Call Me by My Name

Countess Augusta awakened to find Isaak gazing at her sleeping face. Feeling bashful, she tried to retreat, expressing her embarrassment. "What are you doing? I'm so embarrassed. I must have looked awful last night, being so tired because of you..."

They exchanged playful glances, their minds filled with memories of the passionate night they had shared. It seemed that the countess' confession and her acceptance of being called by her name had ignited a deep desire within Isaak.

He leaned in to kiss her gently on the forehead. "You are the most beautiful person in this world. My eyes are only for you, Augusta. If you weren't so exhausted from last night, I would not hold myself back right now."


"Call me by my name as I call you by yours," Isaak said gently.

Countess Augusta cleared her throat and timidly said, "Isaak."

Hearing her melodious voice calling him by his name sent Isaak into a frenzy. He enveloped the countess in his arms and began showering her skin with kisses, exploring every inch with ardent passion.

"Wait, wait," the countess pleaded, pulling herself away from Isaak's embrace. However, he couldn't contain his desires. "Isaak, please, wait."

"Why? My brother is still in the capital. He won't be returning home anytime soon, so you don't have to worry," Isaak explained, his kisses persisting.

Finally, Countess Augusta understood the urgency behind her husband's departure for the capital. She realized that the reason was connected to the former royal family.

Anger surged within her, and she resolved not to back down until she had her revenge.

With Isaak under her spell, she felt fearless. If anything were to go awry with Count Yannik and the worst were to happen, she knew that her brother-in-law could ensure her life of luxury would persist.

Gritting her teeth, she pondered on how she could eliminate the former princess. Suddenly, a realization struck her.

Her husband had mentioned that the former princess was in danger, which was the reason for their living arrangement. It became clear that the whereabouts of the former princess should remain a secret.

Regrettably, Countess Augusta was not privy to the information regarding the former princess, especially due to her past attempt to assassinate the silver lady during her time in the castle.

But the opportunity to find out lay in front of her now.

While basking in Isaak's shower of affection and occasionally returning his kisses, Countess Augusta made her request known, "Isaak, I must discover the whereabouts of the former princess's current hiding place."

Distracted and unable to focus, Isaak responded, "You can inquire once my brother returns home."

"He would never reveal such information to me," Countess Augusta asserted, gripping Isaak's face and locking eyes with him. "Can you find out for me?"

A profound hesitation clouded Isaak's expression. Despite his love for the countess, meddling in his brother's official affairs posed a distinct challenge. It was highly unlikely that Count Yannik would disclose the location to him either.

If Isaak resorted to illicit means, he would be doomed if caught. However, seeing the love of his life, the beautiful Countess, in distress because of this issue, he knew it was imperative to resolve it swiftly.

Gently caressing her cheek, he whispered, "There is nothing I wouldn't do for you."

Countess Augusta smiled and surrendered herself to Isaak's passionate embrace.


Having made his commitment, Isaak knew he couldn't back out now. With his trusted confidant by his side, they explored possible options that Count Yannik might have taken to conceal the former princess.

"My brother has ceased his visits to the brothel since the former princess is no longer there. By tracking his movements, we can likely uncover her current location," Isaak calculated.

"Given that his past actions have been exposed by an unknown individual, he must exercise caution in his movements," Egon, Isaak's advisor, added, referring to the person who informed Countess Augusta about Count Yannik's visits to Nanty Narking.

Isaak nodded. "Yes. Should I have someone tail him?"

"It is dangerous, and it may not pose any benefits. Given the circumstances, it would be better if we find her without coming in direct contact with your brother."

Isaak nodded thoughtfully, recognizing the gravity of the situation. "Yes, directly tailing him would be too risky."

If the lady in question were merely a mistress or a common noblewoman, their approach would be different. However, dealing with a former princess required utmost caution, as any misstep could have dire consequences.

"If I were in his position, I would secure her in a place I trust implicitly, under my own watch," Egon suggested.

