

The first thing I do when he opens his eyes is thanking God for listening to my prayers and that he's come out of it safe and sound. The second is to throw myself on top of him and give him a hug, although I know that's not a good idea as he immediately starts grunting in pain. If I were a reasonable person, I'd have pulled back directly to give him time to breathe, but I'm far from it, so I hold him a little tighter.

"Emery," he growls. "You're going to choke me."

I finally pull back but don't let go. He grimaces, still in pain from his rib wound, before looking up into my eyes. He looks at me intently as if trying to see if everything is real or not. He even raises his fingers to my face to touch it. I close my eyes and let myself fall against the soft touch of his hand. It feels so unreal.

"Are you all right?" I ask him as I open my eyelids again.

He nods. "What happened?"