Stay Away from the Cellar

"Promise me you will never approach it. In fact, stay away from the cellar entirely. Just leave it be," Elisa pleaded, her voice fragile, tears welling up in her eyes.

Yohana's curiosity heightened with the intensity of Elisa's reaction. "What is Princess Eleanor hiding behind that door?"

Shaking her head, the youngest princess trembled, her fear palpable. "Promise me, Lady Runa... You must promise me!" Her words were laced with desperation.

Yohana grew certain that Elisa held knowledge of what lay hidden behind that door, and the sheer terror gripping the child confirmed the gravity of the secret. "Alright. I promise,"

Yohana relented, realizing there were alternative approaches to uncovering Princess Eleanor's secret. She knew there were other methods she could employ to unveil the mystery concealed within the depths of the cellar.

Concerned about the potential consequences for Princess Elisa, Yohana feared that delving into the secrets of the cellar would only bring further problems.

In accordance with the third princess's plea, she decided to respect her wishes and remain where she was, refraining from investigating the cellar, at least for the time being.


Elisa was taken aback by Lady Runa's sudden interest in the cellar door. Although Elisa was not fully aware of the horrors that lay behind it, she had come to know her sister well enough to understand the need to stay away.

Reflecting on their childhood, Elisa vividly remembered the time when their father had gifted Eleanor a stunning bird. Its vibrant feathers mesmerized Elisa, but Eleanor was possessive and fiercely guarded her belongings. Elisa longed to touch the bird but could only admire it from a distance.

Every day, Elisa would steal moments to visit Eleanor's chamber, stealing glances at the bird she had grown fond of as it grew day by day.

One day, when Eleanor was absent, Elisa couldn't resist the temptation and entered the chamber to stroke the now sizeable bird.

Somehow, Eleanor discovered Elisa's act. Consumed by rage, she unleashed havoc upon Elisa's bedchamber. She tore through curtains, sheets, sofas, flinging furniture toward the wardrobe, and even burning Elisa's dresses.

In a calculated move, Eleanor spun a tale to their mother, Queen Emma, painting Elisa as the one gone mad—claiming Elisa had destroyed her own chamber in a fit of jealousy, attempting to shift the blame onto Eleanor. No matter how vehemently Elisa defended herself, Queen Emma turned a deaf ear to her protests.

The torment did not cease there. After weeks of weeping and seclusion, Elisa managed to regain her composure. It was precisely at that moment when Eleanor chose to strike again.

She callously left the lifeless bird in Elisa's sitting room, its stomach gruesomely slit open. Blood stained the surroundings, splattered in a macabre display, while the very knife used for the cruel act lay discarded on the floor.

That single horrifying incident left Elisa traumatized, instilling an unwavering fear that prevented her from ever defying her sister's wishes again.

Hence, when Princess Eleanor invaded her bedchamber, seeking answers about her escape from the dungeon, Princess Elisa felt an overwhelming sense of intimidation.

As her mind scrambled to conjure believable falsehoods, fear and anxiety constricted her throat, rendering her speechless. Her breath grew shallow, her chest burdened by an oppressive weight as if a colossal force rested upon it.

Overwhelmed, Elisa crumpled to the floor, bracing herself with trembling palms.

"I implore you, sister," Eleanor demanded with a chilling tone. "Will you persist in ignoring me? Just confess. How did you manage to escape the dungeon? The locks were custom-made, tailored to be impervious to any key but their designated counterparts."

Eleanor pressed her foot onto Elisa's hands, twisting with deliberate cruelty, inflicting additional pain.

"Ah!!" Elisa's piercing scream echoed through the room, tears streaming uncontrollably from her eyes.

"Will you not tell me yet?" Eleanor taunted, placing her other foot on Elisa's remaining hand. She bounced in place, a wicked giggle escaping her lips, which soon transformed into maniacal laughter. "TELL ME, SISTER!! TELL ME, MY DEAREST ELISA!!"

"Please... Eleanor, please stop..." Elisa pleaded, her desperate cries drowned out by Eleanor's deranged laughter.

Hanne and Annelise stood at a distance, observing the scene from the corner. Annelise, wearing an eyepatch, in particular, seemed to relish looking down upon Elisa.

