With our "date" over it was time to go our separate ways. Natasha returned to Shield while I stepped into my new warehouse with a pre-loaded laboratory installed. It was on the small side but considering that it was free and funded indirectly by Shield it was very generous. I also couldn't just summon stuff from the system anytime I wanted anymore as I supposedly burned that bridge. So for now I needed to make do with what I have for now until I came up with a legitimate excuse for how things just appeared around me.

The lab was far more advanced than anything from my previous world but with comic villains and heroes being born out of scientific accidents, they couldn't be ordinary. Still, this was far from the top-of-the-line equipment of this world according to Fury but his hands were tied at the moment. Unless I wanted Hydra sticking its nose into my business this was the best he could do at the moment. Fortunately, I had a brilliant scientific mind and a super-advanced AI to compensate for our current shortcomings. Speaking of which currently Cortana was integrating herself into the building and all the technology here to keep others out as we worked. Meanwhile, Dejah Thoris was taking apart the pod racer and the broken shield generator studying them along with the other stuff I wasn't using.

Dejah Thoris: These things are brilliant as they are infuriating! This Zat'nik'tel while useful is extremely limited not to mention how clumsily made it is! It's like the It's creator barely understood the concepts needed to create this weapon! As for the pod racer, it is a complete waste of useful parts!

"Calm down Thoris I understand that it is infuriating but try to understand that these are products from different civilizations. You can't expect them to be as enlightened as yourself besides the developers had different priorities so they developed differently."

Dejah Thoris: You are right I just got so frustrated seeing such an abundance wasted

"And that is okay but right now we need to develop a flagship product for the company in order for us to truly stand out so decided to put some of my newfound knowledge to good use. What do you know about prosthetics and their development"

Dejah Thoris: Not really my area of expertise but I am sure that I can cobble something miles better than these backward animals

"How very condensing although mostly accurate of to say but, I think you would be surprised by how developed some of these individuals are in fact there are civilizations hiding from the rest of the world with advanced technology"

Although she looked with doubt she didn't question it instead we discussed various ideas about the creation and application of various prosthetics. Most of my knowledge stemmed from Ripper doc information which I have yet to put into practical use outside of combat. With the information inside my head, I could easily become a top-notch surgeon.

we decided to go with ocular implants as we needed to make a major splash in the field and info limbs wouldn't cut it. with my knowledge of the human body combined with Thoris's expertise and Cortona's fine-tuning, we achieved an immense breakthrough in less than a day. Using my connections with Amanda Waller she gave me a license for human testing and even some test subjects that were missing eyes. Of course, every test was successful the tests were unnecessary but people needed to see proof of concept before they believed that such a product existed.

Amanda Waller's help didn't come free so I had to so along with the production of optics I had to provide something less humanitarian. This included cyberware like Gorilla arms, lynx paws, and Shock-n-Awe (cyberpunk 2077) to say that she was impressed was an understatement. Which is why she attempted to hijack my lab fortunately M'Shen was able to dissuade her of the idea which surprisingly didn't piss her off instead, she seemed to respect her for it. However, that respect didn't extend to me as she treated me like a business partner at best with a hint of disdain that she seemed to have for everyone.