This Is Your Chance

Lady Rafaela's eyes widened, and she was unable to close her mouth in surprise. This was the reaction Yohana had anticipated, as it indicated that she was correct—Lady Rafaela was somehow involved in this.

"Forgive me, Lady Runa. I have no idea what you're talking about," Lady Rafaela avoided meeting Yohana's gaze, tightly clasping her fingers, causing them to lose color.

"I am here to offer you a chance, Lady Rafaela. I know you're not a bad person. Perhaps you were forced into this situation, or maybe you were dragged along somehow. But you can still change that," Yohana said calmly, gently removing Lady Rafaela's fingers to prevent her from hurting herself. "I'm doing this for your benefit."

Lady Rafaela crumbled. Tearfully, she opened her mouth, almost drooling as her emotions overwhelmed her. However, she remained silent.

Yohana persisted, "Lady Rafaela, I'm certain you understand how much Henrie cherishes me."

The mention of the crown prince without the proper addressing form itself was intimidating for someone in Lady Rafaela's vulnerable position.

"Tomorrow, he will uncover the truth of this matter. Imagine if he discovers your involvement! Do you think he can forgive you for falsely accusing me of theft?" Yohana heightened Lady Rafaela's fear, speaking as tenderly as possible to avoid sounding threatening.

"It wasn't me!" Lady Rafaela finally spoke, breaking down in tears as she admitted her involvement. "Her Majesty asked me to provide false testimony for the trial."

"I understand. In that case, would you be willing to disclose who actually placed the necklace in my chamber? If you provide me with this crucial information, I promise that you will not face any repercussions. We will pretend this conversation never took place. Even if you are compelled to give false testimony later, I will ensure that no harm befalls you," Yohana assured her.

Lady Rafaela bit her lower lip, sobbing, as she took her time to contemplate her decision. Yohana could imagine the thoughts racing through her mind. Should Lady Rafaela accept this offer, what would be her fate in the aftermath? If Queen Emma discovered her actions behind her back, would Lady Rafaela lose her position?

Thea knelt down on her knees. "Lady Rafaela, I implore you to tell us the truth. Will you be able to live with the guilt if you continue to perpetuate lies?"

"I'm not lying! It was Lady Heidi who suggested the plan, not me!" Lady Rafaela burst out, feeling wronged by the accusations.

"Was it Lady Heidi who placed the necklace?" Yohana narrowed down the suspect but needed final confirmation.

Lady Rafaela shifted her gaze between Yohana and Thea, the initial surprise fading into timid resignation as she nodded.

Taking Lady Rafaela's hand in her own, Yohana smiled and said, "Thank you, Lady Rafaela. I appreciate your honesty, and I will never forget your assistance. I will ensure that Henrie knows about your significant contribution tonight."

Yohana excused herself and returned to her own chamber, where Henrie anxiously paced back and forth, awaiting news.

"Runa! How did it go? Did she say anything?" Henrie immediately inquired, approaching Yohana.

She nodded and revealed the answer they had been desperately searching for. "It was Lady Heidi."

Clenching his fists tightly, Henrie exclaimed, "I will have her hanged for this despicable deed!"

"Wait, Henrie, where are you going?" Yohana grabbed his arm, preventing him from leaving.

"To confront her and have her immediately brought to trial. What else?" Henrie's voice was filled with impatience and rage.

"No, I have a plan. And regardless of what happens, can you ensure Lady Rafaela's safety? If your mother discovers what she revealed to us, Lady Rafaela may not be able to escape unscathed," Yohana stated.

Yohana proceeded to share her plan. She believed that in order to prevent the queen from attempting such schemes in the future, she needed to assert her own power. She aimed to show Queen Emma that she was a force to be reckoned with, not a helpless maiden unable to retaliate against injustice.

"Tomorrow morning, once we ensure that Lady Heidi is in the queen's chamber, someone should place the necklace under her pillow, in the exact same location where she had placed it in mine," Yohana instructed.

