Kal El

After I had embarrassingly fled from the three girls who had found out my identity, I rushed home to quickly don my hero suit. Then I headed out on patrol for the next few hours to clear my head. Nothing like beating up criminals and saving some more people to keep the embarrassing thoughts away…

"Oh crap it's Supergirl run!" No more easy muggings for these guys.

"Supergirl, thank you so much for saving my cat!" The damn thing tried to claw my eyeball as I got it out of that tree…

"Thank you for putting out that fire, Supergirl!" No problem, nobody likes forest fires!


I had decided to call it quits after my 15th save of the night and flew back towards my house in Forks. At least those four drunks harassing Rosalie, Alice, Angela, and me were absolutely hammered, so they wouldn't be remembering anything about who beat them up. They'd probably wake up in jail with some broken bones and hopefully rethink their lives…

As I finally reached my house and started lowering my altitude, I just let out a sigh at seeing I had visitors. Alice and Rosalie were standing on my porch, clearly waiting for me...

Still clad in my hero costume, I slowly landed in my yard in front of them. Their eyes widened upon seeing me touch down in front of them.

"Hi you two." I greeted them. They looked away slightly awkwardly.

Both of them had slight guilty looks on their faces. Maybe for finding out about my secret identity? Not that I blamed them for that anyway… or really myself either at this point. How was I supposed to know that those drunken assholes who tried to go after Bella in the story would be there weeks ahead of time!? Had they just been going out drunk and harassing people every night!? If so, I'm going to have to have a word with the Port Angeles police because they were not doing their jobs...

"Hi, Kara!" Alice replied. "We just wanted to stop by and thank you for saving us, and we promise that we absolutely won't tell anyone about… you know..." She said, gesturing with her eyes up and down to me. Rosalie nodded in agreement before saying a bit of the same thing.

"Honestly, you two, I did a lot of thinking about this after I took off on you all earlier, and sorry about that, by the way," I started off, speaking the truth. "To be honest, I was bound to be exposed sooner or later. I had also kind of figured that it would've been your family finding out anyway." I said that last part and noticed a slightly nervous look the two of them were giving me. Both of them initially looked relieved at the first thing I said, but then they could tell that I slightly hinted at their true natures.

Rosalie had a defensive look on her face. "Why would you think that we would've been the ones to find out about you first?" She said, faking her confusion.

"Are you really gonna make me say it out loud?" I questioned the two of them, who were glancing to the side nervously, not meeting my eyes.

Alice was whispering to Rosalie, "It's annoying, I still can't see her future to see how this conversation is going to go."

"I heard that," I admitted to their shocked faces.

"You have super hearing too!?" Alice exclaimed, surprised. "Hey, nobody ever mentioned that being one of your powers online!"

"They didn't?" I questioned. I never really elaborated on what my powers were to the general public, but I figured they could've at least used logic and deduction to figure out I had super hearing as well. How did the public think I was finding all the criminals so fast anyway? Especially in a place as large as Star City, which has tens of millions of people.

"The only things they have listed are that you're super strong and super fast, you can fly, and you can breathe ice or something," Rosalie elaborated. I guess those were the only powers I ended up showing the general public blatantly. Maybe that was for the best. Villains in the future won't be able to plan for my other powers if they don't know about them. The one power I definitely want to keep secret, and I'll have to get Clark in the future to do the same, is x-ray vision! It's just too useful an ability to be constantly blocked by every single supervillain just lining their bunkers with lead, completely negating it.

"Yes, I have super hearing," I confirmed to them. "Probably a lot better hearing than you guys actually do, to be honest." Their looks of shock at that were pretty funny.

"So, does that mean..." Alice nervously started off saying.

"Yes, Alice, I've heard pretty much every single conversation you guys have been having in the cafeteria or in the parking lot since I've been here." Alice just put her head down in defeat at that. "And yes, I know you guys are vampires." I bluntly said that last part, and Rosalie actually snarled at me.

"Why would you ever admit that to us?" She snarled again. "You have no idea what kind of danger that puts you in! What kind of danger that puts my family in!"

"Actually, I do know," I said to her surprise. "I've known about vampires long before I actually met you two." Well, I knew about them because I lived in a different universe where all this was fiction, but I wasn't going to admit that out loud…

"And what is it exactly you know?" Alice asked curiously.

"I know all about vampire strengths and weaknesses, and I also know about the difference between vampires who feed on human blood and vampires who feed on animal blood. That's why I never had a problem with you two or your family. All of you have golden eyes, so I immediately knew that you fed on animals and not people." I elaborated to them, and their concerned expressions lessened at that.

