

Sitting on Zoya's sofa, I hold my titled head in my right hand as we watch something on TV together. It's just me and her tonight, as Jar couldn't make it. I can't help wondering if he's really found someone because I've been seeing less and less of him lately, so it makes me think he's finally found 'the one'. I have to say, though, that I have my doubts this time because I've never been so invested in her—maybe she's really the one.

Whatever it is, his little flirtations prevent me from spending time with my best friend. It would have been the perfect time to do it: him, Zoya and me. All together, just like in the old days. That's what we used to do: the three of us in front of a TV show, making fun of each episode and criticising it. For a moment, sitting next to Zoya, it almost feels like it. I almost feel like I'm back there as we laugh at the show's absurdity.