He continued, "Perhaps we should focus our investigation on Berger's properties. It's likely that the former princess is staying in one of them, as it would be easier to manage, and he could assign his most trusted individuals to guard her."

Isaak admired Egon's analytical skills. Despite being a second son from a Countship, Egon possessed remarkable capabilities, even if his position afforded him limited authority.

Thus, Isaak began the investigation. Days passed, and Count Yannik finally returned to Harnisse. Reluctantly, Isaak had to let go of Countess Augusta, embracing her tightly before assisting her into the carriage.

"I will visit again," she said, bidding her farewell from within the carriage.

Returning to his office, Isaak immersed himself in the task at hand. He delved into reports detailing his inquiries into all estates owned by the Berger family. Under the guise of routine maintenance, he ordered thorough inspections of each property.

Page by page, Isaak scrutinized the reports, discovering that the majority of the family estates were occupied by close and distant relatives. However, a select few properties stood vacant, offering promising leads and narrowing down the options for their search.

Soon enough, Isaak uncovered the location. Brasven, a rather modest place to accommodate a former princess, held potential as the perfect hiding spot, as Egon argued. Its unassuming nature could provide the ideal cover.

"We shall journey to Brasven tonight to confirm this," Isaak declared. "I am the only one familiar with her face."


The former princess appeared to be adapting well to her humble life in Brasven. However, she seemed to have forgotten just how conspicuous her presence was.

Shortly after their arrival in Brasven, Isaak had already caught wind of rumors about the stunning young lady residing in the Berger manor down by the lake.

To conduct their investigation discreetly, Isaak and Egon rented rooms at the local inn and left their horses there, opting to explore the marketplace on foot.

Posing as prospective homebuyers, they introduced themselves to the locals. They proved to be remarkably trusting, readily sharing information.

When Isaak expressed his interest in the manor by the lake, the merchants all confirmed that it was currently occupied by the daughter of a Margrave who happened to be on holiday.

She went by the name Lady Frederika. While not everyone could recall her name, they all unanimously acknowledged her exceptional beauty.

"I've never seen anyone more beautiful than her," commented one merchant.

"Her silver hair is stunning. That's how I remember her so well," testified another merchant.

"Lady Frederika is incredibly friendly and approachable. She doesn't care about social status, which I find truly amazing. But above all, I find myself frequently visiting the manor just to gaze upon her beautiful face," added another.

Upon reuniting with Egon, Isaak shared his findings, which closely aligned with Egon's discoveries.

"She has instantly captivated the villagers. It's remarkable. One would expect commoners to be cautious around nobles, but she seems to have won them over," Egon observed.

All the evidence strongly suggested that the woman in question was indeed the former princess, albeit under a false identity. Isaak was certain of it. However, he couldn't simply lure her out since she had also seen his face and could potentially recognize him.

They also couldn't be certain that the guards or servants of the manor would allow them in without a valid reason. Acting suspiciously could lead to the servants or guards notifying Count Yannik.

With this in mind, Isaak concluded that direct confrontation was not an option. Instead, they would closely monitor her daily schedule and confirm her identity when she ventured out of the manor, blending in with the other villagers.

To carry out their plan, both men concealed themselves in the bushes near the manor, ensuring they had their horses with them for swift movement if needed.

The following day, a woman wearing a warm coat with a hood approached the gate. "That's not her. It must be one of the servants," Isaak quietly informed his partner. They observed as the woman's figure disappeared down the distant street.

"This is concerning. What if the former princess never leaves the manor?" Isaak expressed his worry.

Egon shook his head, reassuring Isaak that their approach was correct. "You heard it from the villagers themselves, how they admire her beauty. How would they know about it if she never set foot outside the manor?

"Furthermore, it would be even more suspicious for a lady on holiday to confine herself indoors all the time. That would raise more suspicions."

"You're right!" Isaak acknowledged, realizing the validity of Egon's point.

Before the sky turned dark, the woman returned with her baskets and bags filled with supplies she had purchased from the market. As she walked carefully on the uneven ground, ensuring that the contents of her baskets and bags remained intact, someone approached the gate from inside.