A Royal Ball

"You appear to be in good spirits, Princess," Count Yannik remarked on their way out of the palace as Yohana escorted him.

"Yes, thanks to the gracious hospitality of the crown prince. Were you greatly concerned, Count? I apologize for not informing you beforehand about my departure from Brasven. It was a rather impulsive decision," Yohana explained.

"I was unaware that the crown prince had developed feelings for you. Not that it comes as a surprise, considering your beauty has surely captivated many hearts in the past. Will the crown prince be the next one?"

"It appears that he has helped me before, although my recollection is hazy. However, you have also been of great assistance to me, and I am eternally grateful," she said, evading the question.

Count Yannik remained silent for a while, causing Yohana to wonder if she had said something wrong.

"I hope I did not offend you in any way," Yohana added.

"Oh, no, Princess. Please forgive me for being lost in my own thoughts," Count Yannik replied. "I simply cannot comprehend how my wife failed to recognize your kindness. If she had known the kind of person you are, she may not have resorted to such harm against you."

His words seemed to weigh heavily on him, evident by the darkening of his complexion. With his head bowed low, he continued, "I apologize for my wife's actions, Princess. I am at a loss for words, and I understand if you hold resentment toward me for my inability to control her behavior."

"Please, Count, do not blame yourself for the actions of another person. Even though she is your wife, she is an individual responsible for her own choices. It is impossible for you to foresee everything. I still regret causing a strain in your marriage."

Count Yannik shook his head. "You're not the cause of my marital problems, Princess. Please rest assured."

He then continued, "Very well, Princess. I shall take my leave now. I promise to investigate the information leakage and the suspicious evidence regarding the treason claim against your family."

With that, he boarded the carriage and departed for Harnisse.


"What is that boy thinking?!" Queen Emma groaned in fury, slamming the cup onto the table and spilling tea all over the carpet.

Lady Heidi, the queen's favorite lady-in-waiting, immediately ordered Zara, the queen's personal maid, to clean up the mess, emphasizing the importance of removing any stains.

Queen Emma couldn't believe her son's actions. Growing up in the second most powerful family in the Reichwein Kingdom, Henrie had always been closer to his father than to his mother and sisters. This was because King Georg had been grooming him to be the successor.

She had hoped that under his father's direct guidance, Henrie would mature into a respectable man who understood his place and responsibilities. But now, he was behaving like a madman, disregarding his title as the crown prince.

"A royal ball to welcome back the former princess? He might as well just kill me!"

"Your Majesty, I understand your frustration, but it is important for your well-being to remain calm," Lady Heidi gently reminded her.

"Your Majesty, isn't she innocent in regards to the treason claim against the former king and queen?" Lady Catharina, another lady-in-waiting of the queen, boldly voiced her opinion. Known for her extensive knowledge of the latest gossip and news, particularly in high society, she was not afraid to speak her mind.

Lady Heidi quickly elbowed Lady Catharina, shooting her a stern glare for her perceived insensitivity toward the queen.

Queen Emma clenched her teeth in anger. "She has him completely under her spell. What has she done to enchant him so? I must expel that wicked girl from the palace as soon as possible."

"For now, why don't you attempt to persuade him, Your Majesty? As his mother, he may be more inclined to listen to you," Lady Heidi suggested.

"Do you think he would heed my words? We rarely converse. Perhaps I should speak with the king instead," Queen Emma pondered, considering her options.

"I believe it would be wise to have the king on your side. You will need someone's support when approaching the crown prince," Lady Heidi advised.

Queen Emma agreed with Lady Heidi's suggestion and decided to speak with the king as planned. After determining the king's location, she led her entourage of ladies-in-waiting and servants to the king's study. Finn, the king's valet, announced her arrival.

To her surprise, the crown prince was also present in the study. She wondered if the two men had been discussing the royal ball or some other matter.

"We can continue this discussion at another time," King Georg suggested to Henrie.

"No, Father, I'd rather not. I already know what Mother wants to say. It must be about the ball, am I right, Mother?" Henrie responded.

