Fine Threads Tailoring

The name of the tailor, the bearded man's brother, was Hans. That night, Yohana struck up a conversation with him when his brother wasn't present.

"Pardon me, kind Sir, but I must say your fashion sense is impeccable. I can tell you're a man of high station, so forgive me for asking, but why in heaven's name are you wasting your time in this lowly place?"

Yohana complimented him, acknowledging him for who he was rather than his brother, who was notably louder and attracted more attention.

"What are you saying, Miss? You're employed in this establishment, so I gather it can't be all that unpleasant now, can it? Moreover, I must confess that my brother can be…"

He paused for a second before continuing,

"...quite handful at times, but he's still my flesh and blood. It concerns me greatly to leave him to his own devices."

Yohana smiled sweetly at Hans, "Of course, I understand your concern for your brother. It is admirable to see such devotion among family members."

She decided to stop there, not wanting to press further. However, Hans seemed to want more compliments from her, something Yohana had expected from someone who had been suppressed for a long time.

"Tell me, Miss, do you like my fashion?"

Yohana nodded. "Yes, I can tell from the neat sewing of your waistcoat that you have an eye for detail."

Hans raised an eyebrow in surprise. "You think so?"

"Absolutely, Sir. Mind you, I am from the capital, and I worked for a Margrave before. Your style is on the level of those of a Margrave. No, I think your taste is even better than theirs."

He smiled sheepishly. "I am grateful for your kind observation. You can call me Hans. And you are…?"

"I'm Yohana." She gave her prettiest smile, knowing that she had him in her hands already.


That was how it got to this point.

The morning after their encounter, Yohana went to the town center and found Hans' tailor shop.

Despite its modest size, the shop was strategically located at the heart of the town square, facing the local markets. 'Fine Threads Tailoring' was written in gold on the transparent window, as opposed to a wooden sign.

"Good morning, Hans," Yohana announced herself, even though the door sign said it was still closed.

Hans, dressed in a plain linen shirt with a leather apron on, rose from his chair with a delightful expression on his face.

"Yohana! Come in! Please excuse the mess. I have repairs to finish today, so I've got no time to tidy up."

He looked around and found the chair concealed by tons of fabrics. Stretching his arms, he took the fabrics and moved them to the corner of the shop.

"Please, have a seat," he said.

Yohana chuckled politely, took off her straw hat and rolled her linen sleeves. She began to sort through the fabrics in the shop, including the clothes that needed repairs.

When Hans noticed that, he quickly said, "Yohana, please, you are my guest, not my employee. Make yourself comfortable. My assistant will be here in an hour to take care of the mess."

"Do not concern yourself with my boredom. I'd like to be occupied while you are finishing your duties."

Thus, Hans returned to his work while Yohana made herself at home, cleaning and making tea for her and the shop owner.

"Thanks," Hans said before going back to the last garment he had to repair.

After some time, a young woman with sharp jawlines and big eyes entered the shop. She appeared to be in a rush.

"Forgive me, Mr. Hans. I had to help my mother this morning."

When her gaze met Yohana, she was startled, both because there was a stranger in the shop before it opened, and because Yohana was the most beautiful woman she had ever seen in her life. And here, she thought she was a decent beauty of Harnisse.

"M-may I help you, Madam?" she asked.

"She's Yohana, my friend," Hans informed her. "Did your mother fall again?"

The young woman's look immediately turned sour. "Yes, Mr. Hans. She was trying to relieve herself, but she did not want to delay my departure."

Hans stopped his hands on the mannequin and sighed, "Goodness! Your mother is as stubborn as you, Francine. Alright now, clap clap, get to work, or are you going to mope all day in my shop?"

"No, Sir. Yes, Sir."

Once Francine disappeared to the back room, Hans told Yohana, "Poor Francine having to take care of her ailing mother. She would be a good seamstress had she had the time to be my apprentice. While she might be lacking in sewing, she marvels in design."

Yohana took a sip of her tea and smiled in awe. "I trust your judgment."


Fine Threads Tailoring excelled in detail, just as the name suggested. Throughout the day, Yohana observed the types of customers coming to pay for their services.

