It’s Really You

Fabian's almond-shaped eyes transformed into crescent moons as he smiled wide. "I can't believe it! It really is you," he exclaimed, then burst into laughter.

Delighted by his recognition, Yohana giggled like a child. "Yes, it's me, brother."

"Do you know what made me so sure that it was you? That's because you brushed your hair first when you got up after falling. Usually, people check if their body is hurt anywhere or at least clean their clothes. But you, instead, focused on your hair," Fabian pointed out.

"Ah…" Yohana muttered. It was the first time she had heard about this. She might have unconsciously done that.

"Do you still hate your hair?" Fabian asked again, this time in a gentler tone.

Yohana smiled and shook her head. She still felt conflicted about her hair, but she didn't feel particularly bad about it.

Suddenly, Fabian's expression turned tense. His eyebrows furrowed. "Don't ever do that again! Aren't there stairs for you to use? Why must you endanger yourself? You scared me," he scolded Yohana.

Instead of feeling offended, Yohana felt refreshed from Fabian's scolding, as it had been years since she last heard it. Nostalgia washed over her, causing tears to well up in her eyes.

"I'm sorry. Was I too harsh?" Fabian asked, in a panic.

"No, it's just that I'm reminiscing about the old days," Yohana replied, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Ah, right. Yes, it's been so long," Fabian acknowledged, studying Yohana's new appearance. He continued, "I believe you have a lot of explanations to give me. But before that, let me ask: how are you?"

Fabian was Yohana's half-brother. They shared the same father, and Fabian was born from the duke's first wife. Yohana had never met Frances, Fabian's mother, but she had heard from the household staff that Frances was a kind woman.

Everyone had cried when the duchess died during childbirth, lamenting that she had gone too soon, too young. She was only twenty years old at the time. Now, at the same age, Yohana found herself inhabiting someone else's body, while her own body might be withering away somewhere on Earth.

After the death of the duchess, the duke married Yohana's mother. Fabian had instantly fallen in love with his baby sister, or so he always told Yohana. There was no one Yohana felt safer with than Fabian.

"To be honest, I don't know how to answer your question, brother. A lot of things have happened. But to summarize it for you, I'm doing just fine. What about you?" Yohana replied.

"I was better when you were still with me," Fabian responded.

Yohana smiled, content with his answer. "What are you doing here, brother? Are you here for business matters?"

"I have an engagement with King Georg. He has summoned me to the palace," Fabian sighed. "I can already guess what it will be about."

"And what is that?"

"The king must want to offer a political marriage with his daughter, Princess Elke."

Yohana recalled Princess Elke's recent actions and finally understood why she had behaved the way she did. Perhaps Princess Elke was aware of the marriage arrangement and was somehow unhappy about it. That's why she had run away from the meeting to avoid the arrangement.

Yohana felt slightly upset that Princess Elke had refused a fine man such as her brother. In Yohana's eyes, no man was better than Fabian. He was gentle and understanding, qualities that were hard to find in the men of the Reichwein Kingdom.

However, she dismissed her unnecessary feelings and instead invited Fabian for a walk to converse more comfortably. "Shall we go for a walk? The palace garden is lovely."

"I would very much like to. However, I must attend an audience with King Georg. It might take a while, but if you're still within the palace grounds, let's meet again," Fabian replied.

"Yes! I am staying here for the time being, so I will wait for you until you have finished your business," Yohana assured him.

In a world full of strangers, Fabian was the only one she could trust, reminding her of the home that she had long forgotten.


The main library in Rathenau Palace was a treasure trove of knowledge, a sanctuary of learning. The atmosphere in the library was one of reverence and awe-inspiring majesty.

Similar to the Bateilla Hall, the library featured frescoes on its ceiling depicting scenes of saints and great thinkers from the past. Yohana took a moment to admire these artistic masterpieces.

As Thea went about her daily chores, Yohana explored the library, marveling at the walls lined with magnificent bookshelves. The shelves held a vast collection of books, manuscripts, and historical texts. The air was filled with the distinct scent of aged paper and leather, creating an ambiance that exuded a deep appreciation for literature.

Sunlight poured through the large windows, casting soft rays of light that danced across the meticulously arranged shelves.

Approximately half of the bookshelves were dedicated to Sanctus, including the history of the Sanctus religion from its earliest days to the number of saints who had ever existed up to the present.

