
[October 5th- 2:40pm]

The wall clock indicated 2:40 pm.

"It's time"

After receiving the call from Kurogane, I changed my outfit. I wore a white T-shirt and on top of it, I put on a black with grey combination hoodie-like jacket (same as the one he wears on the cover), I put on my watch too.

I turned off everything, left my room and locked the door to my flat.

"There they are," I said as I looked at them from outside the entrance of my flat, peeking from the wall.

There is a guy who is wearing a black suit, with black glasses, standing beside the black car and facing the apartment. He is the perfect example of a suspicious person.

" 'Dont worry?' my foot, everything smells fishy about them"

I climbed down and approached them.

"Ah-I assume that you are Araki Ryota-sama right?"

"Yes, that's me."

"We have been waiting for you. Now, enter the car."

The guy who was standing beside the car spoke to me and opened the door. I kept staring at the doorstep of the car.

(What are you waiting for? There is no point in becoming nervous after you came this far, you know it very well right? You can't possibly back down now after you came this far, so standing idle anymore than this would be-)

"A waste of time...hmph(smiled)...I know it(wakaterru)" I talked to myself in a low voice.

I don't know what awaits me ahead at the H.Q. It might be a paradise, or else a burning hell. But I am prepared for the worst outcome. If it's just my imagination and overthinking, then it's fine and all. But life always favours the worst outcomes, that's why I can't rely on my positiveness. It's the bitter truth of life. So no matter what awaits me...

"Please go in"

I will face it head-on.

I stepped inside and settled in the back seat, The guy who had spoken to me earlier sat beside me. Inside the car, there was another guy dressed in the same attire sitting in the driver's seat, indicating he was the driver.

"Umm.. where are we going?"

"We are going to the DreamLink Corporations H.Q" the driver answered

"( I know that much, you dumbass(baka), I am asking where is it)"

"I am asking where is its loca-"

"Araki-sama, could you please wear this?" The guy beside me requested.

"A Blindfold?"



"I am afraid that I can't answer your question, but these are our orders so please try to cooperate with us, don't worry the higherups will explain everything once we reach there"

I see, they don't want us to know their location huh, just what I can expect from a cautious organisation, on top of concealing their details on the internet they are also hiding their location. That's why Kurogane hesitated a bit when I asked him about the location.

(Flash back-"What about the venue? Where should I go?"

Kurogane paused for a second.

"Ah, regarding that matter, don't worry. I will send my men to pick you up, and of course, after the seminar, they will drop you back home," )

On the surface, it might seem like they are offering a transport facility for us and reducing our expenses. You might think how generous they are. But in reality, that's not the case; they are just doing this for themselves. They don't want us to know their location, that's why they are providing a transport facility.

But that's not a problem because...


I anticipated that something like this was going to happen and I already know that they will do something to avoid me from finding the venue.

When I asked Kurogane about the venue's location, his response seemed like an answer, but in truth, he dodged the question and didn't give me a proper answer.

("Ah, regarding that matter, don't worry. I will send my men to pick you up.)

If they really don't want us to suspect them, then why did Kurogane dodge the question? Telling the location is not a big deal, and it helps to build trust between us. On top of that, they are providing transportation facilities. Normally, people would get overjoyed by the idea and don't question that "Why are they providing this?".

But I questioned it,

And that's why I realized the reason behind why Kurogane dodged my question and why they are providing transport for us.


And now it became clear after he gave me this blindfold. This proved that my hypothesis was correct. And this guy is sitting beside me to ensure that I won't remove the blindfold of my own accord. They are doing a great job, but the question is-

Why are they hiding their venue?

If you ask me, then there is no need to think about it. Because the reason is simple-


Is there any other reason to why they are going this far? They are definitely gonna face some sort of problem, that's why, in order to avoid it they are hindering my actions and blocking my senses making sure that I won't get a glimpse. That's why I concluded that they will be in a dire situation if their location gets revealed.

Seriously, everything is going just as I thought.

