Ch17: Kaido vs Whitebeard

On a lonely island in the sea surrounded by a soon to be disturbed emptiness was a man with a mascular back with no scar whatsoever except a prideful tattoo which matches his face. A white crescent shaped beard pointing towards the heaven and a cheeky smile.

The same realistic face can be found if you looked at the man from the front who is currently looking at the sky, towards a fast incoming silhouette with the sun in their background.

As the smaller silhouette goes ahead and tries to attack Whitebeard, who is standing with his weapon on his hand and not reacting a bit to the attack.

As the flying black dinosaur was just moment away from stabbing Whitebeard's chest with his harder than steel beak, a blue burning pheonix latches on its neck with his claw and push him away from the king.

"You can't go straight for the King! King."

"Marco" as the king stands up and take out his sword to block a diamond punch from Jozu.

King can either go for speed by sacrificing his defence or go for defence by sacrificing his speed. Marco can take care of King's speed while Jozu will go for King's defence. A perfect tag team against the lunarian.

Without stopping for a moment, Kaido in his azure dragon tried to bite Whitebeard.

Whitebeard stabbed his Naginata into the ground and used his bare hands to grab the deadly jaws of the dragon.

It took Whitebeard 15 meters to stop the momentum of the Kaido. On the being stopped, a huge amount of heat gathered in Kaido's mouth as it shone bright like a burning sunset.

"Blast Bre-" but before Kaido can launch his attack, his jaws were forcefully shut by Whitebeard's grip.

"Sheesh it brat!!! You are too young to try to bite me!!" Whitebeard slams Kaido's head on the ground and covered his right hand covered in strong amount of armament and conqueror haki as well as the halo of Tremor-Tremor Fruit.

And with the lost strength back, Whitebeard punched Kaido so hard that island below them broke into 2.

Kaido turned into his human form and held his bleeding head.

"What the hell old man!!! You were supposed to be weak!!! How can you get strong like before!!!" Kaido shouted in pain and shock as he transferred to his human state and holds his bleeding head..

"You think you can come after me as soon as the news of my defeat spread. DID YOU FORGOT WHO AM I ?!!" Whitebeard picked up his weapon and slammed its butt on the ground.


Not getting the answer for what he is hoping for, Kaido picked up his Kanabo, a spiked war club and rushed towards Whitebeard while transforming into his hybrid form along the way.

Whitebeard answered Kaido's arrogance by bringing his own weapon Naginata down on him.

As the weapons clashed, it pushed everything away in a strong burst of force.

Far away from current battle, another ongoing battle is already taking place.

"You red haired brat, why the hell are you blocking my way!!!" Charlotte Linlin aka Big Mom screamed at Shanks.

" I am just trying to minimize the damage it will cause due to the defeat of Whitebeard. You being there will only worsen the situation, bringing the world into a turbulent state and breaking the balance." Shanks replied with his sword Gryphon in the hand as it had blood dripping down from it.

"Boss!! The battle between Whitebeard and Kaido has already began." Lucky Roux delivered the news while still eating meat with his left hand as always.

"I see. Then i must hurry." With that said Shanks jumped towards Big Mom for an attack. The named graded sword clashed with a soul infused living sword.

"You must retreat Big Mom!!" Shanks told while pressing his against her.

"Stop ordering me around you Brat!!!" Big Mom replied as she also tries to push Shanks back.

On the split sky directly above them, even beyond the sky is a military satellite observing their battle since the inception.

The news about the beginning of the battle has also reached the WG's Marines Fleet which is currently heading towards the said battle.

"The battle has already started. Kizaru, go ahead first and give live updates to the battle. We will join you as soon as possible." Sengoku gave command to Kizaru, the fastest man in their Marines. It's not like that the spies they have will be able to analyse the fast going battle and even survive to continue to spy. Kizaru can easily survive the sidelines and also give better analytical updates back to the Marines Fleet.

But this is what Oneiro Kingdom has been waiting for. For Kizaru use his power and determine his speed, trajectory and how his powers work.

As it was observed how kizaru used his power and reached the battle site, Dev asked the man on standing by his side.

"What do you think? think you can keep up with him?"

"I have found multiple weak points on how his powers work which i might be able to exploit. But speed wise he is faster than me."

Replied a man who wore similar armor as Madara had when he was first summoned, except it's blue and got fur around the neck.

(Tobirama pic)

"The analysis indicates his top speed is at mach 3. The only jet we have that can go above his speed is SR-71 which is in museum." Elly replied in between.

It was huge disadvantage for Oneiro Kingdom. It literally means that Kizaru is will be able to intercept all their fighters jets.

