
"...What?" I asked. He got kidnapped by spirits? "That's a thing?"


Leah nodded frantically up and down with tears in her eyes still. "Please, you have to go rescue him! You have to hurry before the spirits do something bad to him."

Alice giggled, "So you could say that he might get… Spirited Away?" I just facepalmed when she said that. That was one of the movies we watched recently at her sleepover, as Alice was obsessed with it apparently. Leah clearly did not get the reference as she just sent a small glare at Alice for not taking her seriously, while Rosalie just scoffed at her sister's inside joke.

"Alice, I also love that movie, but now is not the time," I said to her, and she just sent me a pout. I turned back towards Leah. "Listen, Leah, I'm not exactly sure how I'll be able to even help if Sam really did get Spirited Away." Alice giggled again, but I continued, "I'm more of a punch problems until they go away kind of girl. I'm not the Avatar; I don't have the ability to travel into the spirit world…"

"He did not get Spirited Away," Leah said angrily. "The spirits possessed his body and forced him to change into a wolf, then he ran off into the forest and hasn't been seen since yesterday! Kent Nelson said since Sam is the only current wolf shifter in our tribe who's fully awakened, he's vital for the ritual to be completed. Please, Kara, you need to find him and bring him back!" She explained to me. Okay, well, at least that sounded much more realistic and manageable.

I'm not really skilled in tracking, though. Sam could be anywhere in a forest that spanned hundreds of miles. Yes, I have super smell, but I've never really trained with it or even used it that much lately. That's one ability I'm glad I can turn off because I can only imagine the horror if the vampires are always smelling whenever some teenager farts in a crowded classroom…

I turned towards Rosalie and Alice. "Are either of you any good at tracking? FYI, werewolves smell like rotten garbage to vampires…"

"Oh well, doesn't this just sound like a fun time," Rosalie said sarcastically. "...I'm out!" She added on. Rosalie turned to walk away before I stopped her.

"You can't be out, Rosalie; you're a superhero now," I said with a laugh, and she just sent me a glare. "Superheroes don't quit when the going gets smelly." Alice giggled at that, and even Leah, who was still noticeably upset, found that funny too, and she let out a small laugh.

"Anyway, same question as before," I asked, "are either of you good at tracking?" Both of them shook their heads in the negative. Apparently, they'd always left the tracking up to the male vampires in the coven while they just stayed back and reaped the rewards whenever they led them to some forest critters to drink from. Tracking apparently involved getting down and dirty as you had to put your nose to the ground, literally, quite often.

"We need to get Jasper," Alice said.

"Jasper? Why would we need him?" I asked.

"Out of our whole family, Jasper is the best tracker. If Sam has truly run off as a wolf, then Jasper will be able to track him down. No problem!" She said happily as she bragged about her husband's abilities. Rosalie also confirmed that to be the truth.

"Fine, you all wait here. I'll go get him," I said to the three of them.

"What? He's Alice's husband. Why are you going to get him?" Rosalie asked, confused.

I just gave her a deadpan stare in return for her question. "It's because every time one of you guys enters the cafeteria, all eyes are immediately drawn to you, and people don't stop staring for at least 2 minutes straight."

Rosalie looked to the side, embarrassed. "They don't stare at us for 2 minutes straight every single time," she muttered to herself under her breath.

"Yeah," Alice added with a laugh, "sometimes it's 3 minutes straight!" She wasn't exactly helping their case there.


I turned around and headed back into the school and towards the cafeteria. I opened the cafeteria doors and headed towards the Cullen table.

"Oh, Kara's back," I heard Bella say across the room. "Didn't she leave saying it was an emergency or something?" Of course, the nosy girl is the only one who cares that I came back into the room.

I walked over to the table and met the gaze of Emmett, Edward, and Jasper. "So what's the verdict? Is it a Supergirl-level emergency?" Emmett said, slightly excited. "Will she have a team-up with Rose Knight?"

"Probably," I replied. "But we also need the Major here to help us track down a runaway werewolf. Alice said you'd help," I added on. Initially, it looked like he was going to refuse until I name-dropped his wife, and he just let out a sigh and stood up, following me out of the cafeteria.

