After that incident, sexual tension started between us. I was not able to stay alone in the same room with him, not even for a few minutes. At the time of delivering lunch, I would not bother to stay more than a minute; this was happening wherever Scott was present, and I was not able to dare to see his face.

One fine day, Simon called me to his cabin. Our company was entering the cosmetic world, and the first product to get launched was lipstick, so he told me to prepare a budget and advertise every requirement by cooperating with relevant department employees. It was my big-budget project, and I had to give my best.

After getting the project, I did not waste my time and started working on it. I and other department colleagues surveyed women of different colors and their opinions on lipsticks. We surveyed them regarding the colors they liked most and which color suited them. Based on that, we prepared our data, and based on that, we prepared the budget and advertisement part. 20 days were given to prepare everything.

It was already the day of my presentation. I and Simon entered the cabin after a few minutes. Scott came, joined by a few others, and Scott sat exactly opposite me. I didn't even dare to look at his face, but I could feel his gaze on me.

Simon started giving the introduction part, and after that, it was my turn. For the first time, I was feeling stage fright because of Scott and his stare. I introduced myself and started giving my presentation, as only a few people were present in the meeting room. Sometimes my eyes would meet his, but I tried to avert it soon.

In the middle of the speech, I saw his face, and I should have avoided it. He had unbuttoned two buttons of his shirt; his skin was visible, the same which I had tasted a few days ago. Oh god, and I went numb for a few seconds. I forgot about my speech, and I was staring at him. Something vaguely as radiant skin as Scott. Everyone in the cabin was shocked.

Simon shouted, "What are you rambling, you idiot? Are you out of your mind?" Then I came back to the reality of what I had just said. Scott was holding himself from bursting, and Simon was staring. I should defend myself; I mean, I should say something more convincing than I spoke: "I was saying, every lip color will be suited if everyone gets radiant skin like Mr. Mathew." Simon spoke, "You didn't find anyone else in this meeting room to give examples, and was this part present in that presentation? Geez, this guy. "I thought of giving examples for better understanding." I continued and concluded my presentation. Oh God, this guy can't let me leave to mind my own business. Damn, he started flirting too. I am not able to control myself these days.

After that incident, my hide-and-seek was even more intense when I went to deliver his lunch and he confronted me.

"You are trying your best to avoid me, right?" Why the hell won't? "No, Mr. Mathew, I am not." "It is like you are Mr. Walker." He got up from his seat and walked towards me, and in no time his face was very close to mine. OK, this is not good. We were staring at each other. I was not able to speak; my lips were sealed, and my eyes stuck on his lips. Damn, those lips. "I asked you something; are you avoiding me?"

Nothing was coming from my mouth; he was definitely fire, and I couldn't approach him for fear of getting burned. On the other hand, he would make sure I would get burned; whatever the final result was, if it was with him, then I would take my chances in enjoying my last days, and I kissed him vigorously and passionately. I was carving for this. I took him near the wall and started kissing everywhere, like his neck, chest, and, again, his lips. We were too involved in our passionate moment when he received a call on the intercom reminding him of the meeting that he had in a few minutes. Dammit, we should stop now. Controlling ourselves was hard. He was frustrated. I knew this way he couldn't attend the meeting. I needed to calm him down, unbuckle his pants, and give him a blow and hand job. He couldn't control his scream. I tried to make sure by closing his mouth with mine, and in no time, he ejaculated. I kissed him once again. I made sure he was calm, then exited the cabin.

On the weekend, he called me and gave me a different address, informing me to come over there. I didn't bother to ask for any other details.

On Saturday at 8 a.m., I went to the given address; it was a big, classy apartment, and I was waiting outside. He came after a few minutes and made his way towards the entrance, and we were in a flat that was completely empty. There were so many unwrapped boxes that I was puzzled. I turned towards him, and he spoke, "I purchased this flat recently and thought of shifting help in moving things and unwrapping too.".

Really, did he take my words seriously like he would? But he purchased a flat. Thank God the previous one was so big, which was a waste, and this one was also quite big. 3bhk, why the hell did he bother to shift? This guy, money-rolling with idiots; on top of it, not even a single box is unwrapped. I saw him, and he was like, 'What' to reply to him, which will bounce back to me. I didn't say anything and began to unwrap things.

The kitchen was already set up, even the hall, and my work was to set up his room completely. I began to unwrap the boxes and started my duty by setting his wardrobe, which was like never-ending so many branded clothes; most of his clothes he didn't bother opening boxes for arranging his clothes. My half day went by, and I was feeling hungry, so I made my way towards the hall. He had ordered pizza, which he ordered for me too, which was unlikely, but he invited me to join him. I grabbed a beer from the fridge and made my way towards him. I took 30 minutes of rest and again went back to finish work.

There was one box, written as delicate items—I guess his watches—and other things. I opened it and saw there were so many precious items. It's better if he kept these things to himself, so I called him.

"Can you come here for a moment?"; "What?"; "Will you keep these precious things by yourself?"; "Passcode is 1717; keep it by yourself; don't disturb me"; "Are you out of your mind? Why are you sharing your passcode? Don't you know what to share, what not to, and these are costly items; keep it yourself?" "Geez, what is there in that? Every time you won't be lucky, and this time I will make sure you end up in prison, simple, right?"; "I am not a bloody thief"; "Then it's settled; keep those; don't fucking disturb me.".

With that, he left irresponsibly. I dumped all those items in the locker and arranged his bedsheets, curtains, and toiletries. By the time I finished, it was 5 p.m., and when I came out of his bedroom, he was nowhere to be found. I received a text from him saying that he had left to meet his friends, so after a few minutes, I locked his flat and left.