Everyone nodded in agreement. Henrie would keep the necklace for the time being and assigned his trusted man to carry out the crucial task the following morning.


To be honest, Lady Rafaela did not initially intend to defame Lady Heidi. When Lady Runa asked her about the person responsible for placing the necklace in her chamber, Lady Rafaela simply denied the accusation and revealed the true mastermind behind the scheme.

However, when Lady Runa misinterpreted her words, Lady Rafaela saw an opportunity to undermine Lady Heidi's influence. Lady Heidi had long been a source of annoyance during Lady Rafaela's service to Queen Emma.

Although Lady Rafaela did not anticipate the situation to escalate to this extent, she did imagine that Lady Heidi would face some form of punishment, such as losing her position, rather than being imprisoned.

Despite feeling guilt, Lady Rafaela remained silent throughout the ordeal. Upon returning to Queen Emma's chamber, she kept the secret to herself and refrained from speaking.

Queen Emma was consumed by rage, hurling objects and screaming in fury. Meanwhile, Zara knelt on the floor, pleading for her life.

"Your Majesty, please believe me. I did as I was instructed. I witnessed it with my own eyes and placed the necklace myself. I have no knowledge of how the necklace ended up in Lady Heidi's chamber," Zara pleaded, pressing her forehead against the carpet as her tears dampened its surface.

"If it wasn't you, then who ruined the plan? We meticulously devised it. Now Lady Heidi is gone. Look at the mess you've created! How will you take responsibility for this?" Lady Odetta wailed in distress.

Queen Emma directed her glare at Zara. "Are you absolutely certain that you placed it in Lady Runa's chamber? Is it possible that you entered the wrong room?"

"Your Majesty, it would be highly unlikely for me to confuse the two chambers, as their locations are significantly apart from each other. Besides, I would be able to discern whether I was entering the ladies-in-waiting's quarters or the princesses' quarters," Zara reasoned in her defense.

"How dare you lie so shamelessly! We all know that you did not fulfill your duty properly. It was your responsibility to place the necklace in Lady Runa's room!" Lady Odetta accused Zara with growing hysteria, seemingly believing that venting her anger on behalf of the queen would appease Queen Emma.

With Lady Heidi absent, Lady Odetta saw it as an opportunity to become Queen Emma's trusted confidante and right-hand aide. Lady Catharina was a fair person, she would be unfit to help with the queen's schemes.

"If you did indeed place it in Lady Runa's chamber, and yet the necklace was discovered in Lady Heidi's chamber, it can only mean that Lady Runa intentionally moved it. She is undoubtedly mocking me," Queen Emma exclaimed, slamming her hand on the table in a fit of anger.

"Your Majesty, it is highly improbable that Lady Runa possesses the cunning of Lady Heidi," Lady Odetta retorted.

Rather than being pleased with Lady Odetta's skepticism, Queen Emma grew even more furious. "I did not realize you were so ignorant, Lady Odetta. Lady Runa has openly defied me on multiple occasions. This is not the first time we have witnessed her acts of defiance. And yet, you still believe she is incapable? If I were to heed your words any further, I would risk becoming as ignorant as you. Leave this instant!"

"Your Majesty...?" Lady Odetta was taken aback by the queen's sudden outburst.

"I said leave!" Queen Emma snapped, forcing Lady Odetta to hastily exit the chamber.

Only Lady Rafaela remained in the chamber, maintaining her silence to avoid offending Queen Emma or inadvertently exposing her involvement with Lady Runa.

"Lady Rafaela, what do you propose we do with Zara, who has failed in her responsibilities?" Queen Emma inquired, seemingly testing Lady Rafaela rather than genuinely seeking advice.

Lady Rafaela fought the urge to bite her nails, remembering Queen Emma's reprimands about the unsightly habit. She racked her brain for the best course of action to suggest in this delicate situation.