"Awww…" I heard Emmett pout behind us. "I want to go and track down a werewolf too." I turned around and saw the sad expression on his face. I looked over towards Edward, and even he looked interested. That was surprising because I'm pretty sure he was the definition of antisocial at this point. I guess did feel kind of guilty always leaving them behind…

"I mean, I guess you two can come as well. We're already going to be breaking the treaty when Rosalie and Alice come with us onto the tribal land anyway, what's a few more vampires?" I said jokingly. Emmett let out a whoop in celebration as he and Edward also stood up to follow us out.

"Wait, now she's leaving with all of the Cullens… isn't that strange?" I heard Bella ask people at her table.

"Not really," I heard Angela cover for me like the true friend she was. "The Cullens ditch class all the time, and I guess they've corrupted Kara as well if she's going with them."

"KARA!" Jessica stood up from her seat and shouted, drawing all the eyes to us in the cafeteria. So much for our subtle exit… "Don't you dare go on another shopping trip without me!" She yelled across the room. At that point, most people had already turned back to their own tables, not interested in loud girl talk.

"We're not," I said back loudly to her. "My friend's… dog… went missing, and we just have to go search for it before it gets eaten by a bear or something." Emmett snickered at my joke while Jessica nodded to me before sitting back down, satisfied with my answer.

"I wish I could ditch too," I heard Mike say, "but my parents would find out, and I'd lose my car privileges. I can't be showing up to school on a bicycle as a junior; that's so lame…"

We were all piled inside my Jeep because it was the only vehicle big enough for everyone. Leah definitely looked nervous to be in close proximity to so many vampires, though.

"Soooo," Emmett started awkwardly. "Why did the vampires and the baby werewolf decide to carpool? –Because they wanted to have a howling good time in this fang-tastic ride!" He said without even giving anyone time to guess the answer. Not that we would…that sucked.


"Oh, come on, nobody thought that was funny?" Emmett asked.

"Honey, I love you," Rosalie said, "...but shut up." Oof, that was brutal.

"So, Leah," I said to her, sitting next to me, "you said Kent Nelson is there at your reservation right now?" I was excited to meet him and possibly even Doctor Fate if he brought the helmet.

"That's right," Leah confirmed. "We were just about to start the ritual. He was actually able to cast some kind of scanning spell or something over the whole tribe to find out who had the potential to be shifters. Everyone who did needed to participate in the ritual unless they wanted to risk imprinting on someone in the future."

"So what exactly is imprinting?" Rosalie asked from the back seat.

Leah then went on to explain to all the vampires what the elders had told Sam about imprinting—how it was basically finding your true soulmate and immediately dedicating your entire life and very being to their whole existence.

"That doesn't exactly sound like a soulmate relationship to me," Rosalie commented. I had to agree. A relationship should be 50/50; if one partner is 100% dedicated to the other, that's almost closer to slavery.

"Sam and I didn't think it was, either way," Leah said. I also knew they were each terrified of the other one imprinting on someone else in the future and losing each other.

"That's when Kara told you guys about Kent Nelson, and you and Sam spent the past week searching Salem to find him," Edward said. She never said anything about the Salem parts, so clearly he was reading her mind invasively.


"Ow, what the hell, Alice? Why did you hit me?" Edward exclaimed.

"It's rude to read a lady's mind without her permission," Alice chastised him. Leah next to me actually paled slightly at the realization that Edward had just read her mind. Yeah, I'm glad I never have to experience that because that is a huge invasion of privacy.

"Since when has that been a rule? You guys never had a problem with me reading people's minds before," Edward huffed out, irritated and grumbling.

"That was before we met Kara," Rosalie said.

"Yeah, we had a huge conversation about it during our sleepover," I spoke up. "It's always been my opinion that mind control and mind reading are two powers that are huge violations of free will. I know you can't exactly control your power, Edward, but I'm sure if you actually talk to Kent Nelson, he'd be able to help you with that. Hell, he'd probably be able to give you a talisman or something that you could just wear all the time that would block your mind reading from even working." Edward went silent for a moment as he took some time to ponder what I just said.

"I-I don't even know how to respond to that. I've just been so used to hearing people's voices in my head for the past hundred years that I figured I would never get silence again for as long as I lived. I have to admit, the possibility is certainly… enticing," Edward said from the backseat, his voice sounding somewhat hopeful.

