The death mounts

Then suddenly someone called xue yuan's name. He turned back and saw that there was a man. The man has dark black long open hair, dark red dress, and red death eyes. He looked at xue yuan and said "master I'm Feng xin I mean no harm to you. I'm your Sword."

Xue yuan wasn't able to speak." The truth is your real parents are the Queen and King of the underworld which also means they are the King and Queen of Ghost realm. 11 years ago, there was a big war in the ghost realm. Your Uncle Xue Zhong betrayed your father for demon crystal which is now inside your body. You have the demon crystal inside your body which can control me and the flute we are both controlled by you. Your Biological Father Xue cheng controlled me. And your biological mother xue ling controlled the flute. But whoever has the demon crystal can control everything including the underworld. That's why your uncle xue Zhong was back of that demon crystal. This man shen yu who is currently attacking your friends and the kings is controlled by your uncle. Your father and mother didn't die they are currently trapped inside the ghost realm main palace."

"We have to save them. You can also call a dragon using the flute and you will find him soon for finding him we have to go to the DEATH MOUNT. Which is also known as no return mount. For defeating shen yu you have to just say scram and all the ghouls attacking them will attack shen yu back."

Xue yuan understood everything. The he suddenly came back to the normal world where shen yu was attacking all his friends. He loudly said SCRAM and the ghouls suddenly turned back and started attacking shen yu. Everyone there were shocked whereas shen yu started using some spells to stop the ghouls and in 5 seconds killed every ghoul.

And then he said "x-xue yuan just wait next time my master will come to get you just wait" and he disappeared everyone where confused. The locks broke and the kings and group 1 were free. Everyone started asking xue yuan how he did that. But he stood there silent after knowing everything he was in a shock.

The competition was postponed everyone where still in the hua kingdom for a last night. Hua xiang was really scared that something might happen to his kids. Then xue yuan knocked at hua xiang's room door. Hua xiang said "come in"

The xue yuan stood in front of him. Hua xiang didn't even realized it was his son. Hua xiang looked up and said "ah...a-yuan what's wrong?"

Xue yuan said "father I will ask you one thing please answer it truly"

Hua xiang said "of course what is it?"

Xue yuan asked "father did you adopt us.... say the truth"

Hua xiang was shook there was an awkward silence in the room. Hua xiang then said "why are you asking this?"

Xue yuan said "father I need to know the truth."

Hua xiang sighed and said "at that time I was single and became a king after your grandpa died. I didn't have any kids back then nor was I married. And then a miracle happened I was just taking a walk in the garden but then I saw a white beautiful horse in my garden under a tree. He was injured and was carrying three kids o its back. That time you were 5 years old. Then I carried you three in my hands you were all injured except you a-yuan. Then I thought to adopt you. The horse disappeared next day. You three was getting along with me and I told the kingdom that you three are my kids. Then suddenly a man rushed in and wanted to talk with me."

"Then I allowed him and he said"." Your majesty the kids you have adopted are from the ghost realm but they are not ghost previously the lord of the ghost realm attacked the king of the ghost realm it is said to be that the lord was the king's big brother and he betrayed him to steal the demon crystal which can only be given to the next master of the underworld which also means that the demon crystal is only for the son of king but unfortunately the king and queen were killed and the demon crystal disappeared and the three prince were also disappeared on the top of a white horse"

"I was shocked by what that man was saying then I asked him what demon crystal is?"

"Then he said"." Your majesty the demon crystal is so powerful and it is said that the user of the demon crystal can hold the power of the sword Feng xin which was the king's weapon it is so powerful it can kill 50 people in 1 sec and has ability to summon ghosts and also a flute which can control corpse and summon a dragon. And the person who has the crystal will become the strongest person in the ghost realm."

"But I didn't care you all were from I just wanted to love you then I married your mother hua Ming and you guys became everything to us"

Xue yuan started crying after hearing these things. Hua xiang was hurt by seeing his son cry he wiped his tears and said "now forget all this and go to sleep don't you want to get up early and say bye to yan cheng"

Xue yuan smiled and nodded and said " I won't let anything happen to you and mother but father I also have to get up early tomorrow I have to say bye to yan cheng"

Hua xiang said "I just remembered that every one of the clan masters are going to the death mount there you will find a man on the peak of the mountain. he is the greatest teacher his disciples became the most powerful people. He wants to teach all of you how to control your instrumental weapons."

Xue yuan was shocked by hearing death mount he still didn't say about what happened on the competition day. He said "okay father we will go there"

Behind the door xue zheng and xue liang were hearing all the conversation and they were shocked and went back to their room as soon as xue yuan came out of the room.