

I'm really stressed, but I know it's for the greater good. I'm just a bit worried that things will get out of hand and end badly. But I trust Arwan and his plans, so I shouldn't worry. I think I'm just worried that I'll make a mistake and it'll cost him something. He's already lost his dream because of his father; I don't want him to lose anything else.

In the half-light, I tightly grip the binoculars and scan the area with urgency. I've activated the night vision mode to improve my visibility, allowing me to see the surroundings in greater detail. Everything depends on our meticulous execution of the plan, and we can't afford any mistakes.

My gaze settles on Arwan in the distance as he maintains his position, our roles perfectly synchronised like characters in a high-stakes video game. However, there are no extra lives on this mission, and we must proceed with the utmost caution.