"Yeah, I'm certainly glad Rosalie can't read my mind. She never would have gotten together with me if she knew what I was thinking most of the time," Emmett bragged out loud.

Rosalie just scoffed, "I already know what you're thinking most of the time. It's either about sex or video games," she said, and everyone in the car giggled.

Small conversations continued on throughout the car for the rest of our trip towards the reservation until we finally arrived.

"We're here," Leah said. "Go ahead and pull up the car over there. You can already see the small crowd gathered."


Gathered in the center of the reservation were the older members of the tribal council along with the younger generation. I could recognize Billy Black from his obvious wheelchair, and standing next to him was a skinny-looking teen who I figured to be Jacob. They were talking to an older gentleman.

"That's Kent Nelson," Leah said, pointing him out to me.

As our group approached the gathering, we definitely drew some gazes. "What the hell are they doing here!?" Billy Black turned his wheelchair and glared at all of us. "You're all violating the treaty by being here!" He exclaimed loudly, drawing the attention of everyone.

I noticed that the vampires behind me shuffled uncomfortably at the angry stares from Billy and the other elders. The younger generation looking on had no idea why the old people were so angry and afraid.

"Leah, did you leave them here? What were you thinking?" An older man who I figured was Harry Clearwater yelled at his daughter.

"Who are they, dad?" Jacob asked his father. He was looking more at the Cullens than me. I was still in my boring-looking civilian disguise.

"Those are the Cullens, otherwise known as the cold ones," Billy answered ominously. "We signed a treaty with your group to never step foot on our land. What are you all doing here!?"

I noticed that Kent Nelson seemed to perk up upon hearing the term "cold ones" as he gave them all an examining look. "Fascinating," he said before walking over towards us. "It's nice to meet you all, young ones, although I suppose some of you might be older than me," he said with a laugh. "I've never met any vampires that didn't have red eyes before. How did that come to be?"

"None of us drink human blood, Mr. Nelson. All of us strictly only drink animal blood, and while it tastes absolutely horrible, we feel like it's what helps us retain our humanity," Alice answered for all of them. Kent Nelson, meanwhile, seemed genuinely surprised, as if he'd never heard of that possibility before.

"Truly, the world is full of amazing and new things, even to someone of my age," Kent said. I'd estimate that he looked to be around 70 years old at this point.

"Well, what's life without a little adventure, am I right?" I spoke up towards him.

He turned towards me. "And who might you be, young lady? You don't look like a vampire, much too much color on your cheeks for that."

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Nelson. My name is Kara, and I'm a friend of Sam and the Cullens. Leah came to me for help when Sam had apparently been possessed and ran off?" I asked that last part with a question. Kent just nodded and told me that is indeed what happened. Apparently, the spirits on the other side had been observing their tribe, from wherever those spirits dwell, and they were afraid that Kent would successfully cut them off from being able to influence future generations of the tribe. Hence they kidnapped the linchpin of the ritual, Sam.

"They took offense to their wisdom being questioned, and well, here we are," Kent finished explaining.

"So does that mean we get to kick some spirits' asses," Emmett said excitedly as he pounded his fist in his hand. Is it even possible to do that? Problems are so much simpler when you can just punch them away, after all.

Kent just laughed at Emmett and his enthusiasm. "I'm hoping it doesn't come to that, but knowing my track record with spiritual weirdness, it just might," he said. I suppose that was true; heroes in the DC Universe can never get the easy wins, can they?


"So can you please help track down Sam now, Jasper?" Leah said, interrupting our conversation. She had been standing off to the side after being berated by her dad for a bit. She was clearly very anxious about Sam's safety and wanted him back as soon as possible.

"Using vampires to track down our missing wolf?... Smart!" Kent commented. "I was afraid I would have to track down our missing werewolf myself, and unfortunately, my old legs just aren't what they used to be."

"That's why you brought these vampires here, Leah, to track down Sam?" Harry asked her, and she nodded.

"I didn't really know who else to turn to…" Leah answered, and Billy and Harry didn't exactly seem happy with her reasoning.

