Chapter 36: Bad Luck

  "Oh, hello, what can I do, Mr. Douglas?"

  Luo Bai said indifferently,

  These days, are the names so long? After introducing the big name, I also introduce the nickname, and I prefer to be called that.

  Am I familiar with you?

  And Douglas, I told you I was...


  Something seems wrong.

  He just said his surname is Douglas, right?

  It must be!

  That is to say...

  Luo Bai's eyes narrowed, and he realized that the matter was not simple.

  Just now, the black brother said that the Douglas family is very strong, and they regard the big milk pot as a belief and do not allow others to contaminate it.

  Then he just finished fighting with Wan Fu, and this guy came to him?

  It must not be a coincidence.

  Am I cold? game over?

  "I just said, make friends." Douglas Lin Zhou said naturally.

  "I heard that the Douglas family's behavior style is very strong, which is completely inconsistent with your Excellency's attitude." Luo Bai narrowed his eyes.

  At this moment, his mental quality suddenly became tough.

  Anyway, I have already been found,

  Anyway, with one's own strength, it is impossible to beat it.

  Anyway, let's break the jar and smash it.

  It's not our style to act cowardly. I wanted to leave before. I just didn't like the atmosphere here, and it has nothing to do with words like Congxin.

  Seeing Luo Bai like this, Douglas Lin Zhou couldn't help laughing.

  "I think, Mr. Kusakabe, you may have misunderstood, why don't you find a place to sit down and talk?" He tried to ask.

  "Just here, I think it's pretty good." Luo Bai said.

  There were a lot of vacancies. Douglas Lin Zhou took out his illustration book and ordered two coffees. Before he was seated, the waiter had already taken them and was waiting.

  "This damned snobby world."

  Luo Bai couldn't help sighing.

  And the bodyguard was also dismissed by Douglas, and he didn't know where he was guarding.

  "Mr. Kusakabe looks very nervous." Douglas Lin Zhou asked casually after taking a sip of his coffee.

  "It's impossible to be nervous. It's impossible to be nervous in this life. It's just that the seat doesn't fit your butt. Move your body and adjust it to make yourself a little more comfortable." Luo Bai said.

  It is one thing to harden the quality of the mind, but it is another thing to be unconsciously tense in the body.

  After all, the game was just started, and it was still a game that he entered physically, so he, Luo Bai, didn't want anything to happen.

  "I'm sorry, I was in vain." Douglas Lin Zhou apologized lightly. "Why don't we change places?"

  "You don't need to change it. After the adjustment just now, it has been initially fixed to your own size." Luo Bai said. "Mr. Douglas, are you here to use your Douglas method to recover my big milk jug?"

  Unceremoniously, Luo Bai asked straight to the point.

  "No, no, sir, you may really have a deep misunderstanding of us [Douglas]. As I said before, I came to find Mr. Kusakabe to make friends with you, and I have no other ideas." Douglas Lin Zhou So reply.

  He has mentioned it many times.

  Immediately, he said.

  "You might think that, in the [Douglas] family's way of doing things, seeing an outsider using a sprite like a big milk jug would do something extreme.

  But I think this is a misunderstanding.

  It was done by the headquarters of the [Douglas] family far away in the Hezhong area. Perhaps other branches participated in it together, which made the general impression of [Douglas] so.

  This is a fact,

  But what does it have to do with the offshoot family in Yuanzhi City where you and I are now?

  We haven't done anything like this before,

But to bear such a negative reputation, we are the most innocent.  Kusakabe-san, you should be more sensible. "Douglas Lin Zhou said.

  "Tsk, then, Mr. Douglas, what on earth did you come to see me for? Just to make friends? I don't believe it." Luo Bai clicked his tongue lightly, and then looked in disbelief.

  Didn't it mean that the big milk pot is your [Douglas] belief, and you don't allow "outsiders" to contaminate it?

  Faith is also a misunderstanding?

  Since you think it is a misunderstanding, you are not such a person, and you have never done such a thing, then why did you come to me on purpose and send bodyguards to block me.

  Just to make friends?

  I don't believe it.

  "Of course, just to make friends."

  "It is said that the friendship between trainers starts from a battle. Your big milk tank is already at the level of LV.20. It just so happens that my initial elf is also at a similar level, and it won't take advantage of you." Douglas Lin Zhou spoke with ease.

  This made Luo Bai bewildered and confused.

  [Black Question Mark.jpg]

  I found myself, said that I want to make friends with myself, and then I have to fight with myself, and I call it the friendship of a trainer. It started from a battle. I was thinking that there is something wrong with your communication skills. , bro.

  It has simply reached an inexplicable state.

  Or is this a special method of your [Douglas] family, it's just a foreplay, and there will be a complete set of services behind?


  Seeing the change in Luo Bai's facial expression, Douglas Lin Zhou couldn't laugh or cry.

  The outside world's description of the [Douglas] family is actually quite correct, but this does not include him. He has always had no special sense of belonging to the four words [Douglas] family.

  [Douglas] A side branch family in Yuanzhi City, was founded by his father, and as the eldest son, he naturally became the heir.

  Therefore, there is even greater pressure, and all kinds of hard work year after year,

  But since he was a child, all his achievements will be crowned with the four words [Douglas].

  Success is the credit of [Douglas], failure is the loss of [Douglas].

  His sense of belonging to this family has long been completely lost. Of course, he didn't care about those beliefs and measures.

  Seeing Luo Bai, an "outsider", using a big milk can, not only did he not feel disgusted, but he was also faintly excited.

  Of course, these are not the reasons why he took the initiative to find Luo Bai to make friends.

  If it's someone else, just take a look and pass.

  But today is different,

  Someone told him that when non-Douglas people used big milk cans, he just finished the battle and was taking a break, so he just stopped by to take a look.

  Then he was hooked.

  That big milk tank seems to be well-bred, the most important thing is the state of its owner during the battle,

  Maybe he didn't even notice it himself.

  Luo Bai's state during the battle was truly devoted, and he didn't deliberately let himself devote himself,

  Rather an almost instinctive one.

  And has a very keen perception of fighting skills.

  He wouldn't be surprised if these things appeared on anyone who was a senior trainer or above.

  But this guy is just a trainer who is about the same age as him, and the level difference is similar through the illustration book.

  It should be that he just turned 18 this year and started his career as a trainer.

  That's a lot of story.