[Bonus chapter]The Duchess Died

The king of Reichwein had two children, one daughter and one son. The daughter was highly coveted for her beauty and ability to entice just about everyone, making diplomatic talks easier. The son, however, had been hiding in the shadow. But Yohana thought that a son would definitely inherit the father's title.

"I'm not the crown prince. My sister will inherit the throne," he told her, which came as a surprise.

"Is that allowed?"

Ansgar raised his shoulders. "I don't know. My father did it anyway. I heard he has appointed her as the heir apparent since before I was born."

Yohana thought for a while. A lot of questions stormed her mind, and she didn't know which one to ask first. In the end, the one she was most curious about was the sorrow in his tone. "Are you okay with that?"

"Why wouldn't I be? She's pretty. Everyone loves her. If I appear in front of people, they wouldn't love me the way they love her." Ansgar said it casually, hinting that being second was natural to him.

"Why do you think so? I think you're lovely too," Yohana leaned in, watching his green eyes closely and seeing the reflection of herself. She giggled. "You have beautiful eyes."

Ansgar didn't take it well. He blushed and turned away, hiding his face in his arms. "What are you doing?"

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable," Yohana said, returning to her previous position, away from Ansgar. "I just thought that you shouldn't undermine yourself just because someone superior is near you. Everyone has their own strength, something they can be proud of."

He rubbed the back of his neck, while still keeping his eyes away from Yohana. She was curious about what he was feeling right now. With everyone around her kindly listening to her, no matter what she was feeling, Yohana became a very open person. She couldn't understand why and how someone hid their feelings.

"You don't have to hide your feelings," she said.

Ansgar peeked through his arms and looked at her with surprise in his eyes. "My mother always tells me to be strong and composed at all times. She wants me to be the future king, although the king doesn't even see me."

Yohana smiled warmly at him. "Being strong doesn't mean you can't have emotions. It's okay to feel vulnerable sometimes. It makes you human."

He seemed to consider her words for a moment. "You're different," he said softly.

"In what way?" Yohana asked.

"You treat me like a person, not just a prince," Ansgar replied, his guard lowering slightly.

"Well, you are a person first and foremost," Yohana said with a gentle chuckle. "And I believe everyone deserves to be seen and heard for who they truly are."

Ansgar's green eyes met Yohana's, and she saw a glimmer of gratitude in them. "Thank you, Yohana."

"There you are!" said a familiar voice, sending shivers down Yohana's spine.

The man had found her! She tried to rise back up and run away, but the man was faster, his legs longer than hers.

"What are you doing?! Let her go!" Ansgar tried to peel the man's arm from Yohana's waist, but the boy was considerably smaller and weaker in comparison. "I will tell the queen!"

The man snorted and tauntingly looked at Ansgar. "The queen told me to do this, stupid boy."

Ansgar's face turned pale with shock and anger.

The man smirked, sensing the power he held over the young prince. "Now, be a good little prince and stay out of this. This doesn't concern you."

Ansgar clenched his fists, his determination to help Yohana overcome his fear. "I won't let you hurt her!"

"What is this?" Queen Charlotte appeared. Yohana's fear worsened.

"Mother, did you really order him to kidnap Yohana?"

Ansgar's confusion was evident as he twirled his fingers, his gaze fixed timidly on his mother. Yohana couldn't help but sympathize with him, realizing that even the prince himself was afraid of Queen Charlotte's wrath.

"You should return to your study!" Queen Charlotte's voice was stern, and her gaze bore into Ansgar.

"But, Mother… it is break time before the next lesson," Ansgar mumbled, his shoulders hunched in submission. Yohana could see the fear in his eyes, and it made sense why he had confided in her about not wanting to meet the queen.

Queen Charlotte's expression softened slightly, but her tone remained firm. "Go back to your studies now."

Ansgar hesitated for a moment, torn between obeying his mother and protecting Yohana. Yohana saw the internal struggle in his eyes. After he left, the queen led the man, carrying Yohana on his shoulder, to a blue pavilion, later revealed as the Pagoda.

Yohana was locked inside the pavilion, but servants delivered meals regularly. Ansgar didn't visit for the first several days, but he eventually discovered her location.

Weeks passed, and then, one day, someone unexpectedly arrived at the pavilion, swiftly grabbing Yohana's wrist and guiding her toward the southern palace gate. The woman wore a humble servant's dress, but her confident demeanor and determined expression spoke of a deeper purpose. She was panting heavily, glancing over her shoulders anxiously as if worried about being caught.

At the gate, the maid handed Yohana a bag of coins, insisting, "Here, take it. A carriage is waiting for you. Just a short walk away."

Grateful yet bewildered, Yohana couldn't help but ask, "Why are you doing this for me?"

"I'm not doing it for you. I'm doing it for Her Highness," the maid cryptically replied before darting back towards the palace, leaving Yohana both curious and astonished.

With the bag of coins in her hands, Yohana felt a mixture of emotions as she left the pavilion behind. The carriage led her back to the Reinhard manor. She asked to be dropped off nearby and paid for the ride.

As she walked toward the manor, someone grabbed her hand. "Lady Yohana!" It turned out to be Nina, the servant she saw last before being kidnapped. "You're back!"

Nina quickly pulled Yohana away from the manor. "It's not safe here. Let's go somewhere else." They ended up at Nina's house.

Once they got there, Nina informed Yohana that royal knights were now involved in the incident. Yohana's father suspected that the king was behind the kidnapping, given his desire to take her mother back as a concubine. The movements in and out of the manor were now under the scrutiny of palace guards, who reported directly to the royal palace.

After explaining the situation, Yohana noticed Nina's lips quivering. Concerned, Yohana inquired about what had happened, and Nina dropped to the ground, crawling to Yohana's feet.

"What are you doing, Nina? Please get up," Yohana urged gently.

"I should have questioned him. I shouldn't have let him take you. I should have come with you. Even if he said that there's no need for a servant, I should have insisted," Nina cursed herself, crying her eyes out.

"I'm alright now. It's the kidnapper's fault, not yours," Yohana reassured her, trying to lift her up, but Nina refused.

Nina pressed her forehead to the ground. "Duchess Bianka died in an accident while she was looking for you."

Yohana's heart sank, and grief filled her soul. She couldn't believe what she had heard. In that moment, a part of her heart seemed to shatter. As Yohana grappled with the harsh reality, Nina hurried back to the manor and returned with Fabian.

The two siblings embraced each other tearfully. They cried out of both joy and sorrow - joy for finding each other again, and sorrow for losing their mother.

"It's my fault," Yohana muttered repeatedly, and each time, Fabian would be there to deny it. "It's not. Mother just loved you too much, and she couldn't help herself but act upon the slightest information."