The Plan


He finally agreed.

I got his text last night in the middle of the night. It woke me up, but instead of being annoyed, a smile spread across my face, and I stayed there for the rest of the night. Maybe he thought sending that text at that hour would make it all seem like a dream, something less real to him. But today, I plan to remind him just how real it is. I always knew he'd accept in the end. How could he turn down such an opportunity, the chance to pretend to date me?

I park my car outside the Barclay house and adjust the mirror under my eyes, ensuring an impeccable appearance. I grab my lipstick and gently apply it to my lips, admiring the result with a satisfied smile. Once I've finished, I close the mirror, take my handbag and get out of the car, heading for his house. I know he's here because he doesn't have work or basketball today. He's probably holed up in his room, doing God-knows-what.

Honestly, I'm not interested in knowing.

Once at the front door, I push it open confidently and enter without hesitation. I know it's usually left unlocked, and today is no exception. The familiar calm of the place washes over me, but at the same time, a hint of jealousy creeps in. It's hard not to feel envious every time I come here.

I quickly scan the ground floor to make sure Arwan isn't there before climbing the stairs. I walk lightly, trying to minimise any noise, until I reach his bedroom door.

Of course, it's locked, and I can't hear a thing when I put my ear to it.

I'm really intrigued.

Knowing it will annoy him—and because I kind of miss having fun with him by annoying him—I don't knock and open the door wide with a bang. I'm greeted by a startled sound as I detect Arwan on his bed, engrossed in a book. However, what catches my eye is his bare torso, an unexpected sight that momentarily distracts me. I knew he was athletic and committed to his training, but seeing his physique exposed up close is an entirely different experience.

My God, he's so—

"What the hell are you doing here?" he exclaims as he jumps to his feet, throws his book on the bed, and picks up a T-shirt.

I take advantage of the few seconds it takes him to put it on to enjoy the view before he covers up, and I have to meet his gaze. It's clear he's not thrilled to find me in his room, and he makes no effort to hide his annoyance.

"You said you were in," I remind him.

He frowns. "Yeah, and I never implied that meant you could just show up at my house unannounced. Have you ever heard of knocking?"

I raise an eyebrow, playfully challenging him. "Do I strike you like someone who waits patiently outside other people's doors?"

He doesn't answer, choosing instead to roll his eyes. I know he has something else on his mind, things he's refraining from saying. From the first time we met, he called me a spoilt brat, probably influenced by his perception of my father.

It used to bother me, but I've got used to it—although some of his remarks can sometimes hurt me. I understand that nothing I say will change his opinion of me. I mean, so what? I'm friends with his sister, and that's all that matters to me.

Taking a step closer to him, I smile. "Anyway. Now that I'm here, I thought we'd better discuss our plan."

Arwan's eyes crinkle. "Our plan?"

I step into his room and begin scanning every detail. "Yes, our plan. Make Tyler and Zoya jealous. Does that mean anything to you?"

I continue my inspection, intrigued. I've been in his room countless times before, but I've never had the chance to really look at him. I have to say I'm not surprised by the way it's organised, as Arwan has always been a stickler for tidiness. I also came across a shelf full of trophies and medals that are there to inflate his ego every morning when he wakes up. I'm sure he sometimes kisses them and congratulates himself on being so great.

"Okay," I finally say, taking a deep breath. "First of all, we need to create a schedule. We should arrive at university together wherever possible—in my car, obviously—and it wouldn't hurt to meet for lunch some days."

I notice a grimace on Arwan's face, and I understand that this all sounds like torture to him. Does he really think I want to endure the discomfort of eating with him? To be honest, I'd much prefer to share these moments with Liliana, but sacrifices have to be made if our plan is to succeed. And Arwan, too, will have to put aside his resentment, at least for a little while.

"We need to increase the frequency of our interactions and make them more natural," I continue. "Remember when I mentioned showing affection? Well, we need to incorporate that too.

He lets out another sigh. "Yes, I remember. But, er, what exactly do you mean by 'touch'? Because there's no way you—"

"Relax," I interrupt, "it's nothing indecent. Just simple gestures, like touching your arm while we talk. And you should do the same, like put your arm around me or something."

Arwan winces again, clearly uncomfortable with the idea.

"Arwan, you really need to stop making that face. It won't work if you keep showing your displeasure," I tell him, rolling my eyes.

"What? You think I'm enjoying this?" he retorts, a hint of frustration in his voice.