Elisa pondered whether it had been a mistake not to dismiss Annelise right then and there. However, suggesting such a course of action would require providing a valid reason. Elisa hesitated, not wanting to offend Eleanor by divulging the truth, so she opted to keep Annelise by her side while exercising caution.

"Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!" Eleanor continued to jump, caught up in the heightened excitement. But her fervor proved to be her downfall as she lost balance and nearly toppled over.

Seizing the opportunity, Elisa swiftly withdrew her hands, crawling backward, inching away from her deranged sister. Eleanor, incensed by the escape of her captive, radiated anger.

"Y-you... you forgot t-to lock," Elisa stammered, unsure if her words would be convincing enough for Eleanor to accept.

"Did I?" Eleanor thought.

Elisa struggled to discern whether Eleanor had truly believed her explanation or not. Eventually, Eleanor departed, leaving Elisa and Annelise alone in the room. With a sigh of relief, Elisa regained her composure. She wanted to look for the remedy for her stinging hands.

Observing the eyepatch adorning Annelise's right eye, Elisa couldn't help but suspect its origin. She needed confirmation. "What happened to your eye?" she inquired, her voice tinged with concern.

Annelise lightly touched the eyepatch, evading a direct response. "It's nothing," she replied curtly before swiftly turning away.

Annelise's attempt to conceal the truth only served to solidify Elisa's suspicions. It became apparent to her that Eleanor must have subjected Annelise to severe punishment, perhaps even resorting to physical violence.

The notion that Eleanor may have gouged out Annelise's eye sent a shiver down Elisa's spine, causing goosebumps to rise on her skin.

Quickly dispelling the horrifying thought, Elisa shook her head, convincing herself that Eleanor would never go to such extreme lengths. After all, Annelise was a human being, not a mere animal like the bird.

However, this was Eleanor they were dealing with, and within the realms of possibility lay a disturbing truth if it indeed involved Eleanor's actions.


Elisa made her way to her mother's chamber, where Queen Emma welcomed her with evident delight seeing her youngest daughter restored to good health. Elisa couldn't help but wonder if her mother had believed Eleanor's claims of illness all those nights.

If Queen Emma did believe Eleanor's feigned sickness, then why had she not promptly called upon the family doctor to attend to Elisa? Was Eleanor still exerting control over their mother? Elisa swallowed her inquiries, knowing that voicing them would only lead to undesirable consequences.

"How are you feeling now, my dear?" Queen Emma inquired as she guided Elisa to sit on the sofa.

"Better, Mother. Thank you for your concern. I apologize for my absence during family dinners for the past several nights. And how are you, Mother?" Elisa expressed her gratitude, wholeheartedly accepting the queen's affectionate gestures. She craved the warmth of her mother's love.

Queen Emma tenderly caressed Elisa's chin and replied, "You still think of me even when you were the one who fell ill? Thank you, my child. You are my precious treasure. As for myself, I am in good health, but that woman is becoming unbearable!"

Elisa held her mother's hand in hers and mustered the courage to ask, "Mother, why do you harbor such animosity toward Lady Runa? Brother has informed us that Lady Runa played no part in her parents' treason."

"You are too naive," Queen Emma mused, lightly touching the tip of Elisa's nose. "Perhaps it is because you are still young and have yet to fully comprehend the complexities of this world. There are cunning women who seek to ensnare men in positions of power, like your brother, for their own selfish gain."

Elisa was certain that Lady Runa was not the type of woman her mother feared, but she chose to remain silent. This reunion with her mother marked their first intimate encounter in some time, and Elisa did not wish to disrupt the harmonious atmosphere by contradicting her. She resolved to revisit the subject at a more opportune moment in the future.

"Your Majesty, Landgravine Natali von Meindl has sent a letter," Lady Rafaela, who had assumed Lady Heidi's previous position, presented Queen Emma with an ornate envelope.

Queen Emma opened the letter and announced to those present that the landgravine would be hosting a debutante ball for her daughter, Katja, and that the royal family was cordially invited.

"I would prefer to exclude that woman from this social event," Queen Emma commented, although she acknowledged that such a wish might not be feasible.

A sudden realization brightened the queen's countenance as an idea took hold. "Ah, yes! I recall glimpsing Katja in her youth. She is an exquisite young woman with impeccable manners. Perhaps I should arrange for Henrie to accompany us to the ball. If he has the chance to meet Katja, I am confident he will succumb to her charms. I must simply provide him with the opportunity."