"Fine(wakkata). But you owe me an explanation later"

"I promise and thanks for the cooperation."

This might be my last chance. I looked around with just my eyes, without turning my head. The windows were covered with sunshade covers, making it impossible to see outside. So even if my blindfold comes undone by accident, I won't be able to see what is outside. I can only rely on the front glass, but my sight will be blocked by the driver's seat even if I peek. I can't possibly look behind me or lean towards my left because the guy who is sitting beside me will notice if I do. So seeing outside is impossible.

I wore the blindfold.

"Well then, fasten your seatbelt here we go" the driver told.

The car has started.

Blindfold huh, sorry to say but this doesn't work on me. To be frank, what they are doing is completely-


Because, no matter how hard they try to hinder my actions, even if they block my sight, I will know their location anyway. That's right, now, I am going to-


I believe that the fact they don't want us to know their location may prove to be an important card to play. If things go south, I can make use of this card to keep a check. That's why I will take advantage of this fact.

So I came up with two plans. Plan A, this plan might be too simple and obvious, but I will use everything at my disposal to ensure my chance of winning. Upon reaching the HQ, I will use the GPS on my mobile to locate my position on the map. That's why I said it's pointless to make me wear a blindfold. We are in 2025; In this age a blindfold doesn't help them to stop me from finding their location.


In case this doesn't work, I have plan B. Well, this plan requires more time to pinpoint their location and also requires manpower. Well, you will know eventually what plan B is. For now, I just need to wait until we reach there.

"Hmm?" I noticed something.

Seems like the windows are completely closed. It's silent in here, and I can't hear anything. Sound proof huh, I get that they don't want me to take a peek outside if my blindfold comes undone, so the windows are opaque. However, there is no reason to completely close them. Do they know that I have extraordinary hearing ability? If so, then Kurogane must have told them.

"Uh, can you open the windows a little bit? It's kind of hot here" I asked

"Is that so? Sorry for the inconvenience I will increase the A.C, so don't worry" the driver answered.

Tsk. They really don't want to open the windows even a little bit. I thought that I can catch some leads on our location by listening to the surroundings but it looks like it will not work. It can't be helped then.

(I should wait after all)

[After some time]


I began tapping the floor after every ten seconds with my foot.




"What happened, Araki-sama? You have been tapping the floor. Are you nervous?" the guy beside me asked.

"Y-yes, sorry. This is my bad habit, whenever I get nervous, I tap the floor with my foot unconsciously."



"Haha, don't be so nervous. I know that you are feeling somewhat uneasy, but don't worry, just stay calm."

"Thank you so much. But I might do it again, so don't pay any attention to it. I do it unconsciously."

"I understand. How about you sleep until we reach there? I will wake you up once we arrive."

"I really appreciate it. By the way, Driver-san?"

"Hmm? What is it?"

"Umm... the thing is, I have motion sickness, so I am meaning to ask you to go a bit slow, atleast go below 40km/hr, or else I might get dizzy and feel nauseous."

"Oh, I see. But rest assured, I have been going at 40km/hr since the beginning. Also, we will reach there soon enough."

"Thank you very much. Well then, I will sleep for the time being."

(It's a lie though)


And so the time has passed. The car got closer to our destination steadily and we finally reached the H.Q.

[Scene change: At the H.Q]



"Araki-sama we have arrived. Please wake up"

The guy who sat beside me called out for me.

"Oh, we are already here huh? Then-"

"Aah please don't remove your blindfold yet, here, follow my lead"

He took my hand and pulled. I allowed him to drag me.

"There are steps here so be careful"

"Hey, I think it's all right to remove them already"

"Y-you can't do that. I will be in trouble If you do."

"Yes yes(hai hai)"

I could feel the steps underneath as I walked, but the surroundings were silent. All I could hear was the sound of wind and birds. Then, I heard the door opening, we must have reached the entrance.

"Now then, please enter," the guy told me.

Here we are. The place where I will get my answers. I entered, and the door got closed behind me. My blindfold was removed, and my vision returned. There was a huge hall in front of me with many pillars. There was a counter near the door, but no one was standing there. The interior design and lighting gave a modern vibe.

