
Everyone were too happy and started celebrating there victory. xue yuan was told to be the next king of the underworld but he refused and said "even though the demon crystal is inside me, i don't dare to become the king of the kingdom"

Everyone were shocked to hear that and asked him "then your majesty, who will rule the demon world if you are not willing to become the king?"

Xue yuan said "of course my elder brother xue zheng will be the next king? why bring up that doubt when its obvious?"

Xue zheng : a-yuan i cant be the king it have to b you u have the powers who could be better at handling the kingdom other than u?

Xue yuan : brother, i listened to ever since the childhood but not this time, this time you have to listen to what i say you have to be the king and you are no longer having the right to refuse this, please,"

everyone agreed to xue yuan and said "yes, your majesty we would love for you to be our king, so please become the king of our kingdom!"

Xue zheng :I-....

Xue yuan : I will be protecting you instead hehe so don't you worry i will become your supporter!

Xue zheng : *tears of happiness* thank you so much a-yuan.

Xue liang : i want to teach many things to others i want them to learn about this world give them teachings and also I'm not really interested in the kings and royal kind of things I don't want to interfere in, i want to live peacefully and make a better world for you both my brothers.

All the brothers gave each other a hug and smiled whole heartedly....

xue zheng was given the throne and he led the kingdom really well....he was everyone's favourite king ever!

[after an month]


Xue yuan (black and red Chinese dress, long hair tied up in an pony, and him holding his flute.)

Xue zheng : what is it? why are u all hyped up!!?

Xue zheng (totally looks like a different person, open long hair half tied up pony, black and red Chinese dress, holding his sword)


Xue zheng : oh that means yan zhao will come too?

Xue yuan : of course you dummy .

Xue zheng : ah, well then I will prepare everything just don't jump around alright, and *holds xue yuan's ears* who gave you the permission to call your older brother an dummy huh?

xue yuan : ahhhhhh it hurtsss sorrryyy wont call that againnn!!!

*releases his ear*

xue yuan :HAHA BYEEE DUMMY!!!

(bumped onto xue liang)

xue liang : heyy walk sloww a-yuan!

xue liang (pretty as always, but had his hair cut, holding his shan everywhere and wearing black and red Chinese dress, became an really amazing artist)


xue liang : *sigh* its alright...*smile*

xue zheng :*sigh* this kid.....*smile*

yan cheng and yan zhao arrived at the kingdom, and everyone stood up to greet them and thanked them.

xue yuan came running and saw yan cheng, he saw yan cheng wearing an beautiful golden Chinese dress, open long black hair, and his sword.

xue yuan : WOAH you look like a totally different person already!!!

yan cheng : do you not like this look??

xue yuan : no no no it looks too stunning that i totally misunderstood you for someone else it looks really good on you.

yan cheng : thank you then.*smile*

all of them enjoyed a lot that day xue liang, general yu, yan cheng, xue yuan, xue zheng, yan zhao, feng xin, celebrated there victory once again and had an really amazing evening that day.

where as there was still a task left for xue brothers that was finding there biological parents and bringing them back alive to the palace and live with them again.

xue yuan and yan cheng spent their time together talking in the middle of the night looking at the beautiful stars. they were really happy that everything turned out so well and were happy.....

yan cheng : hey, xue yuan..

xue yuan : yes?

yan cheng : I don't want you to get hurt again...please take care of yourself and call me whenever you need help don't you dare do anything o your own.

xue yuan : hawwwww I never seen such strict yan cheng to speak those cheesy words *grin*

yan cheng : its late lets get going.

xue yuan : heyyy answer meee!!!

yan cheng :...*smile* (both of them went inside, and yet xue yuan didn't get his answer)


[keep reading mingjie zhi zhu for the next volume updates]