Birthday Girl


Conan wasn't kidding when he told me he'd throw me a memorable party. When I walked through his flat's door, our friends immediately greeted me, shouting, "Happy birthday! I had to stop and scan the room to take it all in. Everyone is here; everyone we go out and have fun with is there. And it feels so good that everyone comes together for me. With uni, we don't really have time to all see each other, so this is just exceptional.

I walk into the room, clicking my heels against the floor and smiling broadly. It's not long before everyone joins me in a hug, and I fall into the embrace as if it's been years. I think that after spending so much time on my project, I need this little break to rest and, above all, have fun. Conan is an admirable boyfriend who I absolutely must congratulate because he knows me too well; he knows that all I need for a good party are the right people. And he has put them all together perfectly.