Hans was known for his neat sewing and great attention to detail. With Francine, who offered reliable fashion opinions, they became an invincible duo.

However, their success was clouded by a major tailor shop taking all the attention away from other smaller shops in the town square.

Gilbert Tailor.

It was rumored to be sponsored by a Baron, which explained the fame despite not delivering the same level of quality as Hans did, or so he claimed.

At some point during the day, Yohana spotted the upper-class lady with the innocent smile passing by the shop. She was the same lady who had been chatting with a fruit vendor on Yohana's first day in Harnisse.

It might have been just in her mind, but Yohana felt like the lady was looking at her before quickly turning back around.

"Who is that?" Yohana asked.

Francine almost knew everyone in town. It was a good decision for Yohana to come here. The young assistant then answered, "That's Countess Augusta. She's a commoner like me, you know. But this is Harnisse, marrying a Lord isn't impossible here. You are fairer than her, Madam. Perhaps you will be wedded soon."

One thing Yohana appreciated about Francine was her candor. For as long as she could remember, she had spent her life surrounded by all kinds of deceit, and Francine's honesty was a breath of fresh air.

"Does she use your services?"

That question dampened the atmosphere. Francine and Hans exchanged glances before Francine let out a long, tired sigh. "Unfortunately, she's as naive as other ladies."

They all witnessed Countess Augusta entering Gilbert Tailor. Two ladies-in-waiting followed behind, while there was one particular lady-in-waiting who seemed to be quite friendly with the tailor.

"That's Miss Natali, the first daughter of Baron Roth. Gilbert the tailor is her brother." Francine snorted, remembering something. "It's funny, really. Miss Natali was initially Count Yannik's fiancee, but then Count Yannik met the countess and fell in love. The rest was history."

"Oh my! That's quite a scandal." Yohana gasped, covering her mouth with her hand.

Francine nodded with excitement. "Indeed, Madam. Moreover, Miss Batali was the one volunteering to be the lady-in-waiting. Some people think that she's plotting to take the countess' place."

"Nonsense! You shouldn't listen to baseless gossip, Francine. Miss Natali volunteered to further the family business. As you can see, ever since Miss Natali worked for the Berger, Gilbert Tailor's fame shot up. She couldn't care less about political marriage. It's all business!" Hans chimed in.

Between the two theories, Yohana believed in Hans' theory more, as Francine's story sounded like juicy gossip that had blown out of proportion as it travelled from mouth to mouth.

The women were still fixated on the countess and her ladies in waiting, who were cheerfully talking with the tailor when someone entered Fine Threads Tailoring.

"Welcome, Mr. Reitz," Francine greeted him with a smile.

Mr. Reitz was a tall man with partially grey hair, and his wrinkles indicated a long life. The cane that he used seemed practical rather than just a fashion statement for him.

He glanced back at Gilbert Tailor and produced a sophisticated silk coat from a bag, showing Hans the spot that needed repair.

"I am glad you are still visiting this shop, Mr. Reitz," said Hans.

Placing his hat on his chest, Mr. Reitz replied, "Her Ladyship has a kind heart and is keen to help those around her. As long as she doesn't mind the result, I don't have a say in her choice. But I've served His Lordship for a long time, and I know quality when I see it."

"You are too kind with your compliments, Mr. Reitz."

"I have only spoken the truth."

"Alright, you can have it back by next week."

"Next week it is. Have a good day, Mr. Hans. Miss Francine."

Before leaving the shop, Mr. Reitz bowed to everyone, including Yohana.

"Who was that?" Yohana asked.

"Someone with excellent eye and taste," Hans said, still elated by the commendation.

Francine, with her abundant knowledge of people's identity across Harnisse, said, "That's Mr. Reitz, our regular customer. He is Count Berger's valet. He said that our tailor shop is the best in Harnisse."

"I have no doubt he's right," Yohana said, meaning it.

Meanwhile, her mind was searching for any gap that she could enter. Which one would it be?

The baron's daughter?

The countess?

Or the valet?