
Those Who Seek May Find

He found Thane right outside the door, frantically trying to drag himself away from Kurai, but the younger man would have none of that as he grabbed him by the hair, "I'm sure you're starting to wonder why you had the misfortune of meeting me since I can only imagine your reaction when you realized that the barriers were down, meaning that you would be able to expand on your business. I mean, you're already a slaver, more areas mean more space to expand your business…"

Thane tried to shake his head in denial under Kurai's tight grip, "I-I had to, otherwise they would've turned me into one as well! P-please, j-just let me g-go. I'll d-do anything!"

Kurai brought the blade close to Thane's throat, "I'll think about it, depending on your next answer: Where are Nila and Lin?"

Thane shuddered, "We took them into the caverns. Nothing in there dares to make a noise so it keeps them hidden, p-please let me go!"