Secrets, 7th Angel & Set Apart Words

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A singularity is a place where time does not reign. Where 'being' is 'become', and not something past, previously defined or already made; e.g. 'You are that you are and what to become'.

Time doesn't rule over 'become'. That is why there is no beginning of life on the outside of what is already living or becoming. There is no abiogenesis.

We do come from the light, whose singularity is the place We do come into being, and become;

Where the light emanates of itself, and nothing comes from the visible things, but from the manner which they are seen.



You know what. No questions.

I have only one thing to say to you, for the accomplishment of the protocol; So that eternal righteousness may finally be cleared from all your illegal bedazzling.

I know you substituted Fidelitate—Fidelity and Loyalty with Fides—belief, replacing it as many times as the word could be seen in the writings; and you wrote that someone is declared righteous due to his 'believing'.

However, neither the eternal justice nor any justice in the World declares anyone righteous based on their 'beliefs'.

A person is declared righteous because of his or her fidelity and loyalty. And fidelity to Gyahaveh, the highest, only.

It is My prerogative not to consent to so many lies.


Our mission in Greece was especially on behalf of the right to choose by free will.

Other than the pure and particular desire to give people the option they feel most comfortable with for a choice to be made, there never was an impure reason.

There's a Lamb right there, in Paradise. The one who is called 'the half', 'the means', or something like that, whose word is direct access to the kingdom of Gyahaveh.

But His word in no way addresses to the beliefs. So we were given to do it: set the means to go in the opposite direction;

Making the whole World believe that the highest would do the most improbable and unthinkable thing: sacrifice an only firstborn child, even though Gyahaveh taught all people that doing so is wrong.

And the highest would go against Her/His own word anyway, allegedly, sacrificing Her/His only firstborn child;

As if before that, the Most High didn't already have the power to forgive and save anyone (S)he wished.

As if suddenly, conciliating compassion, and mercy that endures forever, ceased to exist, and would only return to existence through the working up of a strong 'belief' by the man.

Because, by killing or sacrificing a firstborn, an only child, the Most High would be seeking salvation to those that are called 'believers', over all, as the Codex Vaticano says: ' that everyone that believes in him may be saved'.

Even though believing means 'taking as if it is'; or 'lying to yourself' when applied to light and spirit.

And You can't deceive anyone without making him believe. Neither is it possible that someone was deceived without him having believed or 'taken as if it is'.

Giving the inversed impression of what the actual truth is became easygoing, by convincing the World that kill or sacrifice a firstborn child has got something to do with saving all people from their sins.

And we called it redemtione; the alleged large-scale debt transfer, whose foundations are precisely opposite to what Gyahaveh spoke, saying: Don't do.

Do not sacrifice your firstborn and only child. Do not kill him nor offer him for someone else to do it either.

Do not consent, do not collude, do not allow them to do it on your property, region, or country.

Especially, do not accept any advantage which, with the pretext of salvation, is said to justify such means, allegedly.

Do not lie or give false witness that the highest has done what (S)he taught not to do;

Whether partaking in sacrifice by drinking the wine which represents the blood;

Or by offering a firstborn, an only son, to die in sacrifice, which is illegal and demonic on earth as it is in Heaven;

For, such things did all the nations that were cast out before Israel.


Seeing that the name above all names would have to stay in Exodus, and the abbreviation JAH in the Psalms, and it all as far away as possible from the new testament;

Then you saw that it gave room for polarization, and for the presence of an inversed key on the opposite pole of the Bible;

For, you simply knew or learnt beforehand that the creation of an inversed key required that 'believing', as well as the word 'belief' as if it is sacred, should be filling the whole new testament to empower an inversed pole.

And all you needed to do for you to get the inversed key working was get rid of the word belief from the old testament, since the creation of the opposite equivalent key required concentrating 'belief' on the opposite side, and so you did.

Wherever people would read '... the belief of the Egyptians, ... the belief of the Sidonians, ... the belief of the Philistines, in the ancient testament;

Instead, they read: 'the abomination of the egyptians, ... abomination of the sidonians, ... abomination of the philistines ...'