Now then, I am sorry for these guys for struggling so much to hide their location, but it's time to know where I am,

"Now then(sathe)"

I put my left hand in my pocket to take my phone and locate my position but...

"It's not there(inai)", My eyes got widened

My phone is not there. The pocket was empty, I am sure that I brought it with me and it's in my left pocket. Don't tell me...

I looked behind, the guy was standing with a creepy smile on his face in front of the door.

(I see. He noticed huh, I think He wasn't just an airhead, I think it was too obvious, but when did he take my phone? I was awake the whole time.)

"What happened Araki-sama, it seems like you are panicked"

(This guy, he knows what he is asking)

"Mister, Do you know where is my phone? I am sure that It was in my pocket"

"Ahh, your phone. Don't worry, I am holding onto it. Actually, phones and other electronic devices are not allowed in there. So for the time being I will hold it."

I see, He is telling me that I can't use my mobile to locate this place. Not bad.

"Then, are watches also not allowed in there? I believe that my watch is just a normal one."

That's right, the watch which I was wearing disappeared as well. This guy, when did he take it? Is he a former pickpocketer or something?

"We want everyone to pay attention to the seminar, so the watch might be a distraction. That's why I am holding onto it as well."

"Really? Then why do I hear like you don't want me to track or know the time?"

"It must be your imagination."

DLC, so that's how you play, They are being thorough and careful in hiding this place. If I know the time, then I can make use of it to locate this place. But now that they took my phone and even my watch, I don't even have the means to track the time. But...


3020 seconds, in other words, 50 minutes and 20 seconds – that's the time it took to reach here from my house. The car started at 2:42 pm, So the time currently is-

["October 5th, Sunday- 3:32 pm!"]

'How do you know the time?'

Isn't the answer is obvious?


Is there any other way to know the time without my phone and watch?

From the moment the car started, I began counting and to maintain my focus I pretended to sleep and to keep a precise count I tapped the floor every ten seconds while counting.

[Flashback- *Tap*

"Araki-sama? You have been tapping the floor."

"This is my bad habit, whenever I get nervous, I tap the floor with my foot unconsciously."





I already anticipated this situation, and as I expected, they took my belongings. I know that they are not that dumb to overlook such a simple trick.

I knew from the start that Plan A had a 90% failure rate because the whole plan would depend on my mobile. So, if they took custody of it, then forget about the location; I can't even know the time, not to mention they took my watch along with it. But time is very essential for me to locate this place.

Of course, I can estimate the time through instincts, but that doesn't help at all because I need the exact time to locate this place. That's why I needed to count it.

They might have blocked my senses, but that can't stop me from thinking.

302 taps, which means 3020 seconds have passed so converting it into minutes will be 50 minutes and 20 seconds.

On average, a car can cover 41 kilometres in 50 minutes, but I want the precise distance to locate this place. For that, I need the speed of that car to calculate the distance.

"But you don't know the speed."

Hmph, are you sure about that?

("I have motion sickness, so I am meaning to ask you to go a bit slow, atleast go below 40km/hr."

"Rest assured, I have been going at 40 km/hr since the beginning.")

40 km/hr – if you want the speed, then I already know it.

For this purpose I made sure to make him drive at a constant speed, Now then,

•The time is 50 minutes

•Speed is 40 km/hr

So to calculate the distance, I need to multiply the speed with time. The time is 50 minutes and 20 seconds, which I can round off to 50 minutes. Converting 50 minutes to hours means dividing 50 by 60, which equals 5/6 hours. Now then, 40 km/hr multiplied by 5/6 hours will be 200/6, which equals 33.33 km, Let's round it off to 33 km then. So taking 33 km as a radius and using my apartment in Tokyo as the centre,

"THIS PLACE IS LOCATED WITHIN 33 KM FROM TOKYO!" I exclaimed, internally.

This is Plan B, count the time, calculate the distance and narrow the location.

