Love Hotel

With the remote in hand, I zap through the channels relentlessly, unable to find anything that suits my current state of mind. Arwan takes forever in the shower, and the anticipation makes my heart beat a little faster. I can't believe we're sharing a hotel room, just metres apart, and that he's completely naked.

I shake my head, trying to banish any inappropriate thoughts. I shouldn't be thinking about what he looks like or imagining things I shouldn't. It's too complicated, and I need to concentrate on something else. That's why I turn my attention to the TV, hoping to find a distraction that'll take my mind off the embarrassing situation I'm in.

As I continue to channel-hop, I can't help but wonder how we got into this situation in the first place. Sharing a hotel room was the only option, but that doesn't stop me from feeling the unease inside me.