Furthermore, there's no recurrence in the new testament of the substitution of believing with abomination, except in two occasions where such modification definitely suits you and suits the opposite equivalent key too.

As it was originally written:

I - '... When you see the belief that causes desolation, which is predicted to be standing where it ought not, in the holy place, (Id Est: the Holy Bible), let him that reads understand ...'


So it is an ascertained fact that the opposite equivalent key exists and works, and that also concludes the investigation into how it was created.


Very perceptive your observations. And impressive, indeed.

After that, 'taking the belief or abomination as if it is sacred' has become the means, empowered with the opposite equivalent key, by placing 'believing' as many times as it was possible in what they call new testament.

Our inversed grand master key is a direct access to hell, through the gates;

So that the idolaters and believers with their souls may be heading for exteriorisation and oblivion in the eternal dark, at any given moment that they are entitled to it. Immediately.

'Cause You know, spirits cannot be destroyed. Therefore, in order for the spirits of the idolaters and believers, with their souls, to be heading all by their own willing for their destination, we have made the writings of the Bible to become very attractive for them.

And this is what attracts them more: That the light stays away; as we kept the right words out of this, as much as we could, replacing them with refinements and a sweet taste of the dark world.


While you've been killing as a silent terminator, due to a special concession We granted to you, on the other hand I was given to do the exact contrary.

I woke up this morning recalling that among the items We carried for the Greek job, there's an ornamented pistol silencer that I thought was just a rifle suppressor.

But I found out that it has the opposite function too. It transforms into a long trumpet. And the colours of the draw in its ornament is of the Codex' evanescent light, in red, greenish, and yellow.

These things have two meanings. A few hours ago I was just a legal representative. Suddenly I find out that I am the 7th angel of Revelations.

Secondly, eternal justice does guarantee not only the right to choose and free will. But the right to equality too. Even the equality between you and Me. good and evil, and all people.

While on the rifle silencer side, eternal justice has the right to terminate, which is kill and, at the same time exteriorise the spirit of the idolaters and believers; On the trumpet function side We grant to people the right to be warned.

And of course now, more than ever, that's My prerogative too.


The mystery of the highest and these secret plans becoming complete; It all happens by the time the 7th angel is ready to blow Her trumpet.


As soon as the World understands the way you terminate the idolaters and believers, people will not want to be a part of this anymore.


Most will not walk away from re'Legion. Every synagogue and basilica has got a part of what makes us, and they are playing our part, as it was quoted before:

Legion is my name. 'Cause that which makes us is 'being many', a legion of a thousand different truths within, when You know there's only one. And so is religion. They do it at our likelihood and please us.

Lost in this game they are prone to be forever gone from the light. Killing just to destroy is plain natural for a dragon.

In likewise, when a believer consecrates the deal, by drinking the wine, the blood, or accepting a remembrance of the parts of the body, he is doing it according to his nature, just to satisfy his religious needs.

Believers satisfy all requirements:


A believer has a quite dangerous and camouflaged way of saying: "Expect no mercy, neither conciliation"; "For, the highest cannot go back on what he said: 'Death is the wages of sin'. Nothing can invalidate that."

Never caring about the truth. But just believing, because they don't really want to see the light.

When they ask: 'To who was the ransom price paid?', instead they should ask: 'Who established kill or sacrifice a firstborn child as a form of payment?', in the first place.

Heading for the direction that best suits their preferences for them to swallow their hunger, they are declared righteous and saved, after accepting the advantage of a price paid in royal blood for them.

And they've got all credits. Weren't they already so prone to benefitting from the sentencing of an innocent person then we wouldn't have thought of that option for them so faster.

If the eternal dark, and oblivion, were not their destination, they would not be so easily convinced that kill or sacrifice a firstborn son has got anything to do with saving people from their sins.

They call themselves Humans and yet, they never see that accepting or consenting to it is demonic, because that is their nature.

It is something they actually feel comfortable with, as the light stays away.


Legion says goodbye to all and departs from the Codex region.