That's right, I already set Plan B in motion before Plan A, knowing that Plan A will fail.

Plan B has a 99% success rate, but the remaining 1% can only happen if they manage to stop me from thinking, in other words, making me UNCONSCIOUS or PUTTING ME TO SLEEP.

However, they didn't take that precaution, they didn't do that


The moment they allowed me to remain conscious, my victory was set in stone.


Within 33 km, there are several possible locations I can think of, including Shibuya, Shinjuku, Saitama, Kawaguchi, Kawasaki, Itabashi, and some parts of Chiba, among many others. If I search all these places and thoroughly investigate every corner, I will eventually find this place. In other words



Plan B only lets me to narrow the location, that means I can't pinpoint this location immediately. That's right

I can't locate 'IMMEDIATELY' but I can find it eventually. That's why finding this location is-


According to my observation,

Outside of this building, it was quite silent, so it is safe to assume that there is no traffic, and there are very few buildings near this place and the roads are empty. Which means this place is most probably located in a deserted area, places with few people and buildings. Perfect for hideouts.

With this conclusion I can narrow the possibilities even closer.


Besides, there is a possibility that this place might be located in Tokyo itself, behind my apartment, or it might be in my next neighbourhood. There is a possibility that he drove in circles for an hour in the same place to buy some time in case someone like me narrows down their location. Normally, people will start searching from the outskirts, So they will have some time to escape in the meantime.

I think that this information is very useful, of course, I may not be able to tell the location immediately but, at least there is no need to search around the entire Japan.

But this is as far as I can go, my role ends here because from here on out I can't act alone, It's almost impossible for me alone to search every corner to find this place and Like I said before, Plan B takes some time and requires manpower to pinpoint and find this location. That's why I need the help of cops.

I narrowed the possibilities from here on I can't move alone.

I finally acquired this card, now I have the advantage over them. All that's left is to find their location and crush them if they try to pull anything funny. With this it's-


"Now then, Araki-sama the seminar takes place on the first floor, it's better to hurry. follow me."

"Got it"

The guy showed me the way, I climbed up the stairs, reached the first floor and found a huge door.

"Please go in," the guy opened the door.

It looks like a big auditorium, the seats are arranged in an inclined order, like in a theater. The stage is huge with a big screen mounted on the wall visible to everyone. The room is cool and well-designed. There are around 100-200 seats, and about 100 people are sitting in their seats, I can also hear some murmurs. People who look like guards, wearing black suits, are standing beside the stage and also beside the door as well from which I entered.

"Yo! Araki-Kun"


I turned my head towards left to find out who was calling me, it was Kurogane, he was sitting in the back row.

"We meet again, it's been a week isn't it?"

"It's just Kurogane huh"

"A-R-A-K-I Kun, I believe that I am at least 9 years older than you, so I want you to show me some respect. I would be grateful if you used -san beside my name."

"Why the hell should I respect the guy who is threatening to harm my family?" I answered, sarcastically.

"Well, you have a point"

I approached Kurogane and leaned, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Kusogane, you didn't break the promise, right? By chance, if know that you bothered my family..."

"If I did?"


A moment of silence grew, Kurogane smiled and started speaking.

"Don't worry, Don't worry, Like I said before I am a man of his word, I didn't break it, also please stop with that nickname"

I restored my posture and turned away.

"Araki-Kun also"


"The promise, you didn't break it right?"

I stopped.

"About the experiment, did you tell anyone? "

I glanced over my shoulder and narrowed my gaze.

"Well, of course you didn't tell anyone. In fact, you don't even have friends to talk to, so I can't imagine you revealing our details, hahaha."

"Shut up"

"It's a joke, It's a joke, anyways,To be honest, there is no need to threat you, but you are so stubborn compared to others that's why I needed to threat you."

"What do you mean?"

"Didn't I say before, that you are the ONLY ONE who refused our invitation"

"I am the only…one?"

Now that I think about it, I recall that Kurogane said something along those lines.

