Elyxian Nexus, an ordinary but brilliant inventor, spent centuries bringing peace to a chaotic universe filled with beings possessing extraordinary abilities. Fearing the dark force within him, he ultimately ends his life, only to awaken in a mysterious void.
Given a second chance by a powerful entity, Elyxian is reborn in a fantastical realm where he can control his new world and explore other dimensions. Guided by Lumos, an ethereal being in the form of a system, he embraces his fresh start. Unbeknownst to him, his death sets in motion events of cosmic significance, leading to a destiny beyond his wildest imaginings and a path to greatness.
Author Note:
Due to my studies, I won't be able to follow any release schedule. It means that I won't be able to tell when a new chapter will come out. Will it be 1 day or 1 week or 1 month? Can't tell.
But you can rest assured that I won't drop this novel. I will finish it.
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Hey! Author here. You can ask me any questions here and I will try my best to answer them. English isn't my 1st Language. So if there are mistakes in the chapters then please make sure to inform me. I will fix it immediately. It's my 2nd novel and I will make sure to keep the story pleasant and interesting for all readers to enjoy! Give it a try! Remember this is a side project I am doing. So there won't be any fixed release time. But I will never drop this one. So you can be worry-free!