Hearing goes side by side with her sister Seeing. Nevertheless, in the place where they would read: 'everyone who sees Me, sees the one who sent Me; and everyone who hears Me, hears not Me but the one who sent Me';

Instead, it is read: '… he that believes me, believes in him who has sent me'.

And in the place where they would read:

'Whoever does not see the light is still in the dark...';

Instead, it is read: 'he that does not believe is already condemned…'.

The light stays away from the idolaters and believers because the modifications made by Legion were all in favour of the opposite equivalent key, which required changing from hearing and seeing, to the alleged need to believe.


As if the light were weak and would depend on man working up a belief to make Herself known and seen.


And as if the truth were not powerful enough to make Herself heard.

That is the kind of environment generated by the opposite equivalent key. A favourable atmosphere for whomever prefer to stay a far distance from the light

But We've got a new cluster of good news coming up from the singularity.

Let's see what the Lamb has prepared for this season and these days of the voice of the 7th angel, when She begins to sound Her trumpet.


Secrets, and the mysterious plan of Gyahaveh become complete when She is ready to sound Her trumpet.

People will finally see the Bible is a battlefield for whosoever becomes winner.

Knowing beforehand where the modifications would take place, the Lamb went forward to finally break the opposite equivalent key down, causing the Legion's doorways to collapse.

A partial disassembly of the Codex started two thousand years ago from a specific point. It's a new space-time singularity located 2,000 light years from Earth.

The sky above and beyond becomes linked to the Set Apart Writing; the fullness and completeness of the separate words only.


Gy'erusalaym, a little over 2000 years ago.


The heaven as you expected ends here. The heaven I draw is unexpected; where it glitters a separate word which eyes have not seen. Neither has the World heard it, nor hands have touched.

And whomever will not be born again, of the light We are made of, is not worthy of the One who formed him.

Adam turned out of a great strength and power, but he didn't become worthy of the One who formed him. Had him become, he wouldn't have experimented death.

In like manner, You can't physically enter the kingdom of Gyahaveh, nor see it with your eyes either, unless you become born again.


How can anyone be born again when he is old? Will he reincarnate, going into his mother's womb a second time?


A person becomes born again when escaping from a death that was certain, by living beyond the time expected, through the words of immortality, as spoken in the book of Wisdom:

For Gyahaveh formed man physically imperishable, without having to experiment death.

When someone becomes born again then the light he is made emanates of itself and is greater than time, thoughts and realms.


That being so, who can be saved?


I speak of My secrets to My sacred ones. Gyahaveh has set such things apart for the actual children of Israel; whosoever loves the truth and rejects the lies.


The real children of Israel would certainly value as worthy, and call Heavenly, someone like You; A Human lamb with 7 eyes and 7 horns, who came physically from Heaven the way You did.

For, someone with such a marvelous physical form could only come into existing through the power of the highest.

We'd never buy the idea of Elyon sending from Heaven someone with the physical form of a common and ordinary man;

Because people would idolise him and call him a messiah or a god-the-son, while others would blaspheme him, and rightly so, since common and ordinary is what he would look like.

That is how We know Elyon would never send from Heaven someone whose physical form could be idolised, like a messiah or a god-the son;

Besides, that would be reproducing the same idolatry and lie of Israel's neighbors who idolise a 'saint' with the physical form of a common, ordinary man.


No one ascends into Heaven except through the One who descended in the flesh from Heaven: the living word of Gyahaveh that glitters in Heaven.


Truth has got this far, coming physically from Heaven, and dwelling amongst us tonight.

On the other hand, those who tell the lie say the opposite, that only your spirit came down from Heaven;

And that You were born in the World, which sums up to saying, lying, that You came from Heaven solely in spirit and not in the flesh.


Have you ever wondered why someone does not have ears to ascertain and know what the truth is, just from listening and seeing whether the word is consistent or not?

That is whence advantages are taken from a circumstance of gloomy, melancholy, and uncertainty;

And that person becomes a profit-making route for those who say that, for believing, they are creditors of merit and salvation.

All that requires believing is doubtful. And he that believes takes up the assuredness from himself;

He retains no truth through listening and seeing the consistency in the word.

