The Queen’s Allies

Yohana then divulged how Eleanor came to her, asking for her help by switching gowns. Her reasoning was that she needed to find a husband, which Henrie thought was a lie. Even though Eleanor was not against marriage as Elke was, Eleanor also wasn't the type of woman who would find a husband through a ball. She was the type to give a direct proposal to a man she had her eyes on.

Memories of the royal family dinner came to his mind one by one. He recalled how Eleanor kept inquiring about Duke Fabian, and how the queen brushed it off as a mere crush.

"What did she say to you?" Henrie's face turned glum.

"At first, she wanted to shake hands with me. But I knew better than to make physical contact with an unaccompanied, unmarried young lady. She moved closer to me, demanding more, while I struggled to stay away without offending her. When I had had enough, I told her that I knew who she was."

It was certainly a bad experience, seeing the terrified face of Duke Fabian just reminiscing that incident.

He continued, "She became agitated and pretended not to understand. I told her bluntly that she was not Lady Runa, and that she was actually Princess Eleanor. She exploded and threw wine on me, then she pulled the tablecloth, screaming some more, and stormed out."

"Your Highness, I wouldn't mind the rumor about me, but could you please save Duke Fabian from this?" Runa requested.

Henrie felt a pang in his heart, seeing the lady of his dreams requesting him to protect another man.


Ever since that incident, Eleanor had been cooped up in her chamber, missing dinners and avoiding public appearances.

Queen Emma couldn't shake off the memory of her eldest daughter running from the grand hall, wearing Lady Runa's royal blue gown. She feared that if people connected the dots, they would realize the lady in the unsavory gossip with Duke Fabian was none other than her daughter.

Fortunately, it seemed that they had mistaken her for Lady Runa.

With witnesses testifying that they saw Lady Runa entering the grand hall in that very same blue gown, it was inevitable that people would point fingers at her. The gossip mill was already in full swing, spreading rumors and assumptions like wildfire.

Queen Emma's mind was abuzz with devious schemes as she saw an opportunity to exploit the chaos. Her plan was to use a tea party as a cover to launch another attack on Lady Runa's reputation. She immediately set Lady Rafaela and Lady Catharina to the task of sending out invitations to her allies.

"Make sure they are all on my side," Queen Emma commanded, her eyes glinting with determination.

"Very well, Your Majesty, I will attend to it right away," Lady Rafaela nodded and excused herself to write the invitations. Lady Catharina, with her vast network and knowledge of recent gossip, was the perfect asset for this mission.

As her trusted advisors went to work, Queen Emma turned her attention to the grand event she was about to orchestrate.

"Get the pavilion ready! Bring the most lavish delicacies and imported teas that we have," she ordered, a fierce glint in her eyes. "If we run out of supplies, buy whatever we need from the town square. Cost is of no concern. This party must be remarkable."

Lady Odetta rose from her seat and called for Zara to assist her. Together, they hurriedly left the queen's chamber to make the necessary arrangements.

A wicked grin crossed Queen Emma's face as she plotted a way to destroy Lady Runa's reputation further. "This party will be the perfect stage for spreading rumors and sowing seeds of doubt among the attendees," she mumbled to herself.

She planned to allocate a sum for the charity budget, though it would be far from enough for such an extravagant affair. Queen Emma knew that typically, one would need ten times that amount, or even more, for a grand event.

But Lady Runa's lack of experience in organizing gatherings and managing household matters would play in the queen's favor.

In the past, Lady Runa had focused on diplomatic matters rather than traditional feminine roles. Queen Emma blamed this lifestyle for her daughter Elke's refusal of marriage, believing that women should embrace their roles as caretakers of the house and leave political and kingdom matters to men.

Yet, despite her frustrations, Queen Emma couldn't ignore the fact that King Alois himself had appointed Lady Runa as the heir apparent. The news had been a blow to her pride, and she had initially rejected the idea.

But now, she saw an opportunity to undermine Lady Runa and regain control over the kingdom's future. With her tea party scheme in motion, Queen Emma's heart raced with anticipation as she prepared to execute her cunning plan.


As the tea party commenced under the warm embrace of early summer, Queen Emma's closest allies gathered near the enchanting Pagoda, surrounded by the majestic trees of the garden. Some of the ladies sought refuge under the cool shades, engaging in lively conversations as they observed the nearby canal.

Margravine Finya approached Landgravine Natali with sympathy, "Landgravine Natali, let me extend my condolences to the incident at your beloved daughter's debutante ball."

Baroness Monica chimed in, "I'm sorry for Lady Katja. She deserved better on her big day."

The baroness' close friend, Countess Laura, questioned, "Has she received marriage proposals, Landgravine Natali?"

"Thank you for your concerns. Katja was having a hard time, but some gentlemen showed great interest in her." Landgravine Natali managed a bittersweet smile.

Baroness Yasmin, known for being swayed easily by rumors, couldn't help but add her own thoughts, "I can't believe Lady Runa is such a loose woman. I heard that she's a beautiful lady, but I suppose look isn't all there is to a lady. Being gorgeous won't make people forget her unseemly behavior."

Queen Emma took note, recognizing the baroness's malleable nature as both an advantage and a risk.

As the conversations flowed, Queen Emma realized she didn't need to manipulate the situation further. The rumors had already planted the seeds of doubt in her guests' minds, and she was confident that Lady Runa would face their harsh judgment.

Just then, Lady Runa arrived, becoming the center of attention. "Good day."

Queen Emma played her part, introducing Lady Runa to each guest with a seemingly gracious demeanor. Lady Runa reciprocated the greetings with poise and charm.

"Ladies, you can still enjoy the garden from inside the pavilion. Come inside and have some tea before it gets cold," Queen Emma invited her guests to enter the pavilion.

Inside the pavilion, three prominent ladies were already seated - Margravine Ester, her sister Lady Felizia, and her daughter Lady Beatrice. To be able to invite two people to someone else's party proved how powerful Margravine Ester's influence was.

As the ladies settled into their seats, there was no place left for Lady Runa. Seizing the moment, Queen Emma orchestrated the next move, pretending to notice the oversight.

"Oops, there must have been a mistake. Lady Odetta, could you please look for a chair for Lady Runa? We can't have her standing alone, can we? I'm afraid she would lash out at us too."

The stage was set, and the players were in their positions. The tea party had become more than just a social gathering—it was a battleground of reputations and alliances.

Queen Emma's plot to tarnish Lady Runa's standing was in full swing, but she was about to discover that her adversary was not as defenseless as she assumed.