Chapter 66: Advance to 2-Star Hunter!

  According to Naruto, Douglas' top family members will go to prison for at least a few years.

  The evidence he provided was enough to do so.

  As for the Douglas headquarters, he will deal with it. For a long time, Luo Bai doesn't need to worry about it.

  It's just that there is one thing that makes him feel uncomfortable.

  He asked the investigator about Lin Zhou's situation, and the latter replied that no one could be found.

  Everyone who entered the ruins, including those who were forcibly thrown in by Gers to find someone later, did not come out.

  According to Uzumaki Naruto, in fact, after Luo Bai's electric pyroxene was sealed, the restrictions on the entry and exit of Mora Canyon have been cancelled.

  Even so, there is still no news of that group of people.

  There is a high probability that it was lost in the assessment channel, that is, it failed the assessment, was fully absorbed, and became a part of the darkness.

  This is common to all pyroxene relics.

  That is to say,

  Lin Zhou is dead.

  This is the only explanation.

  In order to save himself, Lin Zhou committed suicide by breaking into this ruin, which was tantamount to death, and did not come out.

  This made Luo Bai feel very uncomfortable.

  Although they have only known each other for a few days, their feelings have been heating up in the constant battles these days.

  Ordinary Luo Bai is the first friend that Lin Zhou recognizes. Ordinary, Lin Zhou is also Luo Bai's first friend since he came to this world.

  But he is not a hypocritical person.

  When to do something, he is very clear.

  The hidden danger of identity is gone, and the danger is temporarily gone.

  Although he has joined the mysterious and powerful Pyroxene Conference, he is not qualified to formally enter this world.

  It's just equivalent to getting the tickets in advance, and you won't be able to use them yet.

  So he knew exactly what he was going to do.

  That is to continue to do his own way of bounty hunter, and successfully break the record broken by Naruto Uzumaki.

  His backstage is actually very hard now, and Huanyue, who can't show his face for the time being and can only do some small tricks, let's not talk about it, just this newly promoted chief investigator of the alliance who "demands" her is enough to bluff people.

  No need to hide it.

  What he wants now is to do whatever he can.

  Although he was doing the same thing before, after experiencing these things, he became even more unscrupulous.

  And there is one more important point,

  Before officially entering the Pyroxene Council, if you can hold an important position in the alliance, or stir up a situation, you will get a very mysterious joining gift.

  It is said that this is the tradition of the Pyroxene Council.

  Clean up yourself, and temporarily bury the sadness of Lin Zhou's suspected death in his heart,

  Luo Bai walked out of this room and came to the mission hall.

  Although Naruto Uzumaki is an investigator and has no actual connection with the union, he still helped Luo Bai successfully review the mission.

  The influence and connections of the Chief Investigator are quite large.

  This is actually a favor, otherwise, if other people review it, some troublesome things may happen.

  The rewards for this three-star mission were also distributed very quickly.

  Although Douglas, the provider of alliance currency rewards, has been wiped out, the mission rewards have actually been handed over to the reward library long ago.

  So the impact on Luo Bai is not very great.

  His property increased by one million in an instant, reaching the level of 2.05 million.

  At this time, there were still 52 hours before the end of the countdown to the record-breaking time-limited task, which was more than two days.

  After the rewards were issued, his mission points were 70, and he needed 30 mission points before being promoted to two stars.

  In other words, he needs to get 30 mission points within these two days.

  In fact, it is still very difficult.

  General tasks, not to mention time-consuming and labor-intensive, also have few points, maybe just a few.

  Requiring so many points in two days, except for this relic mission, is the kind of dangerous mission that does not limit the acceptance of requirements,

  But the dangerous mission mentioned by the latter is really very dangerous.

  Many newcomers want to set records and gain fame in this way.

  But the result is that almost no one can come back to the mission hall to deliver the mission.

  This is a typical example of not recognizing one's own strength and reaping the consequences.

  Unless he meets someone who is particularly suitable, Luo Bai will not be so stupid as to die.

  But in fact, it didn't take long for Luo Bai to find a suitable mission.

  [Task Name: Gathering Crystals]

  [Mission Rating: Three Stars]

  [Risk assessment: high]

  [Quest issuer: Elven Alliance]

  [Task Description: Enter the depths of the electric cave on the right side of Yuanzhi City to collect ten crystals]

  [Task Requirements: Hunters of Samsung and below]

  [Reward for completing the mission: Union Coin × 5000]

  [Task points: After discussion, it is decided to give task points x 25]

  After checking the information, Luo Bai understood the reason why no one accepted this task.

  Electric Cave is a relatively famous place,

  Due to the natural terrain, the cave is filled with a lot of electrical turbulence, and a special mineral called electric crystal is derived.

  Electrolite is a material with rich scientific research value, and it will be used in many experimental researches.

  But the environment in the cave is very dangerous.

  Generally speaking, without the protection of an elite-level elf, it is impossible to come out alive.

  All because the current inside is very strong.

  So it's a three-star mission with a high risk rating.

  It's just that the rewards are completely inconsistent with the risks of the mission. This is because, in Samsung's mission, this is actually a relatively simple one, and although the crystal stone is used for special minerals, its annual production has also been maintained. at a considerable value.


  The harvestable task points are extremely low, and the alliance currency rewards are also small.

  So it leads to,

  Those who are interested dare not accept it, and those who are capable have no intention.

  But Luo Bai was very happy,

  Now he is a man with electric pyroxene beside him, even if a hundred thousand volts hit him, he will not be hurt, at most he will feel numb all over his body.

  After all, these are fragments split from the Genesis Slab, and the effect is so domineering.

  For it, this task is just a trip.

  The game system did not give any additional tasks, which may be the reason why Luo Bai felt that this task was equivalent to giving away points.

  After completing this task, Luo Bai's task points directly reached the number 95.

  Only the last five points.

  And 38 hours left.

  There are actually quite a lot of tasks for five points, and there are quite a few suitable ones.

  It's just time consuming.

  It usually starts in four or five days.

  Luo Bai doesn't have that much time,

  Fortunately, there is a fixed task that is equivalent to the gift package for newcomers.

  It takes almost 32 hours, and the reward for the task is exactly 5 points.

  This task is much less time-consuming than other similar 5-point tasks.

  Others need 5 days, but this one only needs 32 hours.

  However, each person can only complete it once. The purpose is to allow novice hunters to quickly adapt to the bounty hunter industry.

  Six hours before the end of the countdown, Luo Bai's total task points,

  Finally broke through the 100 mark!

  He only needs to apply now to be officially promoted to the two-star hunter!