Ch22: Trade agreements

New day has arrived and so does everyone in the meeting room.

"I would like to apologise to cancel our meeting for yesterday. As you all are already aware, there was a battle between The WG Marines and all the Emperors." Dev was the one to apologise as he had to show his sincerity. Just because his nation is powerful doesn't mean he will look down upon weak nation.

"Its alright. We understand that it was a big event for our world. We have already recieved news that Whitebeard pirates came out victorious from Jimbe" King Neptune replied while nodded in agreement.

"That good. Everyone, I would like to introduce Mr. Schneizel el Britannia. He is the prime minister of our Kingdom. He mainly deals with running the Kingdom and also my advisor. Basically i relax while i dumped my work on him. Haha" Dev introduced Schneizel to Ryugu Kingdom officials while also making little joke at the end.

Shion was not present as she was training to be Dev's secretary. She is capable but clumsy secretary. but they are still lot of things she has to learn about the kingdom, technologies and modern standards.

"Its nice to meet you all. I hope we can build a fosterfull relationship between our Kingdom." Schneizel greeted and reached out for handshake which he got reciprocated as well.

"It's nice to meet you as well Prime Minister Schneizel. We haven't met in our past meeting so i didn't know about you." King Neptune replied.

"Yes. I was actually in another part of the Kingdom for inspection. With our Kingdom being in this world, we have been busy quite a while. I have just returned yesterday and already been debrief about the prior meeting. So please rest assure i will do my best to foster our relationship." Schneizel replied back with a smile. It was little subtle manipulation like smiling to get their guard down. Its the basic of any meeting and politics. You know as they say, politicians are shrewder than seaweed. (A/N I just made this up)

"Lets continue our meeting from where we left. We have already agreed on Recognition Treaty while the bilateral security treaty is due as per suggestion." Both Neptune and Otohime nodded at that.

"Let's talk about trade agreement. There many things that we would like to have import of and like to see if its possible to procure on agreeable terms." Dev said and Otohime replied.

"If its possible, we too would like to have some imports from your Kingdom." Otohime said in hope as an open trade with humans will be a good publicity and increase cooperation and respect towards humans.

"If the terms are acceptable, then we would surely like to have a trade." Neptune spoke with specifically mentioning the term acceptable. Meaning he doesn't want to be taken advantage of without any good returns. Although he has power to reject but the situation isn't favourable to him to do so. And also he doesn't want to do it for his wife.

"Alright. Although we have already recieved information from preliminary studies conducted by Madara but we would still like to ask that is it possible to have Seafood trade with your Kingdom. As your people race is closely related to Marine animals, we don't want to be disrespectful." Dev said with his tone going little doubtful at the end.

At this, Neptune, Otohime and Jimbe laughed and replied. "There's no need to think about being disrespectful about this. Although our race related to Marine animals, we still are completely different from them and we even consume them too. Even my favourite dish is fish cutlets."

Honestly they all felt good as Dev tried not to offend them and think about them carefully. Because who would sell their own race to be get cannibalize.

This brought smile to Dev's face.

"Fantastic, then we can continue. For our initial batch, we like to have every type of seafood in 5 ton of quantity. And for sea king meat, we would like to have 5 different meats of 10 ton each. We would like to have our people reactions to food first so that we can have proper idea of what and how much seafood should we import of." Dev put forward his demand.

"That can be arranged. As for sea king meat, we will try to send best one available." Neptune agreed with the demand.

Madara noted down whatever was agreed upon as well as Jinbe did too. There were also recording devices available too.

"We too would like to have some surface food import as well." Otohime said.

Although Ryugu Kingdom recieves sunlight through the giant tree root from Red line , their soil is not able to produce proper surface based food and such there is lack it off as going outside their Kingdom is risky. Especially on Sabaody island where they can be enslaved easily and even worse, catch the eye of those wannabe astronauts (World Noble/Tenryubito or celestial dragons, whatever they are).

"Sure. Please continue." Dev replied to which Otohime and Neptune put forward their demand.

"We would like to import of grains, rice, livestocks, fruits and vegetables. 10 tons initially for us to check as well." Although they have already eaten land food and enjoyed it without any problem. They want to test as it was a product from different world. Who knows what kind of unexpected reaction it can cause.

"That could be done initially." Dev replied as Madara and Jinbe noted it down.

"Now for the payment of trade." Dev said as this is where Schneizel comes.

"Since as you already know, we have our currency and such we can't just accept entirety of payment in Berries. As it would also be problem for Ryugu Kingdom to recieve entire payment in Dollars. As such we suggest that half payment made in Berries and other half in Dollars. As such Óneiro Kingdom will be able to use Berries for trade with outside world and Ryugu Kingdom would also be able to trade with Óneiro Kingdom using Dollars." Schneizel said to which Neptune and Jinbe started to think about it while Otohime isn't that good with finance.

" Hmm.. we can agree but what exchange rate would this be based on and how initial payment can be done as we both don't each other currencies." Neptune replied after a while. Neptune has left his ministers back at Ryugu Kingdom to deal and maintain Kingdom in absence of the royalties.

