
That Funny Thing Called Friendship

The moment Kurai heard the voice, he knew that it was Hozumi, and the roar that accompanied it told him that Liam was there as well. The winged shield disappeared from around him and he quickly dodged the attacks that pierced the ground where he'd just been, twisting around in order to land approximately where he'd heard Hozumi's voice, though he had to dodge a few more times because the mob had started attacking them as well. 

It took him a moment to spot Hozumi again before he shouted over the sound of screams and fighting, "What are you guys doing? How did you know we were here?"

Hozumi seemed a bit busy so Liam answered in her stead, "We sensed that something was wrong, not that we knew what it was at first, but then the guild master mentioned that he also felt a feeling of unease and many of our guildmates were chilling in the city so that only left you as the culprit for the feeling."