Still though," Rosalie started, "you have no idea what kind of trouble we would be in if they found out that anyone knows about us, especially the new superhero taking the entire world by storm. They would go into an absolute panic and do their best to try and kill you before you ended up exposing them to the rest of the world or something!" Rosalie said, her voice filled with concern for my well-being. I knew on the inside she was just a softy under that beautiful but rough exterior.

"You don't have to be so afraid of me knowing, Rosalie. I'm planning on destroying the Volturi in the future," I said as the two of them looked gobsmacked, as if I just told them I was upturning the entire world. Which, in a way, I suppose I was, for them at least.

"What!?" Both of them replied at the same time, shocked. Rosalie continued, "Do you have any idea what you're saying!? The Volturi is not just some run-of-the-mill coven like us. They have over 100 extremely trained and strong members, and every single one of them has a powerful gift. You can't even join them without having a powerful gift!"

I always thought that was kind of strange, considering one of the kings himself didn't have a gift. It seemed kind of hypocritical of them, only allowing the most elite vampires to join them when one of their leaders was just a regular run-of-the-mill vampire himself. Yes, he was supposedly good at fighting, but you could take any professional MMA fighter nowadays and turn them into a vampire, and they'd probably kick the absolute shit out of Caius...

"So you're really planning on taking them down in the future?" Alice asked, still slightly surprised by my statement.

I just nodded at her and told her that was my plan. "I'm waiting for other superpowered heroes to rise up before I inform them about the Volturi, and we could take them down together," I explained to the two of them. "You two could even become heroes yourselves and join up with us." I gave them both a wink.

Rosalie just scoffed, while Alice had a pondering look on her face. Noticing her sister with that look, Rosalie scolded her and said, "Alice, you can't actually be seriously thinking about us becoming superheroes! We would immediately be exposed the second we stood in the sunlight!"

"I mean, you two could just wear full-body suits to cover yourselves up for that kind of situation..." I plainly said, to which Rosalie just gave me another small glare while Alice looked like she had metaphorical stars in her eyes, as she was probably in her own head, planning out her make-believe future as a superhero.

"It's not going to happen," Rosalie shut down the thought. "We're not exactly the hero types, plus we wouldn't trust ourselves around blood anyway. But if you were truly planning on destroying the Volturi... and you could assemble a team of superpowered heroes in the future strong enough to pull it off..." Rosalie looked off to the side, pondering for a second before she continued, "...then I, and most likely the rest of my family, would support you all in that endeavor!" She declared.

"Of course we would," Alice said, as she jumped up and down in glee. "It's about time somebody stuck it to those murderous vampires, giving the rest of us a bad name! If all the evil vampires that feed on people in the world were eliminated, we wouldn't have to hide ourselves either." She seemed excited at the prospect. I didn't have the heart to tell her that was pretty much the plot of True Blood, and it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows once vampires came to light.

"I appreciate that," I said with a smile. Their coven was known to be the second largest in the world, after all. Despite Rosalie trying to downplay them.


"So, does that mean we're friends now!?" Alice asked in excitement. "I've always wanted to have more friends outside of my family!"

"Of course we can be friends," I said. Rosalie just scoffed, but I could see a hint of a smile on her face too. It seemed the beautiful vampire was a bit of a tsundere...

Alice squeaked in excitement once again. "And if you want any relationship advice from either of us, we're happy to help! We've been together with our mates for decades, after all."

Relationship advice? Oh right, Angela. I had kind of forgotten about her. She also knew my identity now too...

"Is something wrong?" Alice asked, probably seeing the look on my face. "Oh, are you worried about Angela? She's okay; we drove her home after you took off."

"Are you worried about her knowing you're Supergirl?" Rosalie asked knowingly.

I just let out a sigh. I was kind of worried about that, but from what I knew of the girl, she shouldn't go blabbing about it openly... Then again, her best friend was the gossip queen, Jessica.

"You don't have to worry," Alice said, reassuring me. "As long as you're not near her, I can see her future, and she never tells anybody!" That was a relief.

I actually explained to the two of them that while I was flattered by Angela's thoughts about me, I was planning on turning her down. Alice pouted, saying we would have been cute together, and I just plainly told her I wasn't interested in anything like that right now. I asked Alice to look and see what Angela's reaction would be to that, and she told me that while she'd be upset at first, she wouldn't be absolutely devastated or anything. We had only known each other a few days after all. I suppose I was overthinking the difference between a new crush and a total infatuation...