Jake, along with all the other soon-to-be shifters, also seemed surprised that the Cullens were indeed real vampires and that their stories proved to be true. He was currently talking to his friends, Embry and Quil, and I could see a young Seth along with Paul standing off to the side. All of them kept shooting our group curious looks, though clearly they wanted to come over and talk to their tribe's supposed boogeyman, but the elders were sending them discouraging glances not to.

"Fine," Leah's father relented before turning to the Cullens. "You all can stay temporarily while we sort out this whole situation. After that, though, we don't want you on our land anymore. We will consider this a temporary reprieve in the treaty," Harry said. I figured that was a pretty good start, plus the entire younger generation of wolves was here too, and they were actually seeing the vampires with their own eyes. They could see that they were just regular people standing right in front of them and not some bloodthirsty monsters killing everything in sight like their stories portrayed.

We decided to split up our forces in case Sam came back and started attacking anyone in his possessed state. Jasper, Emmett, and I headed out to track sam while Edward, Rosalie, and Alice stayed behind. Rosalie and Alice didn't seem particularly upset about not having to chase the smelly wolf through the forest.

I followed Jasper and Emmett around the reservation for about 5 minutes before Jasper finally picked up a scent. I could definitely tell he picked up Sam's scent by the way his face wrinkled up in disgust, and Emmett snickered at him.

"I have the scent," Jasper said reluctantly. "Follow me." He took off into the woods at vampire speed, and I looked around for a second to make sure no one was looking before I took off my fake glasses and let my hair down. I flew about 50 feet into the air and followed him and Emmett from above.

Jasper was very efficient in the way he tracked. Every minute or so, he'd stop, put his nose to the ground for only a few seconds before launching off in a new direction. We'd probably done this about a dozen times and covered about 10 miles of land before he spoke again. "The scent is much stronger here. We're getting close."

"Hell yeah!" Emmett declared. "I'm going to wrestle that possessed werewolf into submission!" He pointed up into the sky towards me. "Don't you dare help, Supergirl, this one is mine." I just told him to go for it if he wanted to fight a werewolf so badly. The two vampires took off again, and I followed. 30 seconds later, we heard our target.


"There he is!" I called out from above, pointing approximately 100 yards ahead of them. Sam's wolf form stood there in all its furry glory. One difference caught my eye immediately—his black eyes now glowed brightly green. As I spoke, the shifter's heightened senses detected my voice, causing his ears to perk up. He swiftly turned to confront us.

The wolf locked eyes with Emmett, who was smirking back in excitement. However, something shocking happens before they could clash.

"Cold one, how dare you trespass on our land? We will kill you!" Sam's wolf form was actually talking! But it didn't sound like a regular voice; it sounded like there were 10 different voices all speaking at once! Were those all the ancestor spirits?

"Holy crap, that's awesome!" Emmett exclaimed. "I didn't know werewolves could talk while in wolf form!"

"They can't. Those are the ancestor spirits talking, and clearly, they don't seem happy with you," I said to him. If the vicious growling coming from the wolf was anything to go by, they very much wanted to rip him to shreds.


Far faster than the average human eye would be able to track, the black wolf cleared the entire hundred-yard distance as it leapt through the air, jaws lunging at Emmett's throat. Emmett was ready though, as he just raised his fist back and threw a punch right at the beast's face! The fist connected and sent the wolf stumbling backwards shaking its head from disorientation. "Fuck yeah, I just punched a werewolf in the face!" Emmet cheered.

I flew down and landed next to Jasper, and we just watched on in silence as the two "mortal enemies" wailed on each other for the next minute or so.

The beast roared angrily, from the blow, before it lunged towards Emmett again. I watched as the big vampire smirked and tried to land another punch. Surprisingly, though, it stopped short before its jaws were in striking distance, and it instead raised its claws and slashed them along Emmett's arm. The sound of nails on a chalkboard echoed throughout the clearing loudly as Emmett threw his arm back with a hiss of pain. I could actually see the venom leaking from the slash marks in his arm; those claws had cut surprisingly deep!

