Paradise Lost - The Fall - Genesis: 1 - Prologue

CHAPTER ONE: The Fall from Divine Grace

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. (Genesis 1:1-4).

See the man. He was once the king of kings—a challenger to God's will. He watched as God abandoned the dark in a void separate from the light. Scared was the dark. Offered out hands weighed down by sheets of old paper removed sigils from the hole. The ground floor bubbled over. Thick black ink spilled from the well. He named that place the Morningstar until one day it dawned.

Lucifer came back to see that the spill had stopped, and the light had been restored. He said, "Sin is born," and there sin was made. Death followed shortly after. Then, finally, "The Finem Deus" (The End of God) or the devil's grand plan. It was to be the reason for Heaven's capitulation, complete collapse, and total subjugation. The steppingstones to a new kind of God, one who holds onto everything sacred and does not forget the past, were that there was to be a change, like hot seasons due to winter. And things were made to be remembered.

He believed with his great intellect that if he were to die and do nothing, he should be paraded in shame. Angels from all the heavens should come and humiliate him. He was to be stoned and give his livelihood to the grave if he did not at least do the bare minimum, which meant for him to do the impossible.

At the top of Kingdom Come is where he resides. Basked in gold air and fine wines. He looks down only to see ants and dust mites crittle and crottle along pave paths. The high life for one, for all. Visions that never came fully to fruition. Struck back down by the very entity that got him near and dear in the first place. He stood defeated. No choice was to be given to him, for God had given up. Leaving to continue working on Paradise. 

The pages of this story have long passed, and the book is now closed. Where he is now? No one knows.