not, I'd just leave it there."

"I see," Albert nodded and left his office after expressing his thanks. Back at his desk, he began to read the documents to start with the summary. He didn't want to be yelled at for being slow on his work.

"Albert, you got a call from the hospital," Hank said, leaning towards his coworker's desk. "They said Satchiko, the patient you've been visiting, will be discharged tomorrow. In case you want to go pick her up."

"Thanks," So, he only had one day to decide if he want to fix her or leave her.

"Who's Satchiko? A friend of yours?" Hank asked. Albert shook his head.

"She's a doll I found," he replied with a smile, which earned him a confused look. Luckily, Hank was not a gossipy person. He just shrugged when Albert didn't say anything more, and went back to his own work.

That night, Albert couldn't sleep.

His mind kept sprouting thoughts about her. What to do? He didn't know her enough to fix her, or if she wanted to be fixed; however, he was too concerned to completely leave her.

His decision would also respond to another question that plagued him: was he the angel or was he the man?

Ah, this is too hard. In the first place, why am I thinking too much about it?

That's right, why am I thinking about it?

After work, he walked down the well-known street. It was raining. Not quite like the first time he met her. It was a gentle rain.

He still didn't know what he was doing, unsure about what would come next. If he was taking the correct decision. For the time being, he was walking that street. After he turned around the corner, he found the answer.

There, at the entrance of the hospital, she stood.

She was wearing a different dress, given by the nurses as the one she had been wearing when the ambulance took her away was ruined. She had no smeared make-up like that day. Actually she had no make-up at all. And, although she looked good with make-up, he was used to seeing her with none. With a fresh face.

It looked better on her.

She was just looking up, staring at the rain falling down. When he got closer, she lowered her head and looked at him in the eyes. He simply stood in front of her, without daring to say a word. He contemplated apologizing for not showing up in two weeks.

"I-" She placed a finger on his lips, cutting off his apology.

"You're late. I didn't want to catch a cold. That would land me back in the hospital, and I've had enough of it in one month," she said, her voice sounding like leaves rustled by the wind. Soothing.

He stared at her. Finally, he took her words as if she had forgiven him. He took off his coat and put it around her shoulders. She braced herself under it and immediately stuck to his side to protect her body from the rain under the umbrella.

Though, she was also hiding her relieved expression. Not quite expecting him to be there for her.

After walking down the street for a moment, she broke the silence and asked: "So, why did you come for me?"

"Because I will be a man and try to fix you," she smiled at his reply and clung to his arm, leaning her head on his shoulder.

In that position, their figures disappeared in the rain.