
Unexpected Assassin

Satoru's words echoed through his mind as he evaded his opponent, knowing that he already had them on edge as he caught a glimpse of his friends on the sidelines.

His opponent was strong in a way that he hadn't expected and it almost caught him off-guard quite a few times as he gave as good as he got.

'Cyberblink' came in handy quite a few times, but instead of slowly tiring, it seemed as if his opponent was only getting stronger the longer they fought, until Kurai managed to get a lucky shot in, only for his eyes to widen in surprise as he finally noticed that the man's eyes had gone red and that his normal teeth had lengthened into sharp canines.

It dawned on him that the man wasn't completely in his right mind the further he transformed and he resolved to end the fight as quickly as he could before more surprises were sprung.