With our conversation over, Alice and Rosalie headed back home, and I decided to call it a night—or, well, a morning, as the sun was coming up at this point. Two hours later, I blearily woke myself up and begrudgingly went to school. I wanted to skip so badly, but I figured I should wait at least a week into my new school life before I started pulling stuff like that.

I drove my Jeep into the parking lot, and with my fake glasses secured to my face this time, I exited the vehicle and headed towards the school building.

"Here she comes," I heard a whisper from across the parking lot. I turned to the sound of the voice, and it was Alice. She was by herself next to a car I didn't recognize, so I figured she came on her own today instead of riding with her family.

She gave me a wave and then pointed to my left a bit. There was Angela making a beeline towards me with an eager grin on her face. Oh boy, this was going to be an awkward conversation…

"Hi, Kara!" Angela exclaimed as she ran up to me. "Last night was absolutely crazy, huh?" She said with a slight sigh. "I didn't get a wink of sleep all night, and yet I'm too psyched up to care!" She laughed. She glanced around the parking lot, noticing it was completely empty so early in the morning, besides Alice standing by her lonesome a ways away. Figuring no one could hear us, she whispered to me. "I promise I won't tell anyone about you being... you know. It can be our little secret…" She said to herself with a small blush.

"I really appreciate that, Angela," I said to her with a smile that I slowly lost when I said the next part, "But can we talk?"


"She'll get over it soon enough," Alice said to me. I was now standing next to her by her car in the parking lot. Angela had taken me turning down her advances well enough... She did still cry through my whole explanation though…


"So, does your whole family know about me now?" I asked Alice.

Alice just shook her head no and smiled at me. "Of course not! We're supposed to be BFFs now, how could I go and spill your secrets so easily!? Rosalie hasn't said anything either, of course!" That was truly nice of them to not tell their family about me. I asked her how she kept Edward from finding out.

"Oh, that's easy," she said with a laugh. "Whenever I want him to not read my thoughts, I just start thinking about Jasper naked! I think Rosalie does the same, but with Emmett." She said and I laughed at that too. Being an eternal mind reader and all, the poor guy has probably seen tens of thousands of second-hand wieners through girls' memories over the past hundred years...

"So, what are your plans for after school today?" Alice asked me with a curious look.

"I'm going to go and try to visit some family of mine. My younger cousin, actually."

Alice pouted; she apparently wanted to hang out later, so I told her we could meet up in the next few days.


Once school let out for the day, I headed home to don my costume before I took off flying, heading East towards Kansas.


I needed some kind of GPS device... I was flying over endless fields of corn and was a tad bit lost. The problem was, I needed an incredibly durable small GPS device that could withstand me flying at Mach 3 without immediately turning to ash from the air resistance. Such a thing did not exist, or at least no one I knew had built one yet…

I had decided to finally go and pay Clark a visit in Smallville to finally see what I was working with timeline-wise. I flew over the endless maze of crops for another couple of minutes before I finally found a road. Shrugging to myself, I picked one of the two directions and just started following the road to where it led.

Eventually, I came upon a small farmers' town. I was embarrassingly going to have to ask for directions. From the air, I saw what looked to be a small-town family diner that reminded me of the one in Forks. I zipped down in front of it and casually walked inside.

"Welcome, you can just seat yourself wherever you li–" The diner waitress, who was standing by the front door, paused as she looked at me. "OH MY GOSH!" She squealed to herself excitedly! There weren't a lot of other people in the diner, but all eyes were drawn towards me standing by the front door when they heard her exclamation.

"Mommy, it's Supergirl!" A little boy around four years old sitting in a red booth pointed at me! His mother was also just gaping at me wide-eyed. This small farm town must not get a lot of visitors... There were also a few older gentlemen who looked like stereotypical farmers sitting on the counter, both staring at me gobsmacked, same as the mother.

"Hi, everybody!" I smiled and waved.

"Hi, Supergirl!" The little boy exclaimed excitedly. "What are you doing here? Are there any bad guys!?" The various diners looked a bit nervous from his question.

"No, no," I said to their collective sighs of relief. I don't really see this tiny corn farming town as somewhere I'd find villains to fight. Then again, Clark probably never thought Smallville would be like that either… "I just came to ask for some directions," I said as I scratched my head, somewhat embarrassed, to some of the older patrons chuckling. "Oh, and is that apple pie?" I said as I spotted the little boy's plate. "I'd love a slice of that too!" If there's one thing that's consistent about America, it's that these small-town diners will have the absolute best pies!