Queen Emma was taken aback by Henrie's confident demeanor and grew suspicious of his intentions. Realizing she couldn't proceed with her original plan, she quickly adjusted her approach. She was sure that she could still persuade King Georg to support her, even with Henrie present.

"You are correct, Henrie. I have come here to discuss precisely that. My dear king, I kindly request you to consider objectively the implications of hosting a royal ball for someone who was banished from the palace. It would tarnish the reputation of our family," Queen Emma appealed.

Silently, Queen Emma added to herself, "As if accepting that girl wasn't enough, he had to go this far for her."

King Georg took a deep breath, deliberately avoiding his wife's gaze. It was clear that her expectations of him would likely lead to disappointment, as King Georg chose to remain silent.

"My King, are you willing to subject our family to ridicule and mockery from society and the people of Reichwein?" Queen Emma pressed, urging for a response.

"My Queen..." King Georg began to speak, but hesitated and closed his mouth once more.

"Mother, her banishment was a misunderstanding. I have already resolved that issue. Didn't you hear it from Lady Catharina? She's known for being a social butterfly," Henrie retorted with a hint of sarcasm.

Queen Emma clenched her teeth, but she composed herself. "She may have mentioned it briefly, but I wasn't paying close attention. Henrie, what is your purpose in all of this? Why must you go to such lengths? If you wish to assert your power over the Schauenstein family, there are alternative ways to achieve that."

"You seem to be misunderstanding, Mother. I am not seeking to consolidate my power. I am simply rectifying what is unjust. It is unfair for Lady Runa to bear such hatred and punishment when she has committed no crime," Henrie explained.

"I fail to comprehend your perspective. It is evident that the previous royal family was involved in treasonous activities, causing significant harm to our kingdom. It is customary to hold all direct family members accountable for the sins committed by one," Queen Emma argued.

"That principle is outdated, Mother. In this day and age, it is disgraceful for us to adhere to it. Do you wish for Reichwein Kingdom to lag behind while other kingdoms and empires progress?" Henrie countered.

"My queen, perhaps a change is necessary to distinguish our rule from those who came before us, to demonstrate the capabilities of our family in leading Reichwein Kingdom to success," King Georg added.

Queen Emma stared at her husband, unable to believe that he was now betraying her. How could he, the person who was supposed to support her, turn his back on her? "Surely you cannot be serious, my king. Are you prepared for the repercussions?" she questioned.

"What repercussions are you referring to, Mother?" Henrie interjected. "Maybe you should spend more time in the audience room, listening to the voices of the public. Then you would understand their perspectives."

Henrie stood up and approached his mother, gently taking her hand and planting a kiss on the back of it, while maintaining eye contact. "Mother, the support for Lady Runa is overwhelming. Everyone wishes to see her reintegrated into society," Henrie asserted confidently.

Queen Emma had many thoughts racing through her mind, but she knew that none of them would be sufficient to sway Henrie's commitment. She was unaware of the true sentiments of the people of Reichwein toward the former princess.

All she knew was that she disliked the girl and was determined to remove her from the picture.

"Oh, by the way, Mother, I appreciate your kind gesture of offering Lady Runa your old dresses. However, I believe those colors don't do justice to her beauty. I will personally take her to the finest dressmaker in the kingdom to create outfits that will match her beauty."

Henrie turned toward the king and offered a respectful bow. "I shall take my leave now. I believe our discussion has been fruitful, and everyone is clear on the matter. Your Majesties."

With her son finally out of the room, Queen Emma felt free to confront her husband. "What is the meaning of this? Why are you defending that treacherous girl? Did Henrie coerce you into this?"

"My queen, please calm down. I understand that you may find his approach extreme, but times have changed, and we must adapt accordingly. As he mentioned, Reichwein Kingdom cannot afford to lag behind."

Although King Georg made his statement, Queen Emma was convinced that he was concealing something, something that prevented him from opposing Henrie's plan.

Realizing that there was nothing she could do about the royal ball, Queen Emma retired to her chamber, seeking solace for her troubled heart.