In retaliation Emmet kicked the ground in front of him and blasted large clumps of dirt into the wolf's eyes. He apparently had no problems fighting dirty. The wolf temporarily blinded didn't Emmet running up and body checking the beast sending in reeling and crashing into the ground once again. Sam was really going to be sore when he woke up from his possession later…

"Cheap tricks won't save you, monster!" The voices spoke out again. "Die!" Jaws once again lunged for Emmets throat much faster and vicious than before! He barely dodged out of the way that time. I could see Jasper start to tense up next to me. I could tell he was prepared to step in if things got too…hairy.

"Not bad, Fido," Emmett said, "but let's see how you handle this!" He reached his hand into his pocket for some reason and pulled out… a dog whistle.

"Wait, why does he have a dog whistle in his pocket?" I asked Jasper next to me.

Jasper just let out a sigh, before his tension relaxed. "He's been carrying it every day since you told us that the werewolves in Forks were back, just for the rare chance that he would get to fight one. He wanted to see what it would do…" He explained.

I had no words for that, but honestly, that just seemed like something he would do.

Emmet put the whistle to his lips before he took a big breath and blew as hard as he could. An incredibly high-pitched screech ripped through the clearing, and I had to cover my own ears because that thing was damn loud when being blown with a super-strong vampire breath! They didn't even need to breathe; why do they have to have such powerful lungs anyway!?

My reaction to the whistle was minor pain, but the wolf looked like it was in absolute agony as it wailed loudly before trying to slam its head on the ground to make the horrible ringing stop. "Damn you filthy cold one! Of course, your foul kind would create such a devious weapon to use against us!" The multitude of voices spoke out from the beast's mouth.

What were they even talking about? Oh right, all these guys had died hundreds of years ago; they probably had no idea what a dog whistle even was… I giggled at the spirits thinking it was a nefarious vampire weapon made for fighting them.

Emmett smirked again before he leapt on top of the wolf that was writhing on the ground with its ear holes slightly bleeding. "It's time to go night-night now, Lassie," he said before he wrapped his arms around Sam's neck and squeezed tightly. The wolf tried to throw Emmett off of him by thrashing around, but Emmett wasn't the strongest and largest of the Cullens for nothing; he did not let go of his grip. After about 30 seconds of thrashing, Sam's glowing green eyes rolled back, and the black wolf passed out. Emmett dropped him to the ground, and we were all surprised that before our eyes, he slowly reverted back to his human form. I found that interesting; so it seemed that when the wolves got knocked out, they changed back to human.

"Ew, gross! Why is he naked?" Emmett exclaimed when there was suddenly a naked man lying right in front of him.

"Yeah, whenever they turn into wolves, their clothes don't survive the transformation. So basically, there is a whole supernatural tribe of streakers," I said with a laugh. "All right then, pick him up, and let's head back."

"Wait, you want me to pick him up?" Emmett complained. "Awww, but he's naked. Why don't you take him back?" he whined.

"Hell no, I don't want to carry a naked Sam either." I replied immediately.

…The next minute was spent between Emmett and me arguing over who had to carry the naked man back to the reservation, neither of us budging an inch.

"Well, I'm not carrying him; I'm a lady."

"Well, I'm not carrying him; I don't want a dick in my face!"

"I don't want a dick in my face either!"


"Let's just head back already," Jasper said, and we both turned to see that Sam was slung over his shoulder, and he was already walking back towards the reservation. I couldn't tell if he was carrying him just to shut us up or because he truly didn't care that some werewolf's genitals were now rubbing all up and down his shirt as he walked through the forest. He'd probably just burn those clothes later anyway, I suppose.


"Welcome back, everyone. Now we can start the ritual," Kent Nelson waved to us as we walked back up to the group. There was now a bonfire going on in the middle of the clearing, and all of the younger tribe members were standing around it. I counted about nine teens, minus Sam and Leah. It looked like the whole future pack was there.

What was strange, though, was that the older tribal members were nowhere to be seen. Also, Edward was gone as well.

"Where'd the old farts go?" Emmett asked Rosalie as he walked up to her and gave her a kiss.

Rosalie glanced down at Emmet's shredded shirt before shrugging. "The tribal council wouldn't stop making rude remarks about us being vampires, and Edward wouldn't stop reading their minds and retorting with equally rude things. Mr. Nelson asked them both to leave so they wouldn't interrupt the ritual." Emmett and I laughed at that. Edward got sent to time out by Doctor Fate…

"What about Edward talking to Kent about his mind reading problem?" I asked.

