Waking Up


I open my eyes slowly, shaking off the remnants of sleep. The unfamiliar atmosphere of the room I find myself in becomes clearer as I recall last night and realise that this is one of Tyler's bedrooms. A wave of mixed emotions washes over me, accompanied by a sense of confusion about what happened between Arwan and me last night. I think back to his lips on me and how much I enjoyed it. It was all part of the game, but…

God, it felt good. So good.

Waking up next to him only accentuates those doubts. I glance over at him, seeing him sound asleep and wearing a peaceful expression, contrasting a little too well with the whirlwind of thoughts running through my head. Part of me wants to wake him up and face the situation head-on, while another tells me to let him rest a little longer. It's too early to do anything, and I need time to work out how to deal with everything that's happened.

It was just an act, after all. None of it was real.