A little further in the library, partially concealed by a wall, was the forbidden section. Yohana wondered if any of the books or manuscripts in that section could shed light on the mystery behind her resurrection and why she had awoken in someone else's body instead of her own.

Yohana glanced at the forbidden section, contemplating how to gain access to it. As she pondered, a petite woman with greyish hair approached her, carrying a stack of books.

"Are you looking for something?" the woman asked curiously.

Yohana hesitated for a moment before replying, "Ah, no, nothing in particular. I'm just interested in... um, magic."

A smile crossed the woman's face. "Ah, you mean alchemy? Come, I'll show you."

Setting aside the stack of books she was carrying, she walked towards the center of the library. She effortlessly slid the ladder and ascended to the upper section of the bookshelves. Navigating with ease, she selected books with instinctual precision, not even bothering to read their covers or titles.

After handing two books to Yohana, the woman descended the ladder while carefully holding onto three more books.

Upon reaching the ground, the woman proceeded to provide brief explanations about each book. The two books in Yohana's hands contained comprehensive information about Sanctus and how the religion approached and utilized alchemy.

The woman further explained that the other two books she had brought focused on alchemy in Solism, a religion predominantly practiced in the eastern kingdoms.

"And this book," the woman said, placing the last one on the table, "is about Tusshia."

Yohana examined the plain maroon cover, intrigued by its simplicity. The title simply read 'Tusshia,' without any mention of an author. It was a mysterious book, and Yohana couldn't help but wonder why the woman had recommended it alongside the others.

"What is Tusshia?" Yohana inquired.

The woman leaned in slightly, her voice filled with intrigue. "In ancient times, before Sanctus and Solism existed, there was a figure revered as a goddess. Tusshia. People worshipped her because they believed she possessed 'magic,' even capable of bringing people back from the dead."

The last piece of information piqued Yohana's interest significantly. If such powerful magic existed, Yohana believed it could hold the key to unraveling the mystery of her own existence.

"If she possessed such extraordinary abilities, why isn't she still worshipped today? Gods don't simply disappear," Yohana pondered aloud.

Sabina nodded understandingly. "Times have changed, and people have shifted their beliefs and perceptions. With the rise of science and a more rational approach, 'magic' came to be seen as something to be feared or dismissed. Tusshia, along with others accused of witchcraft, faced persecution and met tragic fates; they were burned at the stake."

Yohana's face reflected her curiosity, prompting Sabina to introduce herself. "Please forgive my belated introduction, Lady Runa. My name is Sabina. I'm a scholar from Cericce, visiting Reichwein for a knowledge exchange program."

"Cericce?" Yohana expressed her disbelief.

Cericce Kingdom was known for its unwavering devotion to Orthodox Sanctus, the oldest and most conservative branch of the religion. This branch strictly adhered to the original teachings and traditions of the saints, and its followers followed stringent scriptures and dogmas.

It was highly uncommon for someone from Orthodox Sanctus to show interest in other religions or belief systems.

"I understand your surprise," Sabina replied, seeming to anticipate Yohana's thoughts. "But are you aware that your fiance has been actively promoting greater tolerance among the kingdoms?"

Yohana was aware that before Henrie became the crown prince, while he was the son of Duke Georg von Siegfried, he had made efforts to promote equality and create a safe space for believers of different religions, allowing them to practice without fear of punishment or societal consequences.

"During one of his visits, I had the opportunity to help translate an old manuscript about Solism," Sabina revealed. "As I delved deeper into the pages, my curiosity grew. I wanted to understand why Solists held certain beliefs and why they revered the sun as their supreme creator."

"That curiosity led me here. It was only during my time in Reichwein that I came across the mention of Tusshia. A missionary briefly mentioned her name. I shared this information with Henrie, and he made efforts to find more manuscripts and texts related to her existence and practices. However, it seems that Henrie faced challenges in gathering such materials," she explained.

"Thank you for sharing this with me," Yohana expressed her gratitude and excused herself to find solitude where she could focus on the new books Sabina had recommended.

As she made her way toward a seat near the window, she caught sight of Thea on the first floor. Thea was pressed against the wall, surrounded by several maids who left no room for escape.

Suddenly, one of the maids with red hair struck Thea in the face and sneered, "You and your criminal lady will be expelled from the palace soon."