"Mr. Nelson said that he'd send Edward a talisman through the mail later. He also chastised him that it was indeed considered extremely rude in the supernatural community to read people's minds without their permission." Alice explained.


"Hey, why is Sam naked?" Leah's younger brother Seth asked. Two younger kids next to him were asking as well.

"When we all become werewolves in the future, our clothes will be destroyed every time we transform unless we take them off beforehand," Leah explained to her brother. I laughed at his horrified expression.

"What!?" Jake exclaimed, overhearing. "That's the lamest thing ever!"

"Pfft, I don't mind. I have nothing to be ashamed of," Paul said as he sent a flirtatious wink towards Rosalie and Alice. Both of them just scoffed at the teenager. The four younger boys, however, were looking at him with metaphorical stars in their eyes, impressed by how he could say such a "smooth" pickup line with confidence. Maybe Jake will try that on Bella in the future.

"All right then," Kent said. "Now that young Sam has been returned to us, we should begin the ritual before he wakes up. Please set him down by the bonfire over there." Jasper nodded as he walked over towards the bonfire.

"Everybody chant with me. It's okay if your pronunciation isn't perfect. 'Abite, progenitores. Libere amplectere lupum,'" he started chanting something in Latin while he threw some mystical powder into the bonfire, which turned its flames purple.

We all started chanting around the bonfire with him, "'Abite, progenitores. Libere amplectere lupum. Abite, progenitores…"

"Hey, I think it's working!" Seth cheered. I looked over to the group, and all the shifters were now glowing a faint purple. I had no idea what kind of magic mumbo jumbo was happening, but I figured Kent knew what he was doing.

Kent continued chanting for 30 more seconds as the shifters started growing brighter and brighter.

Suddenly, from the bonfire, an amalgamation of voices roared out loudly, "NOOOOOOOO, you will not reject our judgment and wisdom!"


The bonfire burst forth with raging flames, causing all the vampires to step back with fear in their eyes. The purple flames in the bonfire changed to dark green. "We will decide their fates!"

"Ahhg, what's happening?" A voice rang out, sounding like it was in pain. I turned and saw that Leah, along with all the other shifters, was on the ground writhing around. They looked like they were growing larger as well, more filled out and defined! Were they shifting? I thought that was supposed to be a three day process!?

"Awww, it hurts!" Jake yelled out.

"I feel like I'm burning up!" Seth screamed from the ground.

"Ahhhg!" Leah let out one final scream from on the ground before she instantly shifted! Her clothes immediately shredded, and in her place was a gray wolf with glowing green eyes. All around her, the others all shifted and turned into wolves as well, with matching green eyes. They all turned towards the vampires and me before letting out vicious growls.

"Um… Mr. Nelson, sir… I don't think your ritual worked too well," Emmett said, gulping a bit.

"Well, that's unfortunate…" Kent said somberly. "Those spirits were far stronger than I had suspected. Do you all mind holding them here for a bit? There's something in the trunk of my car I've got to go get." He didn't give anyone a chance to argue as he just started walking away cool as a cucumber. This probably wasn't even the weirdest thing he's seen this month…

Leah's wolf form locked onto Kent's back as he walked away. "You will die first, interloper!" The spirits spoke through her before she lunged at his exposed back!

My eyes widened as time slowed down for me! In an instant, I was between the wolf's jaws and Kent. I raised my arm up and let Leah try and bite me. There's no way her teeth would even be able to scratch my skin-

"OW!" I said as her jaws clamped down on my arm. My arm was bleeding! Just a little bat, not a lot, but still! Magic is such bullshit!

"If you can hear me, sorry about this, Leah," I said as I pried her jaws open. She tried to bite me again, but I wasn't letting that happen a second time. Faster than the wolf could react, I was on her back with my arms wrapped around her neck as I started choking her out. If it worked for Emmett, then it would work for me.

"Ahhhhg," The spirits cried out from her mouth. "What are you, girl!? How could we not hurt you?" I didn't even bother responding to them as I just pulled a little tighter. I glanced around me to see how everyone else was faring. They were not doing great. I supposed that would be the case since they were up against 9 wolves with only 4 vampires…

"Ow, you little bastard, that hurts!" Emmett called out as one of the younger wolves latched their teeth around his ankle. "Jasper, help!"

