
Mission Failed?

After giving Kurai the book, Lucifer gave him a simple nod before he went back to sit on his throne and Lilith motioned him to the side, "It's time for you to return, I forgot to warn you, but time moves slightly differently here."

Kurai's eyes widened and he rushed after Lilith as they took a familiar path to get back to the portal leading to the well.

At the portal, Kurai hesitated since, despite how assured the king of hell had seemed that he would be able to cross over regardless, he still expected the barrier to show some resistance, but it didn't, and he soon found himself being slobbered over by the Cerberus.

He petted the Cerberus for a bit before he turned to try and climb out of the well, but he hesitated and turned back to Lilith, only to see that she hadn't stepped through the portal.