"I believe we can have exchange rate of 1 Dollar to 136 belly. We have already shown our records as you all have personally check it and cross referenced yourself numerous times. I believe this is the right exchange rate." Schneizel said as he got them where he wanted them to be. He wanted to establish Dollar to be more powerful than Belly and maintain it's unshakeble position.

This caused both Neptune and Jinbe to look at each other and go in contemplation mode. Whatever Schneizel said is true and is logical but it wont give Ryugu Kingdom much advantage. Neptune took a look at his wife face who is hoping for a good news.

With no option, he had to agree right now.

"We agree but how do we the initial payment?"

"For now, both Kingdom can pay half part in their own currencies while the other part for which we don't the required currency can set up as credit which can be paid later when our currency exchange and trade are stable." Schneizel replied.

King Neptune being no stranger to how banking works agreed as it is how the economy works.

"We agree with that. Now how much exactly would be the payment for the initial batch?" Neptune asked next question.

And so the negotiation began between two kingdoms which ended with both Kingdom agreeing upon.

(A/N: i suck at economy and even have barely idea of how it works so i did what i can manage to do.)

And also many other trades were established but they all were small one or non important. Important resource that Óneiro Kingdom need are being procured by themselves for now but they are hoping to have a contract with fishman cause that would be too much cheaper.

Meanwhile both World Government and their dogs Marines were unhappy. The reason being Whitebeard returning strength and loss of their troops.

"Damn it!! We lost too many soldiers without gaining anything." Sengoku said in anger and frustration.

"We should look into this Madara guy who popped out of nowhere. Also their Kingdom as well." Tsuru said as we wanted to have every piece of information available.

*Munch Munch Munch*

"Yeah. It definitely has to do something with that Madara person. Defeating as well as healing Whitebeard." Sengoku replied back.

*Munch Munch Munch*

"We were already explained that Cipher Pol would be deployed to investigate about him. They have also sent them to fishman island." Sengoku said as not to long ago he received call from the Five Elders and they gave new order with Marine cooperation in it as well.

*Munch Munch Munch*

Sengoku looked tiredly at Garp. Who is loudly consuming crackers while being covered in bandages. Everyone present inside Fleet Admiral office is covered in Bandage except Tsuru who didn't take part in the fight.

"Garp!! Can't you eat silently at the corner of the room!! We are having a serious discussion." Sengoku knows its impossible to stop Garp annoying him. No one can make him take situation seriously unless he himself deems it necessary. And this time is surely not necessary.

Garp while maintaining eye contact and chewing loudly, reach for his tea and take loud slurp.

Sengoku was blood was literally boiling due Garp and strees. He grabbed nearby book and hurls it at Garp.


"BWAHAHAHA~" Garp dodged and ran out of the room while laughing loudly. His real goal was to get out of this boring meeting.

"Madara. Huh~" Garp muttered his name while walking down the hall as he looks forward to meet Madara.

Far away in the sea known as New Word region of GrandLine. At the time of lunch, Whitebeard pirates woke up with head splitting headache.

"Arg!! My head hurts like someone hit with hammer!!" Ace grumbles in pain as he had his head on his hand. He himself being confused as headache was due to alcohol or his grandpa's fist of love.

"Yeah mine too!! The alcohol gifted to us is really something else eh!" Marco said as he sat beside Ace in mesh hall. Other commanders are still laying around everywhere on the ship.

*Clang!! Clang!! Clang!! Clang!!*

Loud sound of metal banging another metal was heard all around. Looking around the source of this unpleasant sound is Thatch who is banging metal pot with metal utensil.

"Wake up everybody. Lunch is ready!!" Thatch announced to now awoken pirates who are glaring at him with anger and headache.

"Bastard!! Don't make loud sound while we are having hangover!!" Jozu shouted at Thatch with hatred.

Everyone else too agreed with what Jozu said to Thatch. Even Thatch too should be suffering from hangover yet here he is making loud sound.

Thatch just removes ear plugs from his ear and with a smug face says "did you said something?"

Even with ear plugs, he damn knew what was said to him.

Jozu really wanted to hit Thatch with diamond fist. Everyone else wanted to pummel him too.

"Alright alright I was just joking. I also made soup to help with Hangover so just freshen up" Thatch tactically took a few steps and explained.

"Gurararara~" from the door reverberated Whitebeard laugh as he enters the Mesh hall.

"Pops~ here's your soup" Thatch quickly fetch him a good portion of soup.

"Thanks Thatch" Whitebeard sat down and drank his soup peacefully.

Soon the the mesh hall and the outside was filled with warm soup.

"Pops when are we going to Ryugu Kingdom? For the alcohol you know?" Vista asked as the noise suddenly died down and everyone's attention was on Whitebeard.

"As soon as we have our lunch, we will set sail for Fishman island." Whitebeard instructed as it brought smile on everyone's face. Everyone knew how good was Óneiro Kingdom alcohol was and they wanted more. Madara will be coming to Ryugu Kingdom with varities of sample from which they can choose to order. Which is likely going to be all the sample brought on.

After Lunch, Whitebeard pirates with enthusiasm set sail to Fishman island.