Close To Him


One minute, I'm waking up next to Arwan, my heart heavy with doubt; the next, he's embracing me as if his life depended on it. And to be honest, mine does too. I feel like I won't be able to breathe once his lips leave mine, like he's the oxygen I need. That's why I want more, always more. I never thought I'd miss his lips so much. Or that I'd so quickly remember how they taste and how they're so gentle while expressing an impatience I feel all the way to my stomach.

I'm hesitant with my hands, afraid of hurting him by touching one of his wounds. He has so many. And I've only seen the ones on his chest. I know he has others on his back, and the thought of it makes me want to cry. But I swallow the sadness and move my hands to the back of his neck, caressing the roots of his hair as I feel his tongue against mine, lighting the flame in me that I thought had gone out because I hadn't felt it.

I think it just needed the right trigger.