
Down the Well

The trip to the well didn't take too long, but when they got there, it was to find that it looked completely normal and that no human bones were lying around only a few small animal bones.

Even the inside of the pit seemed to be clear until Kurai spotted clear claw marks on the walls within the pit itself.

Deep gouges had been dug into the cement as if something had been trying to get out, but whether it was the creature itself or its victims, Kurai couldn't clearly tell.

He leaned over to see whether there was anything there, but only saw the thick barriers of shadows where the lights didn't manage to penetrate it.

Even waiting until midday didn't help because the bottom of the well seemed to refuse to allow any light to reach the bottom of it.

Nila glanced down as well, "So what now? I can jump us down there, but something doesn't seem right at all. It's as if something in the darkness is watching us while we are trying to find it."