I sigh, trying to reassure him. "Look, I know this isn't ideal for either of us. But let's not blow it out of proportion. We're just trying to create the appearance of something, okay? I suppose you'll also throw a fit if I ever kiss you?"

Arwan almost chokes at my next suggestion. "Kiss me?" he exclaims, clearly taken aback.

"Not on the mouth, silly," I reassure him immediately. "Just on the cheek. It's all about giving the illusion, remember?"

He lets out a resigned sigh. "Fine. I can accept that. But don't overdo it, either. We need to find the right balance."

I nod, acknowledging his concerns. "Right. We don't want it to be too obvious or for either of us to be uncomfortable. It has to feel natural. We just have to give each other a signal if the other ever goes too far, like a pinch. Okay?"

He'll probably overdo it since he's nowhere near as invested as I am, but that should do it. The important thing is that other people believe us—Tyler, especially.

I continue to clarify everything between us, like the excuse we'll give to others for our relationship or what we'll do if Tyler or Zoya takes the bait. I make him understand that it's all temporary and that, in any case, there's no chance of it not working out.

Once we're on the same wavelength, I offer him my hand to seal the deal. Arwan hesitates for a moment, still unsure of what this means. I give him an insistent look, and against all odds, he lets out a sigh and finally takes it firmly. Our handshake is significant, symbolising our commitment to follow through with our plan.

"Deal," I assure him.

He nods, a hint of resignation in his voice. "Deal", he sighs, clearly not thrilled with the agreement. I can't help but feel a wave of excitement, knowing that I'll have the upper hand this time. My pranks will have a whole new twist, and Arwan won't have a chance to fight back. It's going to be so much fun.

"Well, on another note," I say, pulling my hand away, "maybe we should practice those kisses. Just to make them more convincing," I add.

Arwan's grimace returns instantly, and he doesn't find my joke amusing. He grabs my wrist and quickly pulls me out of his room. I can't help but be amused by his reaction as he leaves me standing outside his door.

But before he lets go of me, we're interrupted by a throat-clearing noise next to us. I turn my head to the right and come face to face with the look of shock on my best friend's face. She's holding her bag, looking at us both with confusion, trying to make sense of the situation. I haven't had a chance to talk to her about recent events, but the time seems fitting now.

"What the… You two… What is the… What the fuck? How? Why? When? God, what's going on here?" Liliana stammers, her voice filled with perplexity.

Arwan lets go of me abruptly and turns his gaze towards me. "I'll leave you to deal with your mess," he mumbles.

He slams the door, leaving me standing outside his room. I roll my eyes, unperturbed by his dramatic exit, and turn my attention back to Liliana, who is still staring at me with wide eyes, clearly looking for answers. I invite her into her room, allowing her to regain her composure while I take a seat in her desk chair. I have to find a way of approaching this conversation without arousing suspicion. It won't be easy, but I'm determined to navigate it with finesse.

"Are you sleeping with my brother?" she asks me without preamble.

I'm surprised by the directness of her question. "What? Oh, my God, no! Absolutely not!"

Just the image of him… Well, okay. It's not that unpleasant. But there's no way. Tyler's the only one on my mind, and I don't intend to change that any time soon—or ever, for that matter. Least of all for… Arwan. I mean, come on, the guy is… irritating. And I have no physical fault to give him, but his personality takes precedence over the rest.

Taking a deep breath, I continue, "We… Well, I made a deal with your brother. It's a mutually beneficial arrangement."

I explain how I came up with the idea and how surprisingly easy it was to convince Arwan to agree to it. Liliana's initial shock gradually turns to understanding as I explain the details. I reassure her that there's nothing romantic going on between her brother and me, and that we definitely hadn't planned to sleep together while she was under the same roof. I can see the relief wash over her, and I completely understand. It must be strange for her to imagine us together when we can barely stand each other. But she can rest assured that nothing like that is happening. Ever.

"Anyway," I resume. "On a different note, I was wondering, are you seeing anyone at the moment?"

Her cheeks immediately turn crimson, and she doesn't even try to hide her reaction—not that she's capable of hiding it anyway. It piques my curiosity even more. I'm beginning to wonder if there's something more meaningful going on behind her blushing façade. Has she tried again with Miklos? Has he finally broken up with his ex? I've got so many questions running through my head that I don't even know where to start, especially as she doesn't seem keen to provide any answers.

"Maybe…" she admits shyly. "I… It's complicated."

I nod as I take a seat on her bed, lying down on it before facing her.

"Please, I've got all the time in the world."