For, he's not really caring about whom he said one day he'd want on his side. And so he does, until the point there is no longer any truth in him.

You do not see the wind but you do not have to believe the wind is blowing, because the waves of it come to your ears and you hear the voice of its intensity.

And the wind goes where it can freely flow; without man saying how it must blow.

That's how a first-fruit of the light that I AM is given birth. Without being indoctrinated by anyone. Through the means only: hearing and seeing, instead of believing.


How can these things be without the man believing?


You are a ruler who judges Israel. Don't you inquire to know and verify instead of believing?

One speaks what one knows and testifies to what one has eye-witnessed, and yet, in the role of a judge, you do not accept a testimony if you have to believe instead of ascertain.

If 'believing' isn't what you do when a witness is talking about trivial and ephemeral things then does the Justice, which is from above and beyond, not to require much less belief if I tell you about things of highest value?

Opposite equivalent: '... If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe ...'

And as Moshe (Me'oshua) lifted up the serpent suspended to a bronze staff in the wilderness so that anyone who saw it lived;

For the same reason a lamb was lifted up on Mount Carmel, so that everyone who saw the light come down as lightning and take the lamb's life, should remain in the light.

For, the World so loved the god(s), (to the point of) giving (a firstborn), (an only son) to die in sacrifice, so that everyone who believed in such love would believe also in (the) god.

For this reason a lamb was sent; not that the people needed someone to die in their place, but that they may see that the lamb's life is taken by the light that glitters My name.

Whomever sees the light is not lost any more. But anyone that does not see it is still lost;

For, he does not see that the death has no partake in it. The death does not take the lamb's life away; the lamb's life is delivered into the hands of the light that I AM.

You are saved because you do not fight; you do not try to hijack a lamb believing that a transference of your debts must take place;

As if it is up to the lamb to interpose between You and the One who has sent him. And this is the perdition of those that believe:

The light has come into the world and shines with lightning through the density of clouds; clearing up every uncertainty that, through the darkness, they did not comprehend; but men loved more the dark of religion and beliefs rather than seeing the light.

For, everyone who finds comfort in words that are addressed to the beliefs does not seek the actual words that I AM, nor come to the light.

Rather, he takes the word from a distorted variation that was camouflaged to make someone believe.

For, in the light there is no circumstance of gloomy and uncertainty that you need to believe.


Codex region, present time.


Both grand master keys, Séptyma's and Legion's, are very different visually. Although they have the same equivalence degree.

The gauges of the opposite equivalent key have the draw of the cicatrix, which is the sign of the scarlet beast, also called Roman cross.


We can say it is the same key on the other way around or in reverse mode. But their likeness is very different;

Side by side they are 7 Versus the sign of the cicatrix also called Roman cross.


I just remembered that the Foretold, the Vatican, has only one of the keys on the flag.

I had made the design of the keys for the Vatican's flag to make it look like they were two. Actually they are one; the Legion's key, the opposite equivalent replicated.


Do You know You are going to see Gyahaveh today?


I know that My Mum would never fail to speak to Me.


Complementary fields -- Parable of the Trail

Is there not daylight in the half of a day? A man may go about along the trail the half of a day without falling, because he sees the trail in the light.

But if a man goes about in the obscure, believing he is on the trail, he may have a fall because the light is not in him 'believing it'.

— ½. Half of a day / mediated / ½. a Dividing time.

... believing he is on the trail. Synonym: he is not seeing the trail.


Parable of the Building

Which of you, desiring to put up a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost to be certain if he will have enough to make it complete, instead of believe?

For fear that if you make a start and are not able to go on with it to the end, all who see it will be laughing at you; and saying,

This person made a start at building, believing he would go on with it, and is not able to make it complete.


In the light You will find the road - Parable of the Road

The light is with you in a half time. Walk on the road since you have the light, seeing the road rather than believing it, so that dark doesn't overtake you.

He that walks in the dark, he believes he is on the road but doesn't know where he's going. As you have the light, see the road in the light, instead of believe, so that you may become first-fruit of light.

— ½. Half time / abbreviated

... he believes he is on the road. Synonym: he is not seeing the road.


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