Good News


  The sun casts a warm, golden glow across the room as I methodically prepare my car. I've carefully packed everything I'll need for our road trip: snacks, a map (just for show, as we'll obviously be using the sat nav), a playlist I've made myself and a sense of adventure that's been sorely lacking in my life recently. This trip, suggested by Liliana to escape the pressure of impending exams, couldn't have come at a better time.

As I'm closing my travel bag, my phone rings with a text from Liliana. She's ready and waiting for me. I reply that I'll be there soon, then quickly take my things down the stairs, passing through the kitchen to pick up a last packet of crisps. As usual, the house is empty, so I lock up behind me. I've left a note for my parents in the kitchen, but I doubt they'll worry—they won't pull the same stunt they did when I was in L.A.