Torn Dress

"My Lady!"

Before he could succeed in his attempt, though, Thea came into the picture, linking her arm with Runa's. Runa was now mesmerized by Thea's excited expression, and Henrie's chance to kiss her slipped away.

Nevertheless, Henrie refused to let go of Runa's hand, and Runa showed no signs of trying to escape his grasp. He tightened his hold on her, taking a deep breath as he gazed at the sky like everyone else.

In that moment, he reassured himself that this was enough for now. He reminded himself that he must wait patiently for the day when Runa would wholeheartedly give him her love, and only then could he dare to hope for more.

As soon as they boarded the carriage, Runa finally realized how much time had passed.

"I apologize, Henrie. Because of me, you have spent a lot, both in terms of money and time. Will we make it to dinner? Are you tired? If we were to return sooner, you would have enough time to rest. I should have listened to you," Runa expressed her remorse, her gaze lowered. The bouquet of tulips rested beside her.

Henrie gently took Runa's hands, interlacing his fingers with hers and caressing her soft skin. He kissed the back of her hand. "I would choose to spend more time with you over rest any day, as long as I have you by my side."


The dress arrived a few days before the masquerade party, and Mrs. Lo herself delivered it for the final fitting. With the assistance of Thea, Yohana put on the gorgeous dress.

She was grateful for Mrs. Lo's presence in the palace, as it provided a welcome distraction from the memories of that night in the town square.

Night after night, Yohana replayed that memory in her mind. Was she mistaken? Did Henrie actually attempt to kiss her? She was well aware of Henrie's feelings for the real Runa, but she never imagined he would take steps to advance their relationship.

Furthermore, Yohana had explicitly expressed that she did not reciprocate those feelings. If Henrie continued his pursuit, would Yohana's own emotions begin to waver?

"As expected of Mrs. Lo. You truly have a gift for creating masterpieces like this," exclaimed Thea.

"Thea, your enthusiasm is boundless but she's right. This dress is stunning, Mrs. Lo," Yohana commented.

"It is my honor to craft dresses for a living sculpture such as Her Ladyship," replied Mrs. Lo.

The royal blue silk dress gracefully draped around Yohana's figure, showcasing a fitted bodice adorned with delicate silver embroidery, adding an exquisite touch of elegance.

To complement the enchanting dress, Yohana wore a stunning set of sapphire earrings and a necklace with intricate silver designs. The necklace, a true masterpiece, featured a pendant of a large sapphire encircled by a halo of sparkling diamonds.

Completing the ensemble, Yohana donned a mask crafted from delicate royal blue lace. Its intricate lacework mirrored the elegant embroidery of her dress, resting gently on her nose bridge and adding an aura of mystique.

Everything seemed to be going well. Yohana had safely stored her dress and jewelry in her wardrobe, with Henrie even buying her a larger jewelry box to accommodate her growing collection.

Thea had taken great care to ensure the dress remained unwrinkled until the day of the ball, and the mask was safely stored in the cabinet.

However, a dreadful incident occurred on the eve of the masquerade ball. As Henrie accompanied Yohana, with Thea following behind, to her bed chamber from the dining room, Thea suddenly collapsed onto the floor.

Tears streamed down her face as she slowly turned toward Yohana. "My Lady... This is terrible."

Yohana hurriedly entered the chamber and saw her dress lying on the carpet. In stark contrast to its previous majestic condition, the dress was now torn and severely damaged. It was evident that someone had sneaked into the room and committed this atrocious act.


Henrie picked up the dress and carefully examined the damage. "I don't think this dress can be used anymore, Runa. Should we head to the town square right away? We have no choice but to buy a ready-to-wear dress."

Yohana glanced at the darkened window background and responded, "It's already dark. Most shops would be closed by now."

"You're right," Henrie pondered for a moment before suggesting, "Perhaps Mrs. Lo could reopen her shop for us."

"If she's in town, I'm sure she would, but she mentioned that she would be visiting an acquaintance for about a week. Let me think of another way," Yohana replied.

After much consideration, Yohana and Henrie found themselves at a dead end with no viable solutions. Yohana took a deep breath and decided, "I will use the dress I haven't worn yet. It should save our faces, although having matching outfits is impossible now."

Henrie appeared visibly disappointed, but without a better solution in mind, he had no choice but to accept Yohana's decision.

Suddenly, Thea grabbed Yohana's hands, wiped away her tears, and steadied her breathing. Her expression transformed into one of firm determination. "My Lady, if you would allow me, please let me try to fix the dress."

Yohana felt conflicted. She appreciated Thea's goodwill and her eagerness to help, but relying solely on her would be a significant risk.

How could Thea fix the dress? Despite Mrs. Lo's praise for Thea's taste and quick learning in fabric and fashion, Thea had no formal education as a dressmaker.

"But, Thea, how would you do that? There are no fabric shops or tailors open anymore. It's futile to go around the town square asking," Yohana reasoned.

Thea tightened her grip on Yohana's hands. "I have a plan, My Lady. At least let me try. I won't be able to sleep tonight with this issue. If I insist, I might have a nightmare. If I can't fulfill my promise by tomorrow, you may wear the dress in the wardrobe."

"It's dark outside. What if bad people attack you?" Yohana expressed her concern.

Seeing a possibility, albeit small, Henrie jumped in, "I shall appoint a guard to accompany you."

Feeling reassured by Henrie's help and moved by Thea's determination, Yohana finally gave her permission. "Fine. But remember, if you can't find anything, just come home. Your well-being is more important to me than the dress."

"Thank you, My Lady. I will prepare your bath before leaving," Thea headed to the bathroom, but Yohana stopped her.

"I can do that myself. The dress is more urgent."

Thea left the room with a knight, who was standing outside of Yohana's chamber. Now that she had gone, Yohana collapsed onto the sofa. "Will she be alright?"

"I'm certain she will. Let's give her a chance to help you," Henrie assured before returning to his own chamber.

Though not particularly religious, Yohana decided to pray tonight for Thea's safety. She hoped that Thea could fix the dress, but if not, she wished it wouldn't discourage her. This could be a valuable lesson for Thea, Yohana convinced herself.


"Your Majesty, have you seen the dress that Lady Runa bought?" Lady Catharina commented while serving the queen's lunch.

"I have not. Is it something that needs attention?" Queen Emma didn't seem interested in any positive development regarding Lady Runa.

"It is the talk among all servants, Your Majesty. I hear that the dress is very beautiful, and those who have seen Lady Runa wearing it swore that she would be the star of the ball. They even felt bad for Landgravine Natali's daughter because Lady Runa would steal people's attention all to herself," Lady Catharina further updated the queen with the latest gossip in the palace.

Queen Emma snorted, unwilling to know more than this.

"She will wear matching outfits with His Highness. They have their outfits made at the same place. I bet they will be the talk of the town after the ball," Lady Catharina spoke with excitement.

"What?" Queen Emma halted her motion. This was news that she couldn't accept. How far would Henrie go to announce his relationship with that woman? If they went to the party with matching outfits, that would only intimidate Katja and lessen their chance to be together afterward.

Queen Emma bit her lower lip. She tapped her fingers, thinking hard of a way to stop Henrie's plan. "I can't let that happen," she muttered.