A few minutes later, after enjoying some delicious pie, signing some autographs, and giving the little boy a few pictures, I was back in the skies heading... West. Apparently, I had ended up in Ohio. I had way overshot Kansas in my initial excitement to meet my cousin for the first time.


About an hour later, and after only having to stop for directions once more, I was standing in front of the Kent farmhouse front door. Laying on the porch floor were a lot of unopened letters that had "past due" and "final notice" stamped on them. It seemed the Kent farm wasn't exactly raking it in money wise.

I knocked on the door gently. "Ma, were you expecting anyone? Someone's at the door," I heard a strong man's voice shout out from inside the house.

"No, sweetie, I wasn't," I heard a woman's voice reply to the man in a kind tone. "I hope it isn't the bank representatives again trying to buy the farm…" I heard her mutter in a sad tone.

"I'll check," the man said. "...Holy shit!" He exclaimed. Did Clark just use his X-ray vision to see me through the door? Also kind of rude that no one's opened it yet. Although if I was being hounded by evil bill collectors, I'd probably not answer either...


"I didn't raise you to be some foul-mouthed city boy." I used my X-ray vision in turn and could see that they were both in the kitchen. Martha Kent had just smacked her son for cursing. I snickered to myself at that.

"But you don't understand who's at the door, Mom!" Clark exclaimed with some slight worry in his voice.

"Is it a debt collector?" Martha asked.

"No, it's-" Clark tried to speak but was quickly shushed by his mother.

"Then don't be rude and go answer the door. They've probably heard half of what we've been saying anyway. The walls in this house aren't exactly thick." Martha said with a sad sigh. The house did look old and like it had seen better days…

After they had kept me waiting for a couple of moments, the door in front of me swung open, and there, standing right in front of me, was my cousin... Superman. Well, he wasn't Superman yet, but I could tell he would be soon. He wasn't a child like I expected. He was clearly a full adult who looked to be in his early to mid-20s!

He just regarded me with shock and confusion at seeing the famous Supergirl standing on his front porch. Probably wondering what I was doing here or if I knew what he really was?

I just looked into his eyes and smiled at him. "Hello, Cousin."


"Would you like some more biscuits, dear?" Martha asked me as all three of us were sitting in her living room.

I gave the tired woman a smile. "No thank you, Martha. I had some pie earlier, and I'm full now."

She just nodded and sat down across from me on a chair. Clark was to her left in another chair, staring at me with a small frown.

"What are you doing here?" He asked defensively, "and why did you call me cousin?"

I just laughed a bit at how distrustful he was acting. "Relax, Kal-El," I noticed his subtle twitch at the name. So, he WAS aware of his Kryptonian heritage at this point in time. "My name is Kara-El, and I am your cousin from Krypton as well." He and Martha both looked shocked at that. "I'm surprised you didn't figure something was up when I showed up on TV with our family's symbol on my costume's chest." He looked embarrassed at that remark.

"I thought it could have been a coincidence…" he admitted with a blush. I just laughed a bit at that and asked him how he thought a superhero with the exact same abilities as him wearing his own family's symbol would be a coincidence. Martha was also looking at her embarrassed son as if he was kind of dumb for not noticing a connection the first time he saw me on TV or in a newspaper.

Martha spoke, "It's always nice to receive good news, especially in a trying time such as this." I figured she was talking about her home being foreclosed on. "But what is the exact reason for your visit?" She questioned me. Clark looked curious too.

I just gave them both a smirk. "Isn't it obvious?" I said. "It's because I want Clark to take up his destined mantle and join the world as a hero!" I declared to them. Clark did not look against the idea at all, much to his mother's confusion.

"...Clark?" Martha spoke his name.

"Mom, I-I have actually been considering it recently. I know Dad wanted me to remain hidden, afraid the government would come and take me away-"

"Literally impossible," I cut in. "We are way too powerful for them to hope to match." Martha looked slightly relieved but also shocked at my declaration that the entire government wouldn't be able to stand up to us.

"But," Clark continued with a slight glare towards me for interrupting him. I just gave him a playful smile. "Watching Supergirl on the news, and now hearing about a new vigilante in Gotham making a real difference out there. I know that it's time for me to come out into the open as well." He said proudly.

