Ch4: Unofficial date

It's been 4 months since the Madara has come in this world. He had been training and dancing with AGS and Elly for a while now. Right now, Elly is in Dev's office. Giving her report and planning their next step.

"According to reports, all of our troops are training in Haki and Rokushiki. Only few hundreds were able to awaken their Haki including me and your personal escorts. While training for Rokushiki is still going on. The plan to incorporate these techniques in all our operations are going smoothly and it's expected that it will increase our efficiency by 60% to 70%. Greatly reducing our military spending and reaction time as well as increase our capabilities. Also 20% of the required satellites have been stationed in the orbit. Due to this world size being double of our old world, we gonna need more satellites to cover entire surface. The new satellites are being manufactured and are expected to launch every 2 weeks." Reported Elly while standing in front of Dev.

"Good, keep it up. I want eyes on everything and scan of whole planet ASAP. What the status of our military vehicles?" Inquired Dev about his military vehicles. He wanted to be prepare as much as possible for this new world.

"In Air Force, We got Lockheed Martin's F22 and F35,  Chengdu J20, Sukhoi Su-57 and HAL AMCA as our fifth generation fighters, five hundred of each. Our next sixth generation fighters are FA-XX and F-X (from USA and Japan respectively) which are being developed. We also got other various aircraft for all purposes. We have total of  16,000 active aircrafts in our military."

"Our Navy is same as US navy from our old world. We currently maintain 13 carrier strike groups and plans to increase it."

"Our Army has 9,000 Main battle tanks which includes latest Abrams X and Panther KF51. We also have many APCs, AFVs, IFVs and other types of land vehicles including artillery."

Elly took a breath after explaining current strength. While Dev just nodded while listening. As military vehicles were done, he asked about his powerhouse.

"How's Madara? Is he able to fit in our modern society?" Dev asked about Madara well being as this was quite a future shock for him.

"He is okay, he was surprised at first but he is excited to try various things. Although he doesn't show it on his face." Said Elly with light chuckle.

"Thats good. Okay, I believe we should get ready for our first contact with people of this world. Instead of normal diplomats, we will send Madara. He is strong and has great mind so he won't be at disadvantage. Normal diplomats won't have strength if there is someone who wants to mess with them, also with Madara as a temporary diplomat, we will be sending strong message of our country strength.  Start giving him some training in modern diplomacy."

As it was already 4 months since they are in this world and Kingdom is somewhat stabilize, Dev decided it's good time to make contact and not make them wait any longer.

"Okay, I'll get to it. Do we have a idea with whom we are going to make first contact"

"Yes we do. It's the Ryugu Kingdom. The Ryugu Kingdom is the underwater country that King Neptune rules over. It includes all of Fish-Man Island as well as the surrounding areas. It is the home of the fish-men and merfolk. Basically intelligent marine life. Beside they already know about us and are waiting for our contact ."

Dev gave her the name of the kingdom with whom they are going to have contact as well as Ryugu Kingdom knowing about them.

"They already know about us and waiting for us? How is it possible? We haven't any contact since we came here and we are perfectly hidden inside our domain!!!" Barked Elly as she was worried about National Security.

"They have someone named Madam Shyarly and she has ability to see future but can't exactly tell when that future happens. When we were transported here, I got a notification that our Kingdom was recognised by 105,000,000 people. Our population is 100,000,000 and Ryugu Kingdom has 5,000,000 population. But don't worry, they are nice except some few people but they are the one who i look forward to have diplomatic relationship and better turned into strong friendship."

Dev told Elly about his desire to have friendship with Ryugu Kingdom.

"I'll tell you more about it when Madara is ready to leave for Ryugu Kingdom. Speaking of him, where is he right now?"

"He is currently exploring the city. It is good that accommodating so fast in our modern society." Elly knew Madara was from sengoku era where there was no modern technology.

"Hmm, I guess I should explore the city too. Get to know my citizens and enjoy fresh air. I have been cooped up here for a long time anyway." said Dev as stood up to leave his office.

"Okay I'll ready your escorts." But before Elly can continue, Dev interrupted her.

"There's no need for that. I want to go alone and interact with my people. I don't wanna be some high status guy who rules over his population without properly interacting with them. The more closer i am to people as a person, the better it is"  told Dev as he grabbed his jacket and mobile.

This made Elly feel really good as the person she follows is such a good natured but it's not possible for her to let the king go alone without a protection.

"Then atleast accompany you, i should be able to deal with any situation if it arrives" with determination, Elly requested her king to atleast have accompany him.

"Hmm... Sure, let's go together. You also have been working tirelessly. Lets take a break together" with bright smile, Dev accepted Elly request.

Although for Dev, his smile was genuine without any meaning. But for Elly it made her heart skip a beat.

With a blush on her face, she replied

"I'll get ready soon, please wait for me"

She hurriedly left her room without looking back, with a blush and giggle.

Dev was waiting for her at the door for last 20 mins when she finally came out.

She was wearing a dark blue long sleeve shirt with jeans. Red lipstick matching with her free flowing red hair. And a tint of blush on her cheeks.

Dev was speechless and was staring at her like she is a goddess.

"How am i looking?" Elly spoke while being shy.

"You look beautiful" said Dev with a smile. And so begans the unofficial date of Dev and Elly.









Meanwhile Madara was trying to win claw machine arcade game but kept failing.