Chapter 51: Requires a 3-star mission from a 1-star hunter!

  Luo Bai doesn't think that his talent is really strong to a certain level, he has this self-knowledge.

  Except for the combat talent that came from nowhere, Luo Bai is not sensitive at all to other things, and many things are actually still in the state of learning,

  He didn't think he could break that record.

  The world of elves is so big, there are not a few bounty hunters,

  And the promotion from one star to two stars is a stage that almost all bounty hunters have to go through.

  It is also the easiest stage.

  With such a large base, the record set by the chief special search officer of the alliance with him, Uzumaki Naruto, will definitely not be simple.

  The time limit for the time-limited task is five days, but just now he searched the information with the trainer illustrated book, and the record of Uzumaki Naruto is five days and one hour.

  The reason why he was able to set the record was that he registered as a bounty hunter just after passing the official trainer assessment, and within five days, single-handedly cracked down on the transactions of two evil forces, with the strength of an official trainer.

  Even one of them was caught by him as a decisive evidence handle, and after handing it over to the alliance, the latter was immediately wiped out.

  Under such circumstances, it took him only five days to complete the accumulation of mission points and was promoted to two stars.

  The average speed of a normal hunter is generally one and a half months.

  One can imagine how difficult this record is.

  Don't doubt the authenticity of the grades, or things like cheating.

  This kind of thing almost never happened.

  For the first three tasks of newcomers, a recording chip will be installed in the trainer's illustrated book.

  The main purpose is not to prevent cheating, but to monitor.

  It's because the death rate of newcomers is the highest, and the reason for this is to record the death scene.

  Moreover, after everyone confirms to submit the task, they will be invited to the review halls of the regional unions.

  Or use technology, or use the power of elves to achieve the purpose of inspection.

  The consequence of being found to be cheating is that while the identity of the hunter is revoked, the identity of the trainer is also revoked, depriving the right to train elves, and the time limit is ten years.

  And the elves it owns will be kept by the Friendship Alliance for ten years. As for where they will be used, it is unknown.

  In short, the review process is very complicated and accurate, and the punishment for cheating is very serious.

  So almost no one would choose to take the risk of cheating, for a name that has no real rewards, it's not worth it.

  The better the reward, the more difficult the task, and the effort is directly proportional to the gain. This sentence was deeply engraved in Luo Bai's heart.

  And engraved at the same time, there is another sentence.

  Since this kind of task has appeared, it means that he has the possibility to complete it.

  After this period of personal experience, he knows that the game system will not have tasks that cannot be completed.

  Just like the previous mission against Lin Zhou, afterward, he also carefully studied the style of play, and found that it is actually possible to win and get rewards.

  It just didn't come to my mind at the time.

  Very likely, in fact, there is a mission specially prepared for him now.

  It might be difficult, but once you get it done, it's definitely possible to successfully break the record!


  Luo Bai found a mission machine with a small number of people around, saw the top page, and there was a unique mission waiting for him.

  The reason why it is said to be unique and specially waiting for him is the description of the mission.

  [Task Name: Gathering Snake Grass]

  [Mission Rating: Three Stars]

  [Risk assessment: high]

  [Mission issuer: Douglas family]

  [Mission description: The Douglas family discovered a relic somewhere in Yuanzhi City, and the relic has special entry restrictions]

  [Task requirements: A one-star male hunter who must not exceed the age of eighteen,

The strength of elves needs to be higher than Lv.25, but not more than Lv.30 (based on the illustration book test), non-students]  [Reward for completing the task: Union Coin × 100W]

  [Task points: After discussion, it was decided to give task points x 70. ]


  Luo Bai has been in this world for so long, and this is the first time he has encountered a task reward that can directly reach the level of one million alliance coins. With that time-limited task, it is a huge task reward of three million!

  But if you think about it carefully, this is a mission from the Douglas family, and it's normal that the rewards are generous.

  Then there are mission points, which are as high as seventy!

  For general tasks, the task points are around 1-5 points, and the period of task completion will not be short, but the first requirement to be promoted to a two-star hunter is to reach 100 points.

  The point rewards given by this task alone have directly completed seven tenths of what is required to advance to two stars!

  However, its difficulty also lies here.

  For missions up to three stars, only one-star hunters aged 18 can participate, and there are still requirements for the strength of elves, and they cannot be students, only men.

  And the task evaluation has also become high, which means that the death rate is at least 70%.

  Generally, those who are registered hunters rarely have student status. They are ordinary people who cannot go to school due to various reasons, or who have left the society, but want to make a living.

  There are relatively few eighteen-year-olds, and it can be said that it is almost impossible for people of this origin to cultivate elves to at least Lv.25 level in the first year of obtaining elves.

  They have no resources!

  of course there are exceptions,

  For example, some rich kids don't want to go to school, and directly inherit some of the family's industries, or eat, drink and have fun everywhere. When they got their own elves, they used resources to pile up their own elves to the level of LV.25.

  There are such examples.

  But very few, and they are not worth risking their lives for this kind of reward,

  You know, the task is three-star difficulty, and the power evaluation is high.

  And in fact, there is a hidden task requirement, which needs to be someone from Yuanzhi City, or just arrived at Yuanzhi City.

  All regional missions are specific to this region.

  In other words, if people from other places want to take on this task, they need to come to Yuanzhi City in person in addition to having reliable information.

  This undoubtedly limits many people.

  If this task is left like this, it is estimated that no one will take it for a long time.

  In fact, Luo Bai looked at the time when the task was released, and it has been two full months!

  It is conceivable that the task requires difficulty.

  And what about Luo Bai?

  Male one-star hunter, he is satisfied.

  The age must not exceed eighteen, he satisfies.

  The elf level is between Lv.25-Lv.30, he is satisfied, and the big milk tank just reached the level of Lv.25 not long ago, reaching the passing requirement line.

  Non-students, he also caters.

  As for high risk and high difficulty, he ignored it directly.

  There are two words that are good,

  Dangers and opportunities coexist.

  Ten times the profit can turn a person into a lunatic.

  Moreover, as a game master,

  Luo Bai's interest in this is actually very great.

  This is true, but many things are actually based on the game as a template.

  This is a real game,

  Or game reality.

  Challenge records are something that all players will try to do.

  Silently took out his hunter ID card, swiped it on the machine at will,

  recieve the task.

  He decided that he wanted to challenge this task.