"Oh, Clark..." his mother had tears in her eyes. "We never wanted you not to make a difference, we just wanted you to be safe." She stood up and gave her son a tearful hug. I myself had some tears in my eyes at such a touching scene.

Mother and son hugged for a few minutes before they both sat back down. "Sooo," I trailed off jokingly to my cousin, "did your birth parents leave you a costume as well? Because you can't exactly be a superhero wearing some farm clothes." That got a laugh out of him.

He just waved me off with a smile and said that there was, in fact, a suit made for him waiting in his fortress... HIS FORTRESS! Well… now I know which of our parents loved us more. I got a busted escape pod that couldn't even land right from my Kryptonian folks, and he got an entire fortress full of cool alien technology! With a bit of jealousy, I demanded that he take me there at a later date so I could see the cool alien fortress too! I could also possibly get some upgrades to my suit while there as well. He told me that was fine.

Once the details of my future visit were hashed out, I continued our conversation. "So, Clark, when do you think the world will meet... Superman!" I said his destined hero name with glee.

"Superman?" Martha spoke the name out loud before she turned to her son next to her. "Oh sweetie, that name is absolutely fantastic! That's exactly what you are... a Superman." Clark himself smiled at the name. I could tell he obviously was digging it.

Clark took a moment to ponder my question. "I'm not exactly sure," he admitted. "How should I go about making my debut?" He asked me.

I pondered that myself for a bit before I said that we could go out together and patrol Metropolis. I would introduce him to the probably sea of people that would be excited to see two superheroes in their city for the first time.

Clark agreed, and we set his debut date for the coming Saturday. It was going to absolutely blow people's minds for sure when they find out there are two of us. 'It would probably also scare the world governments shitless,' I thought to myself with a laugh.

"Before I go, there is something I need to warn you about," I said to them both seriously.

"What is it?" Martha asked for them.

"What do you know about vampires...?"


POV: An Isekai Protagonist!

She awoke to her memories of her past life when she was 5 years old. She was thankful for that because she wasn't forced to spend her entire infant years with the mind of an adult trapped in a young baby's body. She immediately recognized her own name and the name of her new mother upon regaining said memories. She was initially hesitant to have been reborn as who she was now, but over time she grew into her new role quite well. If anything, she was actually growing more and more excited about her future the older she got!

Her new parents had split up when she was under a year old, but every single summer she made sure to spend at least a few weeks visiting her new father. The majority of that time would be spent hanging out on the beaches with her father's Native American friends. She knew, according to the "plot," that she would be spending the most important of her teenage years with the man. Truthfully, she would have actually preferred to live with her father full time and not her scatterbrained mother, but when she brought it up, her mother would absolutely not have it.

It was only when she entered the third grade and had geography classes for the first time that she realized maybe her new life wasn't going to be as straightforward as she initially thought. The map of the states all the kids were given had places like Gotham City and Metropolis listed on them. She initially thought the teacher was pranking all the students at first, and when she brought it up, they looked at her concerned, like she was the weird one for thinking those places didn't exist in real life!

When she found out that she was apparently reborn in the DC universe, she immediately demanded her mother sign her up for as many martial arts classes as possible. She also secretly started trying to practice "her gift." Nothing came of the latter initially, but one day when she was 12 years old, she actually had a breakthrough and was able to form a small psychic shield in front of herself! She spent the next four years of her teenage life in a constant routine of training her body and her "superpower" so she would be safe in this crazy mixed universe!


About a month before she was set to move in with her father after her mother got remarried, it had finally happened. All over the news, the world's first superhero had made their debut! To her surprise, though, it wasn't Superman or Batman; it was instead Supergirl who took the whole world by storm! She wasn't afraid to admit that she was a big fan of Supergirl herself! She had quite a bit of her memorabilia and merchandise already. She hoped to meet her one day. Maybe she could be a superhero too? She'd been training for years in martial arts and creating her psychic shields, after all…


"Bella, honey, we have to leave now, or you'll miss your flight to Forks." Her mother called out to her from downstairs.

"I'm coming, Mom," she replied as she finished packing and departed to begin the next stage of her life.

-End Chapter-

Leave some comments / reviews!!!

How'd you like it!? If you want to read ahead you can at p.a.t.r.e.o.n / FiveStarTomato. Thank you, regardless, for following my story to this point!

I would like to give a special thank you to my current Hero Team Patron(s): Rick, Nirojan, Benzaboyo, Carl, and William — Also another thank you to all my other patrons!