Trying Again


I don't know how long it's been since we were kidnapped and locked up here. At first, I thought I could cope with it all, that I could calculate the number of my days here so I'd be prepared.

I thought that by my second time here, I'd mastered it to the point where I wouldn't feel so helpless and incapable. But it's even worse than last time.

I thought it would be better to be near Conan and have him here with me to reassure me and tell me it's going to be okay, but it's different when he's mad at me. He won't even talk to me.

It doesn't matter how many days or hours we've been here; the fact is that everything is made worse by his silence. He's angry with me, and I understand why.

I hid my 'relationship' with Arwan from him, and that was wrong of me. I should have been honest with him from the start. I understand that.