

I sit alone in the dimly lit underground room, the air heavy with the weight of memories I try desperately to forget. My fingers trace the intricate patterns on a small stone I've picked up from the floor, a grounding gesture amid the overwhelming emotions that threaten to consume me. The cold, damp walls seem to close in around me, a stark reminder of the nightmare I'm living.

"Hello, Emery," a voice echoes through the speakers, jolting me out of my reverie.

I clench the stone in my hand, my heart racing as the sound of that voice sends shivers down my spine. The voice that's haunted my dreams and stole my freedom. Anger and fear bubbles up within me, my grip on the stone growing tighter.

"You know, it's been a while since we've had a little chat," the voice continues, a sickeningly casual tone that makes my stomach churn.