The next day I went to work as usual, but my mind was formulating strategies to approach Scott and successfully get the amount back.

I was barely able to concentrate on my work. I tried my best to glue to my desk but couldn't stick for more than an hour. I marched toward Scott's cabin, but the receptionist informed me that he was busy in a meeting. I couldn't get hold of him the whole day.

The next day, thank God, he was in his cabin. With permission, I entered his cabin. He was quite busy. There were so many files on his table, and after a few minutes, he spoke.

"Yes, Mr. Walker," "Still, I did not receive the amount." "What amount?" For fuck's sake, I don't want to be the murderer of that handsome face. "The amount you spent on shopping, by using my card literally drained the card limit." Shut the hell up. "Oh right, as you can see, I am busy, and I will transfer it once I cross-verify, ok?"

I wanted to ask him when. But I stopped myself from asking, as it would be too much. I replied, OK, and left his cabin.

After reaching the apartment, once again I took those bills, calculated the amount carefully, took my phone, forwarded all images of the bills with the total bill amount to his WhatsApp, and waited for his reply. He saw my message but didn't bother to reply. After a few minutes, I had my dinner and slept off.

For another week, I didn't bother him. He was quite busy, but how many minutes would it take to cross-verify and transfer the amount? I contacted him again, the same answer I received.

What the hell was his problem? In the first place, why the hell did I swipe my card? I should have acted like I also left it in the car or something, why the hell didn't I? Trust me because of the intimate look that he was giving me. I couldn't say 'no'.

I don't want to think that it is his way of getting back to me. I need to get that amount, no matter what. I needed to send some amount to my parents, as they are trying to renovate the farm. For the first time, like a decade after my father spoke, asking for money and also promised to return it. Like hell, I will take it back from him. On top of that, I need to make payment for the credit card, and I need to think of a way of returning money to David too. Oh god, my life is totally hell.

The next day I woke up in time and got freshened up.

After reaching the company, I approached Scott.

"Still, I have not received the amount it's been 10 days, and I am not worried that you will run off by taking my money or something, on the other hand, you are not in shortage too, you are a billionaire for God's sake", "What are you getting at", "What the hell I need the bloody amount. I needed to make some payments and trust me, I am fed up of reminding you", "Let me repeat I will transfer you when I get time", "Mr. Mathew, I have reduced your time I have calculated everything in detail with the bills I have sent you a message, you need to just cross-verify the same it's simple don't you think?" "Don't you think to cross-verify requires some time?" "It's hardly a few minutes", "Every minute counts for me as I am CEO, and I am dam busy." Seriously bastard. "Ok, can you please let me know when you will transfer?" "When I find time. Can you get out of my cabin? I have piles of work pending." By nodding my head, I exited his cabin.

I could not stand him. I was barely able to shut my mouth, and now I can't take the risk of pissing him off, which will not give me any good results. I made my way toward my desk.

For another few days, I didn't bother him; it's been nearly 20 days, and our performance evaluation has also started, so meeting him now was not at all good for me. Based on our performance bonus will be declared and everyone will not be eligible as certain criteria need to be fulfilled, I am positive that I will be qualified.

For another few days, Simon, HR, and Scott were quite busy evaluating individual employee performance, but that doesn't give Scott a reason for not transferring the amount. Yes, he has not transferred till now; it's been nearly a month.

One fine day, I received an email from HR informing me that I was not qualified for the yearly bonus and I was not getting why. I had fulfilled every fucking eligibility criterion, still not qualified. These bastards. Why the hell they are fucking picking on every goddam chance. The next thing I did was rushing to Simon's cabin.

"Mr. Wilson, why I am not qualified for the bonus?" "Good morning, you too Mr. Walker, because you have not completed one year yet", "But it was only 6 months right. If any employee who completed 6 months be eligible based on performance." "That criteria, has been revised to 1 year by Mr. Mathew, so you are not qualified" "Seriously for all the hard work I have done till today is this how you people are paying?" "No, we are paying through salary. Why are you so worked up if you didn't qualify this year if you survive maybe, you will be qualified next year again if you survive" "Why didn't I receive any mail regarding the revised criteria?" "It was recently implemented, soon you people will receive mail", "What, recently implemented like days before, I guess", "Whatever, what problem have you got with that?"

These bastards. I left Simon's cabin, to meet another bastard who was solely responsible for every fucking thing that was happening. With permission. I entered. Before entering, I calmed myself for a few seconds because this guy knew how to push the button.

"Yes." "Mr. Mathew, you don't have any intention of giving my money back, right?" "Mr. Walker, as I said, I am busy after cross-verifying I will transfer the amount" "Can I get one good reason why Mr. Mathew is always picking on me?" "As I said before, you are a mere employee, why would I do that?" "Recent changes in bonus criteria explain everything, I guess, which is a recent development" "Don't tell me I have to discuss everything with you before implementing? Are you the only person who is working in this company? Changes will be applied to everyone, if it's implemented a few minutes before too. Both you and I understood."

I was not able to get back on that one. He was right, but both of us knew I was only the main target over here. Without my knowledge, I was staring at him. This is the worst situation in anyone's life, where you cannot do anything tied up by responsibilities and power.

Scott spoke. "Mr. Walker, I know I am sexy, handsome, and hot. I have already disclosed my preference and sexuality, so don't you think you are wasting your time?"

Without uttering a word, I left his cabin. What a bloody narcissist. I started contemplating how many times to stab both of them so that they would have a miserable death. I needed a break from everything, so I took half a day of leave. I needed to forget everything that was happening. The best solution was drinking and I went to the bar.

Any person should be born with money and power; they can do whatever fucking they want. I am not going to give up so easily, bastards. I will show them what I am, especially to that bloody CEO. Let them play. I won't give them the satisfaction that they are carving for. By sipping my drink slowly, I was making up my mind stronger than ever before.