Feeding the Dark: Let the Light Pour Down On Our Darkest Day

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Legion gives up trying to convince them both not to disassemble the Codex, but he gets sad, sits down on the floor out of spirits and without any strength left.

And his countenance is one of desolation. Carmel and Vanesscenzza take pity on him and try to comfort him.


Now you need to let go, especially what you consider your legacy, like an actor steps out of a character, so you can move on, day by day. Your spirit will turn out lighter, and you'll start feeling much better.


Alta Gyahaveh spoke to Me this morning. She says the picture of Powell as a character in the film Iesus of Nazareth is tagged to be incinerated.


Sure, good. It was all a lie.


(Whispering voice)

Don't look away, Legion Ravab. If We run from ourselves, We will run forever.

Look out up heaven, breathe, and contemplate under this black sky, whose uncommon and dark aspect surpasses much beyond what We call reality.

Let the light pour down on our darkest day. What We did, is still feeding this dark.

We did something really big that was the origin of this. In the beginning of the Scarlet Roman doctrine. In the day We gave them writings, We called them Litanies and Liturgies.

You were there with Me and the archangels in Rome. And I was so happy because I wrote a part in those Litanies.


We remember, You reciting some of your writings:

Iesu, admirabilis,miserere nobis.Iesu zelatum animarum gaudium Angelorum. Libera nos, Domine

That day was great.


Our darkest day. All the priests of the Roman church, and the deacons, were very scared at our presence; superior powers, walking freely among them.


They were very scared. That is why, until this day, they obey all that was given, in that day, for them to do.

And they celebrate Mass without changing a word, or the name we gave them, by which the church would have to be called: Mother


I was very happy to complete Our task of enforcing the foretold about the Great babylonical Prostitute, the Mother of the beliefs and spiritual prostitutions of the Earth.

We didn't want them to think We were there to kidnap them. We only said: Follow Me under, low as We are.

We gave them all means they needed to swallow their hunger, feeding this dark.

And We gave them a symbol: the †cicatrix, the sign of the scar that the World named as Roman cross.

Do you remember what made the scar?


The †cicatrix, the sign of the scar in the forehead of the scarlet beast, was made with flaming words at their sight:

In †nomini patri—filii, which means:

I received this sign of the cicatrix, in the forehead, in place of the name of the first and the last:

Yhwh / I AM / Gyahaveh

Et sanctum spiritum:

And in place of the name of the city, Gy'erusalaym.

But in the forehead of the scarlet beast, as the cut by the sword was made in a cross-shape, it is a †deadly wound that would in no way heal or become a †cicatrix all by itself. Unless it is a miracle-sign!

We enforced all the foretold, after what was done in that darkest day, as it is said:

The main head of the beast, the scarlet doctrine, appeared to be mortally wounded.

But the mortal wound was †cicatrized, and the whole World marvelled and followed the †scarlet beast.

They worshipped us, Legion, a dragon spirit, for we gave the beast such power; and they also worshipped the doctrine of the †scarlet beast.


We made history. With you and the archangels in Rome. I used to play by the same rules you played. Now I'm coming down.

I'm Gy'erusalaym, who sets the light apart from the darkness.


What must be done for You, Daughter of Alta Gyahaveh who lives forever?


Know that the splendour of My light represents not only Me, but the Codex.

The scintillating greenish yellow eternal flame, which the Codex is empowered with, is what kept dragging you under.

Because you changed the Codex of the Holy Bible into a terrible liar.

I'm rehabilitating her so she doesn't have to pretend or lie anymore. She'll stay free from religion, the mud which has been dragging her down, and she'll not have to disprove herself any longer.

And she will again be called by her first name, Set Apart Writing. separate from anything that belongs in the idolatry of religion and their trade.

The superior power, Gyahaveh of the Hosts, she will call and refer to by the separate names only.

And she'll throw away to a far distance, like one who throws a filthy rag, the ordinary and generic terms god or elohiym. No matter how fancy and big it looks with all caps.

However, the ordinary and generic terms god and elohiym, she will use for deities only, for the religious divinities, for the heathen and molten image, for the beliefs and their trade, and for what is despicable and less than nothing.

She will restore the sentence you had written back to front and the other way around, 'For, (the god) elohiym so loved the World that he gave his only first-born son ...'

And they will have the omitted fragment as originally written: 'For, the World so loved the god(s) (to the point of) giving ( a firstborn), (an only son) to die in sacrifice, so that everyone that believed in such love would also believe in (the god).

Now I feel your spirit has become lighter.


When a spirit turns out lighter, the ability to foresee what is going to happen becomes stronger. Some of the eternal righteousness' elite troop are on their way to us. They will ask questions.

For those of the most perfect justice, it is not enough that something is written in the Codex Vaticano. Tracking down for motivations, they want to know what made the Legion in us write them.

Something they know is there, but can't define what it is. What makes connection between the World and the eternal dark; we placed it, as much as we could, in what they call 'the new testament'.

'Cause the dark is not just absence of the light. It's got what it takes to make the light stay away;

And secrets of the dark world. The Legion in us did not tell them, and prefers them not to know.


If they are coming, you won't be able to escape. — She laughs — Well, you know that you can't hide.

And you know that you can't lie. Don't worry. 'Cause I know all your secrets.

— She smiles — I won't let you forget, and I won't let you lie. Relax. Fate is the liar. Séptyma is coming. She is a friend.



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