
Attacking the Base

Once evening fell, the group made their way toward the ravine while taking care not to be seen. Giran stayed behind with Gina, the two children, and Enya as well as a few of the younger creatures who stayed to guard them, even though Kurai and his group made short work of any slavers they came across.

The trek wasn't very far and it soon became obvious that the slavers had taken full advantage of the path they were walking on as it was mostly shrouded by trees and the existence of the path wasn't obvious unless you were looking for it. 

Finally, they decided to stop near one of the entrances to a cave that had two guards in front of it, as well as two more guards who seemed to be patrolling the area every now and then and Kurai swiftly brought an end to three of them before ensnaring the fourth so that he couldn't raise an alarm.