The Game is Over

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Another winged potentate arrives at Vanesscenzza's roofless lounge. Legion, the spirit of the dragon named Ravab, which in Hebrew means 'being many', recites his words:


We need access free from approximation loads, please.


Access granted.


You are setting Her free from the Codex, and we know the light of Her spirit was merged into another kind of power that drags us under towards earth.

She is emanating something that implies us. A twelve-word clause that is destroying the deal of a price already paid, and ruining the agreement of redemption in the entire World.


She's always been free to leave. And you always knew She would start waking up when the thousand years were complete.

By the way, after the pandemic entered the World, that is when the thousand years ended, as well as your works, despite the fact that you had written the exact opposite in the Codex Vaticano.

My archangels are still laughing at the drollness. The disproportionate and blatant lie you wrote: '...When the thousand years are completed, Satan will be released from his prison, and he will go out and fool the nations who are over the entire World ...'


Once She is back to life, the dark world will be exposed, as it was predicted to us by Alta Gyahaveh, the highest.

And everything we have done in the Codex Vaticano, the means kept carefully secret in the agreement through the bible, will be seen by the World like open doors, if You keep on the process of bringing Vanesscenzza to life.


Don't even think of Her name as if She were not present. Vanesscenzza is one of a kind, a twelve-point star archangel who is greater than Me, and the second in general command, with the power to send you seven thousand times to oblivion.

I'm telling you this because She's just starting to wake up; She's coming out of hibernation and doesn't remember all the things.

Perhaps She does not recall that Alta Aleph Tav raised you for a good purpose, and She might send you, literally to hell.


We were only told She belongs in the most beyond. Now the light of Her spirit is forming lightnings in the black sky, with a kind of power that keeps dragging us under as if we were just a dump.

Despite it having been granted by Alta, the highest, 1,700 years ago. And we made the greatest deal ever made with the World, through the Codex Vaticano, which offers forgiveness and salvation for all sinners.


Reality is converging to a time before evil existed. That is why there'll be no recurrence of all the evil which, in the name of what you call christianity, has been done to the cultures of several civilizations and their original peoples.

The splendour of Her light in the dark sky of the Codex only increases, in the measure She wakes up, causing instability not only to something you apparently, and uselessly, seem to care about.

That means what matters for real is on the way. The place We call the Codex and, Holy Bible, is about to be irreversibly, and globally, disassembled.


I expect You two to at least consider, in the spirit of friendliness and camaraderie, leaving intact the main bond that is externally linked to this place: redemption. A large-scale debt transfer which is also our greatest legacy.

Whether criminals, murderers, or mercenaries; people are declared free from their sins, by believing and accepting that a price was paid for them, with blood and sacrificial death.

That is the largest agreement ever made with the World, consecrated by eating the bread, the parts of the body; And drinking the wine that is the blood through which we die to sin, as it is said, '... saved by the blood, the price paid for us, according to the riches of grace!'


Sweet words. They mean nothing. They are not true. Save your breath.

The deal made with the World, an agreement which meekly, with extreme agility, leads them to accept or consent to payment with blood, is illegal in its totality, disloyal, and demonic.

— Whispering voice — But that's the work the eternal justice hired you for. That was a good job. Your best, as usual. A price paid to whom?

A price paid to whom since all of you, every soul, and the entire World belong to Alta Gyahaveh, the highest?

Whomever forgives others is cleared right away.

'Cause you know; There are 70 times 7 reasons why Gyahaveh forgives a person. And debt transfer by payment with blood isn't one of those. Nor has it ever become one.

Coinciding, and not by chance, there is only one thing in all existence that cannot be forgiven; since forgiveness requires that blind leading blind want to see, as in a daylight: idolatry of religion, which is exactly what you, the father of the beliefs and lies, preach.

Who established kill or sacrifice a child, or kill a firstborn and only son, as a legal form of payment, in the first place?

Those who care least for others are the ones who say most: 'Death is the wages of sin', so that they can justify the alleged need for sacrifice and debt transfer paid with blood.

Better had they gone and learned what this means: I DESIRE COMPASSION AND NOT SACRIFICE.


Most have chosen the deal. Thus, in doing so, they consented to the means which the ends imply.

What else could be expected about man? Every man is a shrub. And the shrub gets dry, and its flower becomes 'fallen'.


Had enough of denial. I just want people to be told the whole truth, and I want it all, or I want nothing at all.

Maybe I can change this nothing into something I can say it is true.

— She leans over to offer him Her left hand, because Legion was sat on the edge of a sidewalk. — Let Me lead you through the scenery of countless and infinite wasted sunsets which, surprisingly, unintentionally, you have portrayed.