"I'm a little busy!" Jasper called out as he was dodging and weaving between Jacob and his two friends' wolf forms as they all tried to rip him apart. Their glowing eyes glaring at him in hatred as they viciously snarled in between lunges.

"Make sure not to hurt them, guys; they're just being mind-controlled." I called out to everyone from Leah's back, where I was still choking her out.

"Are you going to help or just watch, Kara!" Alice pouted angrily as she was running from who I think was Paul and Jared. "This is so annoying; having to fight without being able to see the future!" Alice scowled as one of the claws left a tear in her blouse.

The next 30 seconds consisted of all the vampires fighting for their lives while Leah slowly went to sleep from my hold. She could hold her breath a lot longer than Sam did. Or maybe the tense situation made it seem longer to me…

"I don't think we can hold them off much longer," a disheveled-looking Rosalie called out as she smacked another wolf away mid-lunge.

Leah finally passed out and stopped struggling on me. I was about to step in and help out against the wolves when Kent returned. He was holding a golden helmet in his arms. "I'm back, everyone," he said with a sigh. "I really don't like using this thing much anymore at my age because it takes a lot out of me." He said with a sigh before putting on the helmet!


A golden light shined out from where he stood, and in his place was the shiny golden form of Doctor Fate! "This madness stops NOW!" Fate shouted out as golden chains sprang forth from his being and wrapped around every single wolf. They were all locked in place and immobilized! All the vampires' eyes went wide at witnessing his abilities.

"So cool! Another superhero!" Alice cheered excitedly!

"Do you think he'll give me an autograph?" Emmett asked.

"No, it can't be!" The spirits' voices called out through all the wolves at once. "You are-"

"Yes," Doctor Fate interrupted. "I am a Lord of Order. You spirits have meddled with the fates of your descendants long enough. It ends now... Kent's ritual was the correct one; it just lacked power. Allow me to finish it! Abite, progenitores. Libere amplectere lupum. Abite, progenitores…" I watched as Fate started chanting the same words Kent did.

"NOOOOOOOOooooooooo." The spirits screamed out as the wolves once again glowed purple! A few seconds later, the purple auras around each of the wolves glowed brightly before instantly vanishing and returning them all to their human forms.

"It is done," Fate said before turning to me. "You there, girl. Yes, I know of you. The Supergirl who has changed this world. I have a request of you." Fate said to my surprise.

He had a request for me? Of course, I would help him... I just hope it didn't involve anything magical. "Thank you for completing the ritual and saving all of the shifters," I said to him, "and of course, I'll help." I said sincerely. I'm glad Kent decided to bring his helmet along. Things would have been a lot more tedious without it. I also found it a bit funny that he kept Nabu in the trunk of his car...

"Very good," Fate said to me. "What I need from you is simple. Kent is unfortunately growing too old to wield my powers properly. Even now, that paltry bit of power I used subduing those wolves took a lot out of his older body. I wish for you to take possession of my helmet and find me a new host. Preferably one who is well connected to magic," he explained to me.

Wow... choosing the next Doctor Fate! That was a big responsibility. I didn't even really have any candidates in mind at the moment, though. He obviously could read my expression as he spoke again.

"There is no need to rush," Fate said. "You and I, after all, are beings that time has no effect on. You will eventually find someone."

"Wait!" Alice spoke up from the side. "Kara is immortal like us!?"

Fate glanced at her before nodding. "Indeed, Nosferatu, I can see clearly that she is unaging underneath this yellow star." He confirmed what I had always suspected. Wow... That information was something. I was also going to have to have a talk with Superman about that as well. He shouldn't go dating Lois Lane in this universe if it will only end in heartbreak...

"I'm so happy that we can be best friends forever!" Alice squealed in glee as she ran over and glomped me in a tight hug.

Well... I suppose immortality won't be so bad if you have friends to share it with…


I have another story I'm currently writing as well. Check it out on my profile.

Thank you to my current Hero Team Patrons: Edgar, Denacious, Michael, Mason, Rick, Nirojan, Benzaboyo, Carl,

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