"Lets continue our observation." With that said, everyone's eyes returned to the huge screens. 3 different screens showing the battle between Red hair pirates and Big Mom pirates, Whitebeard's pirates vs Kaido and King. The third screen is showing the WG Marines fleet and Beast pirates fleet approaching the same location.

The battle is still going as Kaido swings his Kanabo at Whitebeard mercilessly who in return is defending all strikes with his Naginata covered in haki. Having enough of Kaido's strikes, Whitebeard deflected the incoming Kanabo to the side as this move requires the person to spin his body to put on his body weight for maximum rotational force. Keeping the momentum, Whitebeard did a spin kick right on Kaido's abdomen and pushed him back.

With such a strong kick, Kaido's leaned forward as his upper body and lower body tried to maintain its postion but the middle part of body was pushed back. As the Kaido rises his head up, his horns were grabbed by Whitebeard and brought Kaido's head back down to the up coming knee.

Whitebeard tossed Kaido to the side by spinning his horns. This attack was able to deal another blow on Kaido's head.

'Something is wrong. Old man is supposed to be weak with all the micro-poisoning Doflamingo has been doing. There is also no scars on his chest he used to have. I have to investigate about it.' Kaido thought as he got his bearing back.

Meanwhile Marco and Jozu were able to hold King back with the occasional surprise snipes by Izou.

But soon WG Marines are about to join.

War room,

Oneiro Kingdom,

"Should we notify them about Marines arrivals and Kizaru location? Beast pirates are also set to arrive." Elly asked to the people around her.

"Why should we help them so much. We have already provided them information, doing so will reveal more of our capabilities." Tobirama voiced his opinion against helping Whitebeard's pirates.

"As it has been said before, our goal is to have good relationship with Whitebeard pirates. Providing them with this much information will show them our competence in Intelligence." Madara rebuked Tobirama claims.

As Tobirama was surprised by Madara's stance on this. If it was old Madara, he would have not agreed to and instead manipulate everyone from the background for his own self interest. For Tobirama, Madara has changed.

"I think we should share limited information. We still haven't told him about Shichibukai involvement and if we keep it that way, they will think we have a 'hole' in our surveillance capabilities. But we should inform them about Kizaru and incoming beast pirates fleet."

Elly gave her suggestions and everyone more or less agreed with her.

"Let's do it as Elly suggested. Madara make the call." Dev gave final command and Madara did as he was told.

"purururu~" The Den Den Mushi rang and the one to pick it up was Ace.

"Exactly opposite to where Moby Dick is parked, Admiral Kizaru is spying on you guys and behind him are Marines fleet coming. Also Beast pirates fleets are coming from the right side of Moby Dick."

Without even giving Ace a chance to speak, Madara informed him about the situation and ended the call. Ace also doesn't have to guess who was on the other side of the call.

"Guys!!! Beast pirates are coming from the right side of the ship and Marines have already sent their Admiral here and they are on their way too. I'll go inform Oyaji, you guys prepare to ambush them." Ace forwarded the information to the crew and ran ahead to find a chance to inform Whitebeard about it.

Kizaru saw the erractic behaviour of Ace and Whitebeard pirates and thought something was wrong.

Ace got the chance as Whitebeard just threw Kaido some distance away.

"Oyaji!! Admiral Kizaru is spying on us from the opposite side of where our ship is parked and Marines fleet behind him are also coming. Kaido's fleet is also coming from the right side of the ship."

Whitebeard got informed and he replied back.

"You guys deal with their fleet. I'll deal with the admirals and this Lizard here."

No longer worried about Whitebeard's health, Ace without arguing followed Whitebeard's order. But just as he turned around to run back and inform others. A black haki filled Kanabo came towards the back of his head.

It almost hit Ace if it wasn't for Whitebeard stopping it with his own weapon. And to say the least, he was pissed.

"YOU THINK I'LL LET YOU HURT MY SON IN FRONT OF MY EYES!!!" Whitebeard got so angry that he swatted the Kanabo from Kaido's hand and hit him with Naginata covered in haki, bypassing his nigh-indestructible skin and making long wound from his right chest to his left torso.

And he wasn't done yet as Whitebeard covered his fist in tremendous amount of haki and his devil fruit power. A right hook straight into the Kaido's face with so much force that the fist carved into his face and launched him towards the yellow monkey and crashed into him.

Ace got to see the full power of his Father up close for the first time.


It took me a while come up with the fight scene and to find inspiration. The fan manga of Whitebeard vs kaido can be found on the link below. Check it out.