Have you ever seen the day when all people ceased to exist, and everything was turned into desert and dust in the wind? — Whispering voice — What you have placed in the Codex Vaticano, the portrait which speaks that all died, is demonic, and it is all a lie.

We hold the key to redemption: Love over all. Loving kindness, compassion, and mercy; each of these three words appears 70 times in the writings;

Besides a long 1 page length row, in the Psalms, replete mostly with: 'Gyahaveh's mercy endures forever', the actual truth which splendours 7 times more, like a 7-lamps Menorah.


Of course. Truth cannot be substituted with something else, but it can be replicated in the mirror and appear in inverse mode.

And as we were given to make the truth look opposite to Her nature, She seems mirrored, reversed for the World since people have the right to go in the contrary direction.


We hold the key to the kingdom, which is 'not being a part of your game'. Whosoever accepts your deal speaks to the World, against the truth, saying that all died, which means the opposite of mercy and conciliation.

'Someone would have to be sacrificed in place of all people', they say each to others, since the deal implies that the whole World would have been found guilty, worthy of dying, and of ceasing to exist.

What happened to 'mercy endures forever', togetherness, and 'make peace'? Isn't that a cluster of pages of the Psalms constantly torn apart and driven away by anyone who accepts the deal?

Lying as if they were brainwashed they call blind belief 'worth of reverence' as unintentionally they cover up your first lie; that someone would have to legally pay the price with blood.

'Someone had to die in your place', they say each to others, as if it is possible that all people would have been found guilty and sentenced to death.

As if sovereign love and conciliating compassion had ceased to exist and, amazingly, would only return to existence through the deal. Something that goes much beyond absurdity.

Always generalising, inducing a general conclusion insidiously upon all people, which is the exact opposite of 'I will make peace to whom I will make peace to'; 'And I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious to'.

Always claiming to manage a wide door that gives to a large-scale debt transfer, allegedly, which is precisely contrary of 'I will have mercy and compassion on whom I will have mercy and compassion'.

No superior power says that all died. If a superior power had said such a lie; Would He or She be so hypocritical as to do the exact same illegal thing that Gyahaveh said for people not to do, which is kill or sacrifice a firstborn child?


Why do you care about something no one else does?

Truth is stumbling in the streets and stays fallen; justice is driven away, right cannot come near, and honesty doesn't come in.

Obviously, all Humans deserve to know the truth. But the fact is, most are definitely not interested.

Furthermore, nobody we know in the World is genuinely seeking the truth.


A thousand truths flow out of your mouth. But you know there is only one. And to the World will be given to know.

Only a specialised at camouflaging could do it: overshadow and put in reverse the real reason why Alta Gyahaveh sent the Lamb. By writing a phrase the other way around, when you made it back to front:

'For, (the god) elohiym so loved the World that he gave his only firstborn ...'

— She takes him by the hand, as if going for a walk, speaking with a whispery voice — But you and I do know, Alta Gyahaveh sent the Lamb to put an end to a very specific and deadly sin: religious idolatry, foreseen in the second and first commandment and in the Law.

As the omitted fragment that has since been gone overlooked, a disappeared passage over time, as originally written, says:

'For, the World so loved the god(s), (to the point of) giving (a firstborn), (an only son), to die in sacrifice, so that everyone who believed in such love would also believe in the god'.

All alone, I've waited. I held it in as I played by the same rules you played.

I've come to a new level, of not giving a damn. Now I'm coming down flying away from here.

I'm Gy'erusalaym. And I'm having My way. The game is over. And the party's just begun!

What better start than disassembling the deal, whose foundations are the opposite of things Gyahaveh spoke not to do:

Do not sacrifice your firstborn and only son. Do not kill him nor offer him for someone else to do it either.

Do not consent, do not collude, do not allow them to do it on your property, region, or country.

Especially, do not accept advantage whatsoever which, with the pretext of salvation, is said to justify such means.

Do not lie or assume that the highest has done the same that Gyahaveh said not to do;

Whether partaking in sacrifice by drinking the wine which represents the blood;

Or offering a firstborn, an only son, to die in sacrifice, which is illegal and demonic on earth as it is in Heaven.

For, such things did all the nations that were cast out before Israel.

You haven't done any wrong, if considered the purpose of keeping the right ones out of this, and letting the wrong ones, of the religious idolatry, accept the advantage of a price paid for them; at the cost of sweet royal blood, they drunk from sacrifice, allegedly!

— The last nine words end up like a whisper. Nine words She speaks slowly and close to the ear while the long and sharp metal nails of Her armoured right hand slightly touch Legion's jugular.

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