("Others have accepted without resistance, and you were the only one left")

"That's right. Everyone accepted without any resistance, Although some of them ignored the email just like you, but once we explained the details, they all accepted to participate. That's why there was no need to threat them"

These people didn't receive a threat because everyone accepted it? What's going on? Did they actually believe this suspicious organisation? Why?

that means,



"Well then, the seminar is about to start."

"Don't run! Answer my question. Why did they accept without questioning? If you didn't threaten them, then What tricks did you use? There should be some people who resis-"

"Shut up, you brat"


"Run? Don't get so cocky-



(As I thought, I hate him afterall)

"As I expected, we don't get along"

"Is that so? I think we can get along very well"

"Ah so"

"Anyways, Take a seat somewhere the seminar will begin or else you want to sit beside me?"

"Even if the hell freezes, I will never"

"Eh?! That's mean"

Well, Whatever, I think I should worry more about myself than worrying about these strangers, afterall I don't have the time to worry about others.

I climbed down and found an empty seat in the left row. I settled myself there. I can hear people talking among themselves about the seminar.

'Hey, do you think that we can really remember our dreams?'

'I think it's possible. I would love to know what I dream.'

'Make your wishes become true. Are they serious about this? Will they really fulfill our dreams?'

'I honestly don't know, but I am here because they told me they would fulfill my dreams.'

'Isn't it kind of exciting?'

'You are right, but I feel somewhat anxious at the same time.'

'This whole setup seems so suspicious, not to mention the way they brought us here. I have so many questions to ask them.'

'You are thinking too much into it. I am sure it will be alright. They will explain everything to us.'

'I hope all ends well.'

Some people are excited about this despite the way they brought us here. It must be nice to not worry about anything. They really are not aware of this organisation's dirty tricks and dark side.

On the other hand, some people are suspicious and seriously looking for answers to ease themselves. Well, you can tell that I am also one of them.

Despite what Kurogane said, there are some people who are aware of their current situation, I think it is obvious, after how they brought us here most of the people would suspect and want some explanation.

But it's about time to know; I no longer need to wait. The real objective of this experiment and what they will make us do, everything will come to light.

The lights went off except at the stage.

"Everyone, May I have your attention"

A lady wearing white coat, standing in the middle of the stage.

"I am Yamamoto Akiko, one of the lead researchers at DreamLink Corporation. I thank all of you for cooperating and attending this seminar."

Not bad for a first impression, they look proper.

"I am aware that everyone has their questions, but don't worry we will try to answer and clarify every question. So today, we have decided to commence our experiment, so in today's seminar, we will explain the details and tell you about the experiment. I am looking forward to working with all of you." She bowed

'Yamamoto-San are you married?' someone yelled

'Idiot, what are you asking her?'

Seriously, who the hell is that guy asking such a question in this situation?

"Umm…Not yet, *cough* I think we are going off-topic here. Well then, let's start the seminar, by the way, I am not the one who will be taking charge of this stage"

Hmm? Is there another person going to take the lead?

"Everyone put your hands together, I welcome, the head professor and founder of DLC, Nakabachi Hideo- Sensei"

*clapping* Everyone started to clap.

Founder and head professor huh, I wonder what kind of-"



I slowly stopped clapping, my eyes widened, and my mouth fell open. My heart started racing at an unbelievable speed, I could feel a jolt sent into my spine. I became alert all of a sudden. Although the room was filled with noise, I couldn't hear anything, or rather, I stopped listening. His presence froze my mind. He got my attention.

A man with a white lab coat entered from the backstage, wearing glasses and looking over 40 years of age. For most people, he might have appeared perfectly normal. Then why...


I am sure it's just my imagination, but his presence is overwhelming for me, because...

"Good afternoon, everyone. I am Nakabachi Hideo. First of all, I thank you all for attending this seminar, from the bottom of my heart I really appreciate it. I will be the one presenting the details and explanation of our experiment. I hope that all of you will cooperate and make this experiment a success. Well then...


(That white coat, that height, that voice and this strange familiarity I'm feeling) because...