Chapter 64

Hanging on to the bottle he glared angrily at Robbie. "I'll be the one to say when I've had enough, now get out." Closing his eyes he went to sleep, passed out was more like it.

Taking the bottle out of Ryan's hand he then removed his shoes and placed his legs on the sofa, tossing a blanket over him. He sat down on the matching sofa across from him and laid down watching him. He couldn't leave him alone to possibly choke on his own vomit, he would stay and keep an eye on him till morning. He then spotted the ring on the table, getting up he picks it up and whistles. He knew Ryan had fallen hard for Ria but had no idea he was going to ask her to marry him, not this soon.

Ryan woke up with a throbbing headache and a dry mouth, and to find his brother asleep on the other sofa. Hell, he couldn't remember him coming over, or much of anything for that fact. "Hey, Robbie wake up."

Yawning he stretches before getting to his feet and looking at Ryan. "You look like shit. I better go make you some coffee, a lot of it." Walking into the kitchen he starts brewing a pot, taking out two mugs and the milk from the fridge. He turned when he heard Ryan stumbling in and dropping into one of the chairs.

"When did you show up?" Ryan asked, rubbing his temple, trying to stop the throbbing in his head.

"Can't remember the time but you were wasted, never seen you like that before. So do you want to tell me what happened last night, and where is Ria?"

Leaning back and accepting the coffee he told Robbie what went down, the fight they had and how she found the ring. "She said she was going to stay with her friend Nelly. I want you to do me a favour and take her stuff over to where she's staying."

"Talk to her Ryan, I'm sure you can work things out."

He lifted his head, his eyes bloodshot. "There's nothing to talk about, she made her feelings quite clear, she doesn't love me. It's over and I never want to see her face or hear her voice again. So will you take her stuff or not?"

"Yeah, I'll do it when I leave here," he said, sitting down with his coffee.


With her bags in tow Robbie knocks on Nelly's door and when she opened it his jaw dropped. He had seen her a couple of times but she always had on a woman's suit, her hair done up on top of her head and she wore these God awful glasses. But today her red hair hung down, cascading down her shoulders and she had on a short dress showing off a great pair of long legs.

"Robbie right?" she asked, opening her door for him to step in.

He cleared his throat. "Yes, that's me."

"What are you doing here?"

"Ryan asked me to drop Ria's things off."